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wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025

2.1.1  Works are classified in two Categories:

(i) Original Works.

(ii) Repairs Works/Maintenance (Para 88 of ‘D’Code)

The repairs works are again classified in two categories.

(i)  Ordinary Repairs/Maintenance i.e. pure maintenance.(para 133 ‘D’ Code)

(ii)  Special Repairs (Para 134 ‘D’Code)

2.1.2  The Estimate for ordinary repairs lapses on the last day of financial year or such other date as may be fixed by Government. (para 137 ‘D’)

2.1.3  Estimate for original work or special repairs remains current till completion of the work if completed with in 5 years of its sanction.  If execution is not taken within 5 years of its sanction, the sanction lapses. (Para 139 & 186 ‘D’ code).

2.1.4  In case of works involving both original and repair operations such as replacements etc., for the purpose of ascertaining the power of sanction,  the whole cost should betaken to original work but eventually the cost difference between new work and that of the replaced work should be treated as original and the cost dismantled portion be classified under repairs. (Para 93 ‘D’ code)

2.1.5  No original work should be started without administrative approval and sanction to technical Estimate thereafter.

2.1.6  (a) The necessity for obtaining revised Administrative Approval arises when the expenditure is likely to exceed.

  1. i) The original Administrative Approval


  1. ii) The technical sanction by more than the limits prescribed by Government from time to time or when material deviations occur. (Para 102 ‘D’ Code).

(b) Administrative Approval in Respect of Major and Medium Projects

The Administrative Approval for Major & medium Projects covers the following three parts.

  1. i) Estimates based on Detailed investigation
  2. ii) Sub Estimates prepared for representative works.

iii)  Lumpsum provisions.

In respect of Part-I  : The provision of applying 10% above Administrative Approval for according technical sanction is not available.  This restriction does not apply if the SSR is changed upwards and if material’s cost go up.

In respect of Part-II  : The provisions of applying 10% over the Administrative Approval is available.

In respect of Part-III  : Detailed technical sanction has to be sent to Government in which case the Estimates come under Part-I.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 47, I&P, Dt: 05.03.1980).

2.1.7  If the repair works requisitioned by Civil Officers does not exceed not exceed Rs. 2500/- Executive Engineer may order direct execution without Estimate(Para 110 ‘D’ code)

2.1.8  Splitting of works or purchases in to bits, the total value of which exceeds the powers of sanction of an authority is not permitted by the provisions allowed for individual petty works. (Para 111 ‘D’ Code)

2.1.9  (a)   i) Works each costing more than Rs. 1.00 lakh and those each costing less than Rs. 1 lakh but from part of a scheme of Rs. 5 lakhs and above are Major Works.

iii)  All other works costing less than one lakh are Minor Works.

(b) Incidentally works each costing more than Rs. 1.00 lakh are to be classified under capital head.

2.1.10 Certain works which are of original Character are classified as repairs works.

(Note: 26(3) and (4) in Appendix 4 of ‘A’ Code)

2.1.10    Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers can sanctioned detailed works Estimates against the provisions under each head sanctioned in the project.

sanctioning Estimates, the works should be inspected by the Engineers as per guidelines given under.

i) Works Costing more than Rs. 10.00 lakhs : Chief Engineer
ii) Works costing more than 3 lakhs but not exceeding Rs. 10 lakhs : Superintending Engineer
iii) Works Costing more than 1.00 lakh but not more than 3 lakhs : Executive Engineer
iv) Works costing less than Rs. 1.00 lakh : Dy. Executive Engineer.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 492 PWD, Dt: 14.05.1973)

The total of LS Provision in earth work Estimate should not exceed 10% of the value of work Estimated based on detailed measurements, in respect of works costing Rs. 1.00 lakh and 5% in respect of works costing over Rs. 1.00 lakh.

(CE.MI. Memo. No. F4/70-79/79-5, Dt: 10.11.1979 & even number Dt:23.12.1985)

PS Charges are provided in the Estimates at the following rates.  The PS charges should not be diverted for any other items of work.

a) Estimates upto Rs. 10000/- : 5%
b) Estimates above Rs. 10000/- upto 1.00 lakh : 4% subject to a minimum of Rs.500
c) Estimates above Rs. 1.00 lakh and upto Rs. 100 lakhs 3% subject to a minimum of Rs. 4000
d) Estimates above Rs. 100 lakhs : 2 ½ % subject to a minimum of Rs. 3 lakhs.

(Para 117 of ‘D’ Code)

The provision for in PS Charges in working Estimates is to be made with reference to the cost of the big project of which the working Estimates forms part of (G. O. Ms. NO. 987 PWD, Dt: 18.07.1972)

A Provision of 1% should be made towards handling charges in the Estimates for purchase of machinery.

