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Departmental Exams November 2024 Halltickets Released.



[G.O.Ms.No. 87 Finance [TFR] Department dt. 31-1-2002 w.e.f. 1-4-2002

[1]    Challan Form -APTC Form 10 

[2]    Employees Advance Bill form — A.P.T.C. Form 40

 [a]     All Loans and Advance like FA, G.P.F., A.P.EW.F., GIS, FBF, HBA, MCA, MA, CA etc— APTC FORM 40A shall also be used as Annexure to APTC FORM 40 for GPF withdrawals.

[b]     Pay Advance/ TA Advance

[c]     Advance for Medial Expenses

[3]    Salary bill form-A.P.T.C. Form 47

Drawl of pay and allowances for both Gaz. And Non-Gaz., Encashment of leave, Leave Salary, Educational concessions.

[4]     TA Bill form-A.P.T.C. Form 52

[a] T.A



[c] F.T.A.


Conveyance Allowance

[e] Bus Warrants



[5]    Abstract contingent bill [A.C.bill] – A.P.T.C. form 57

 [a]     For drawl of all types of advances by the Government Officers authorized by the Government with specific sanction for departmental purposes for which detailed bill are required to be submitted to the AG

[b]     Drawls under T.R. 27

[6]     Fully vouched contingent bill form — A.P.T.C. form 58


Over time allowances

[b] Tiffin Charges


Medical Reimbursement

[d] Ex-gratia/ adhoc payments


Honoraria payments

[f] ESI allowance



[h] Office expenses


Professional and Special

Services [j] Rents,rates and taxes



[l] Advertising sales and publicity


Hospitality charges

[n] Secret services


Materials and Supplies

[p] Other charges-legal charges


Diet charges

[r] Purchases of all kinds with vouchers

[s]     Monthly Honorarium to Village Servants/Anganwadi Workers/Adult        Education, Extension workers etc.

[t]      Recoupment of imprest.

A.P.T.C. Form 62

[a]  Refund of Revenue

[b]  Refund on account of spoiled stamps

[8]    Deposit repayment bill form — A.P.T.C. Form 64

[a]  Repayment of revenue deposits

[b]  Repayment of court deposits -Civil and Criminal

[c]  Repayment of earnest money deposits

[d]  Repayments of other departmental deposits or Security deposits

[e]  Repayment of user charges deposits

[9]    Pension Bill form — A.P.T.C form 75 / 76

[a]  First payment of pension

[b]  Lifetime arrears

[c]  Death relief

[10]  Grants-in-aid bill form — A.P.T.C. form 102

[a]  Grants-in-aid of all kinds

[b]  Social Security – Exgratia payments

[c]  Exgratia and Relief to victims of Natural calamities

[d]  Legal aid to poor

[e]  Discretionary grants made to individuals/institutions

[f]  Adjustment of taxes/cess to local bodies such as entertainment tax, profession Tax, water tax, surcharge on stamp duty, motor vehicles tax, mineral cess etc.

[g]  Consolidated pay on 300 contractual services

[11]  Scholarships and stipends bill form – A.P.T.C. 103

For drawl of all kinds of scholarships and stipends

[12]  Loan Bill form – A.P.T.C. Form 108

For drawl of loans sanctioned by the Government in favour of institutions and private individuals.

[13]  Stamp discount bill form

A new bill form was introduced for allowing stamps discount to the stamp vendors.


A.P.T.C. FORM 36:- currency Chest Book.

A.P.T.C. FORM 37-A:- Bill for withdrawal from the Treasury cash balance for deposit into currency chest.

A.P.T.C. FORM 38:- Verification statement of currency chest balance.

A.P.T.C. FORM 39:- Register of receipt and return of departmental cash chest and for the safe custody in the Treasury.

A.P.T.C. FORM 40:- Employees Advance Bill.

A.P.T.C. FORM 40-A:- Bill for with drawal from General and other Provident Fund.

A.P.T.C. FORM 41-B:- Certificate of deduction of tax from income chargeable under the Head “Salaries”

A.P.T.C. FORM 41-C:- Register/schedule of recovery of court attachment of payee etc.

A.P.T.C. FORM 47:- Pay Bill Form.

A.P.T.C. FORM 49:- Periodical Increment Certificate.

A.P.T.C. FORM 52:- T.A. Bill form

A.P.T.C. FORM 57:- Abstract Contingent Bill

A.P.T.C. FORM 58:- Fully vouched contingent bill

A.P.T.C. FORM 62:- Refund Bill.

A.P.T.C. FORM 64:- Deposit Repayment Bill

A.P.T.C. FORM 65:- Refund of lapsed Deposit

A.P.T.C. FORM 66:- Voucher of transfer of deposits.

A.P.T.C. FORM 69:- Objections raised by the Treasury on pre-audit of the bills – Model objections printed.

A.P.T.C. FORM 70:- Treasury Bills Book

A.P.T.C. FORM 70-A:- Pas book or list of cheques cashed against the account of….

A.P.T.C. FORM 73:- Pass book or list of cherques cashed against the account of ….

A.P.T.C. FORM 74:- Certificate relating to the specimen signature of a person taking charge of an office by virtue of which he will have power to sign cheques on behalf of local body

A.P.T.C. FORM 75:- Pensioner’s bill

A.P.T.C. FORM 76-A:- Bill for withdrawing DCRG

A.P.T.C. FORM 76-B:- Form of intimating regarding the death of the pensioner who elected the A.P.Govt. Servants (FW) Rules 1964.

A.P.T.C. FORM 81:- Register of pension payment orders

A.P.T.C. FORM 88:- Acquittance rolls

A.P.T.C. FORM 89:- Permanent Advance Register

A.P.T.C. FORM 101:- Letter of authority to be sent to the Treasury/Bank.

A.P.T.C. FORM 102:- Grants in Aid bill form

A.P.T.C. FORM 103:- Bill for Scholarships and stipends.

A.P.T.C. FORM 104:- Receipt of acknowledgement of sealed cash chests, pockets etc., deposited for safe custody in Treasuries.

A.P.T.C. FORM 105:- Register of payment orders issued on the branch of the bank.

A.P.T.C. FORM 106 Increment watch register

A.P.T.C. FORM 107 Indemnity Bond

A.P.T.C. FORM 108:- Loan Bill

A.P.T.C. FORM 109:- Pay bill register

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