The provision of contingencies should not be diverted for any other new items subject to however the exceptions covered by Para 428(e).

Unforeseen items of work are provided at the rate of 2% (Para 117 –a of ‘D’ code).

Audit charges are provided at 1% in Irrigation Projects.

(a) The provision for establishment and T&P charges is made in the Estimate for Irrigation Projects. (Para 396 ‘D’ code).

(b) the Provision for establishment and T&P charges is made in respect of other than Irrigation Projects as per rule 19 of Appendix 7 of APWA Code.


  1. a) Only the items of work which meet the precise objects of the works should be executed. Any savings should not be used for additional work which is not contemplated by the Original Estimate without specific authority.
  2. b) Savings due to abandonment of substantial section of any project sanctioned by an authority are not available for works on other sections of the project subject however to the exceptions laid down in para 398 of ‘D’ code.
  3. c) A substantial section of project shall be considered to have been abandoned if the estimated cost of work in such section is not less than 5% of the total estimate of the project, excluding, in the case of Irrigation Projects, the estimated cost of head works.(para 182 of ‘D’code)

In exceptional cases, authority competent to sanction a project as a whole technically can accord technical sanction for deferent components in the absence of sanction to detailed Estimate for whole project provided such components are covered by Administrative Approval and the technical sanction to the component does not exceed 10% of the provision made therefore in the administrative sanction for that component.(Para 183 ‘D’ code)

Expenditure on maintenance of Government buildings is regulated with reference to the following

yard sticks Medical buildings (Hospitals) Rs.3000/- per S.ft.
Educational Buildings Rs. 2.20/- per S. Ft.
Other Buildings Rs. 1.60/- per S. Ft.


(G. O. Ms. NO. 211 TR & BSI, Dt: 05.07.1989)

Annual expenditure on ordinary repairs is limited to 4 ½ % of capital cost in respect of buildings aged more than 2 decades and 2 ½% in respect of buildings aged less than 2 decades.  Capital cost excludes land cost and land appurtenants. (Para 144 & 144-A of ‘D’ Code).

Such items of work as are to be legitimately provided in an ordinary repair Estimate should not be classified as special repairs (para 148 ‘D’ Code).

While washing, painting etc., items of work to the buildings are to be carried out as per the below mentioned yard sticks.

Category of Builds While washing Color Washing Snowcem/ Distemper Oil Painting Authority
1.Hospitals Annual Annual Once in 3 years Once in 2 to 3 years Chief Engineer R&B Buildings

Circular memo TA8/JE7/27/



2. School & Colleges Annual Annual One in 3 years 2 to 3 years
3. Offices  Once in 2 years Once in 2 years Once in 2 to 3 years Once in 3 years
4.Residentials Annual Once in 2 years
5. Hostels Annual annual

As per circular memo. No.TA9/Cir/7350/91, Dt: 08.041992 of the CE (R&B) Buildings and Admn. Hyderabad, priority for roof leakages, structure as repairs etc., should be taken up as 1st priority and repairs to WS and sanitary fittings, electrical installations etc., should be taken as 2nd priority and while washing, color washing etc., should be taken up and completed after 1st and 2nd priorities.

Sanction of Estimates is no authority to incur expenditure unless funds are provided by competent authority.  Works to be executed will have to be listed out and included in the budget for the year and the works started after the budget is voted.

(Govt. Memo. No. 1146-N2/67/4, PWD, Dt: 15.07.1967)

The finished or through rates should be rounded off as follows in the Estimates.

If the rate is less than Rs. 5/- then to the nearest 5 paise.

IF the rate is more than Rs. 5/- but below Rs. 50/- it should be rounded off to the nearest 10(ten) paise.

If the rate is more than Rs. 50/- but below Rs. 1000/- it should be rounded off to the nearest whole number.

Rates over Rs. 1000/- should be rounded off to the nearest ten.

The estimated amounts and estimated quantities should be rounded off as follows (For individual items or for the total work)

Amount/ Quantity in units Round of to Example
1. 3 Digits or less Nearest whole number 9 Instead of 9.35

323 Instead of 323.25

2. 4. Digits Nearest ten 4720 instead of 4723
3. 5 Digits Nearest 100 66400 instead of 66385
4. 6 Digits Nearest thousand 423000 instead of 423470
5. Lakhs Thousands 6.23 Lakhs instead of 623460
6. Crores Lakhs 5.44 Crores instead of 54374500

(G. O. Ms. NO. 345, Fin & Plg (PW) Dt: 08.09.1982)

Sanction of original authority should be obtained in case revised Administrative Approval is required.

(G. O. Ms NO. 1127, PWD, Dt: 20.08.1997)

Schedule of rates, the Chief Engineers under the control of Irrigation & Power Department be delegated with enhanced – powers to sanction such excess upto 35 percent of the cost of the original Estimate.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 1571 & P(Irr.V) Dept., Dt: 07.05.1980)

Works done for the welfare of scheduled tribes and for the development of scheduled areas at the cost of the Department concerned are exempt from the levy of percentage charges of establishment and T&P vide appendix 7 of APWA code.

(G. O. Ms. No. 245 PWD Dt: 24.02.1971)

The Estimate for deposit works shall include the following besides other items of work.

Establishment charges : 13% of works outlay
Tools & Plant : 1 ½ % of works outlay
Audits & Accounts : 1% of works outlay
Pensionary Charges : 1% of works outlay
Total 16 ½ %

If the works on behalf of other Departments are executed, the charges to be levied shall be 14% of works outlay (Appendix 7 of APWA code)

In respect of works on behalf of local body, the local body shall pay 2 ½ % of the estimated cost subject to a minimum of Rs. 10/-

a) For preparation of plans only 1% : Subject of a minimum of Rs. 10/-
b) For preparation of estimates only 1 ½ %

(G. O. Ms. No. 395 PWD Dt: 28.03.1969)

No work shall be executed unless sufficient deposit is received by the Department.

(G. O. Ms. No. 875 MA Dt: 21.11.1970)

For issue of certificate of reasonableness of tender premium or for scrutiny of rates adopted in Estimates prepared by a university or other autonomous body for the purpose of obtaining grant from UGC, State Government charges shall be at ½% of the estimated cost exclusive of the cost of land.

(G. O. Ms. No. 974 PWD, Dt: 22.05.1970)

Uniform procedure for extra percentage allowable in earthwork.   The Board of Chief Engineers decided to adopt the following allowances on earth work from 1.9.83.

1 To soil removal : Upto 5%
2 Compacting upto proctors density : 10%
3 Shrinkage allowance : 1%
4 Wastage Allowance : 1%
5 Allowance for compaction and shrinkage in all cases of conveyance : 12% to 12 ½%
6 Swell Factor (For conveyance clay by tippers/Lorries etc.,) : 25%

(Circular Memo. No. T8/95/73-80-11, Dt: 8.9.80 of CEM/I)

Maintenance grant for Major and Medium irrigation works shall be worked out at Rs. 40% per acre annum.

Estimates after being sanctioned by proper authority should be returned to the Executive Engineer for record in his office.

(Para 211 of APWD Code)

REVISED ESTIMATES: A Revised technical sanction must be obtained whenever it is likely to exceed the estimate by more than the powers of the officers to pass excess over expenditure for any reason other than tender premium or whenever material developments necessitating revised Administrative Approval occur.

(Para 214 D. code G. O. Ms. NO. 242 PWDDT: 11.2.96 and G. O. Ms. No. 292 TR&B, Dt: 8.9.80)

The LS provisions in the Estimates of buildings of Irrigation of Department for water supply sanitary fittings (Internal and external) and electrification (Internal and external) shall be 15% and 10% respectively.

(ENC (Iri). Memo. DCE, 1/F4/7071/79-37, Dt: 23.2.88)

R&B Department:

i) Provision for internal and external Electrification : 7 ½%
ii) Internal & External Water Supplying : 12 ½%

(CE (B) Memo. T2/Lib/65-7, Dt; 26.9.73)

Superintending Engineers/Executive Engineers will have no powers to sanction excess over revised Estimates sanctioned by higher authorities.

(Govt. Memo. NO. 368-Y/70-3 PWD, Dt: 5.6.70)

The Departments seeking permission for road cutting for laying utility services may close the trench by themselves or request the R&B Department to close the trenches.  In the later case, they have to deposit the required funds with the R&B Department.  The R&B Department should not divert the funds.

(TR&B Memo. 1593/RIIICD 94, Dt: 10.10.95)

  1. O. Ms. NO. 182 I&CAD, Dt: 27.9.97
  2. SSRs shall be made effective from the 1st June, beginning of the Water Year, as Central/Stage Government budgets would have been approved and possible escalation in prices is known.
  1. Estimates shall generally be prepared, sanctioned and tenders invited during June-October to ground the works in November (Nov-June), the beginning of the Annual Working Season.
  2. SSR shall be made realistic based on market conditions, input prices, taking into consideration of Price indexes, supplied by Bureau of Statistics.
  1. The SSR will contain rates for work by earth moving machinery (Cycle time, life of machinery etc.,) in respect of all major works including earth works. IN respect of small works costing less than Rs. 5.00 lakhs, the manual earth work rate is to be adopted.  The Contractor will be given an option for manual or machine operations.
  2. The Estimates shall be prepared realistically providing all statutory taxes and all overheads amenable to fairly accurate assessment.
  3. The present practice of supply of Cement, Steel, Bitumen, Blasting Materials, by the Department is dispensed with. All Principal construction materials, like Cement, Steel, Bitumen etc., shall be procured by the contractors.
  4. The Practice of mentioning quarries for construction materials and water along with the leads in the tender schedules is dispensed with. The contractor shall procure the required materials from the quarries of his choice as per the specifications mentioned in the Tender Schedules.
  5. Price escalation is permitted in contracts for works costing over Rs. 2.00 lakhs with a period of completion exceeding eighteen months tenders should be called for only where land acquisition work is completed, design, detailed Estimates are ready and funding is assured, Milestones and liquidated damages are to be stipulated for works costing more than Rs. 50.00 lakhs. This Board of Chief Engineers is requested to evolve a formula for calculation of Price Escalation and obtain approval of the Government.
  6. In performance of the work the defect liability period of 6 months shall be increased to 12 months. According to para 457 of APW “A” Code, action may be taken for conversion of cash deposits of contractors into interest bearing securities like National Savings Instruments other than Indira Vikas Patra.  Necessary amendment to the specification No.28 of APSS will be issued separately.
  7. Tenders with excess of 25% or less by 25% of the estimated rates shall be summarly rejected. Where the estimated rates is different from the current schedule of rates, the excess of reduction in the tender percentage shall be compared with the schedule of rates in operation at the time of evaluation of the tender.  The rest of tenders will be scrutinized carefully to arrive at the reasonableness of the rates quoted.


  1. O. Ms. No. 521 Irrgn (PW) Dt: 10.12.84) : (New rules)

And proceedings of Board of Chief Engineers, Dt: 10.6.85 & G. O. Ms. NO. 1781 I&CAD, Dt: 27.9.97.

Classes of contractor Value upto which can tender Authority for Registration Solvency required Fee to be remitted Certificate of past experience in a year
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Special Class:
a) Civil Above Five Crores Board of Chief Engineers Rs. 5 Lakhs Rs. 500 Rs. 75 lakhs (Group of works) Rs. 50 lakhs (single work)
b) P.H Engg.
c) Furniture
d) Electrical
e)Fabrication & Erection of structural steel Above Rs. 5 lakhs upto any amount Board of Chief Engineers Rs. 1 lakhs Rs. 500 Rs. 8lakh(Group works) Rs. 5 lakh (Single Work)
2. Class-I
a) Civil Above 100 lakhs and upto 500 lakhs Board of CEs Rs. 2 lakhs Rs. 300 Rs. 15 lakhs (Group of works) Rs. 10 lakhs (Single work)
b) PH engg Above Rs. 1 lakh and upto any amount Board of CEs Rs. 10000 Rs. 300 Rs. 3 lakhs (group of works) Rs. 2 lakhs (Single work)
c) Furniture
d) Electrical
e) Transport Above Rs.2 lakhs upto any amount Board of CEs Rs. 100000 Rs. 300 Rs. 3 lakhs (group of works) Rs. 2 lakhs (Single work)
f)Fabrication & Erection of structural steel Above Rs. 2 lakhs upto Rs. 5 lakhs Board of CEs Rs. 500000 Rs. 300
3. Class-II
A) Civil 40-100 lakhs Chief Engineer Rs. 1 lakh Rs. 150 Rs. 6 lakhs (Group of works) Rs. 4 lakhs (single work)
b) PH Engg Above Rs. 50000 and below Rs. 1 lakh Chief Engineer Rs. 10000 Rs. 150 Rs. 1 lakh (Group of works) Rs. 75000(Single work)
c) Furniture
d) Transport
e) Transport Above Rs. 50000 and upto Rs. 2 lakhs Chief Engineer Rs. 10000 Rs. 150 Rs. 1 lakh (Group of works) Rs. 75000(Single work)
f) Fabrication & Erection of structural steel Above Rs. 50000 and upto Rs. 2 lakhs Chief Engineer Rs. 25000 Rs. 150 Rs. 1 lakh (Group of works) Rs. 75000(Single work)
4. Class – III
a) Civil 10.40 lakhs Superintending Engineer Rs. 50000 Rs. 100 Rs. 3 lakhs
b) PH Engg Upto Rs. 50000/- Superintending Engineer Rs. 50000 for (b) to (e) & Rs 100 Rs.40000 (Single work)
c) Furniture
d) Electrical
e) Transport
f) Fabrication & Erection of Structural Steel Rs. 10000 for (f) Rs. 40000(Single works)
5 Class-IV
a) Civil 2.10 lakhs Superintending Engineer Rs. 25000 Rs. 50 Rs. 1 lakh
6 Class-V
a) Civil Upto Rs. 2 laks Executive Engineer Rs. 10000 Rs.30 The applicant should have functioned as agent or an employee under class I contractor.

RULES FOR registration

  1. The monetary values for past experience are those that executed during one year but any one year during past five years can be considered.
  2. For works in Groups of PH engg. Furniture, electrical & Transport, Registration will be done for class 1 to class 3rd only.
  3. For transport registration in Class-3rd, the applicant shall possess one Transport vehicle in his name.
  4. For PH. Engg. Works the contractor shall have plumbing License or license Plumber as his technical agent.
  5. For Electrical works, the contractor shall be a Licensed electrical or possess an Electrician as his Technical Agent.
  6. Income Tax clearance certificate should be produced by all applicants including cooperative societies.
  7. The Registration shall be done twice in a year only(i.e. January & June) and will be for five years in that particular class.
  8. The following documents shall be produced for Registration.

Application Form in the prescribed proforma with Rs.5/- court fee stamp affixed thereon. (Act No. 22/1989).

Treasury challan or DD towards Registration Fees.

Solvency certificate from MRO/a Scheduled Bank.

Experience Certificate.

Latest Income-Tax Clearance Certificate.

Latest Income-Tax Clearance Certificate.

Partnership Deed & Form ‘C’of Registrar of Firms in the case of Partnership Firms/Companies.

Copy of engg. Degree in the case of unemployed Engg. Graduates.

  1. A Contractor can register his name in more than one category.
  2. Before registering in any class or category the contractor shall be asked to sign in the code of conduct appended to the Divisional copy of APSS.
  3. A Contractor shall not apply for Registration in his name and also in the name of partnership company which runs in his name in the same class/category at time.
  4. The Register of contractors should be periodically reviewed by the Registering authorities for weeding out from the approved lists such contractors who have not secured any work during a period of three consecutive years.
  5. The contractors of other states shall get themselves registered in this state before tendering for works in this state.
  6. The name of the contractor can be removed if the.


  1. He failed to execute a contract for more than once or for unsatisfactory execution (or)
  2. Is found to have given false particulars or information at the time of registration (or)
  3. Persistently violates the important conditions of Agreement Bond/ or labour regulations (or)
  4. Is responsible for construction defects in a number of cases (or).
  5. Is Declared bankrupt in solvency.
  1. The fact of removal shall not be communicated to the concerned contractor. But if it is considered essential to make such communication, only bare intimation of the removal without assigning any reasons either orally or in writing is sufficient.
  2. the Chief Engineer may blacklist a contractor with the approval of the Government for committing serious irregularities such as bribery, corruption, fraud, smuggling, unauthorized use or disposal of Government, materials, Interpolation in tenders, refusal to pay Government dues continuously, conviction by the court of law for offence involving more turpitude in relation to business dealings or suspected disloyalty to state.
  1. Restoration may be considered at an appropriate time on the merits of each case by the authority who has passed the original orders in respect of all above cases.
  2. If the partnership firm and also one or more of its partners tender for the same work the tenders of partners will not be taken into consideration (G. O. Ms. NO. 491 PWD, Dt: 14.05.1973)
  3. Solvency certificate need not be insisted upon from the unemployed / Retrenched Engineers at the time of Registration.
  4. Identity cards will be issued to the contractors by the registering authority.
  5. A higher class contractor shall also be allowed to tender for works in the lower classes with out getting himself registered in the lower category.


The tenders notices, Agreements and other contract documents should be drawn up in the standard forms (para 153 code ‘D’)

The standard forms are given in APSS Engineers and their subordinates are responsible for strict adherence to the terms and any violation tend to nullify or vitiate a contract (Para – 154)

Chief Engineer should not amend PS and standard forms in appendix of the APSS as such amendments may have legal implications.  The Chief Engineer can amend detailed standard specifications.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 86, PWD, Dt: 21.01.1969)

All the preliminary specifications to APSS form part of LS contract where-as for K2 contracts those specified in appendix VA to APSS only are applicable i.e some sections of PS are not applicable.

Tenders should be invariably called for, for works costing Rs. 5000/- and above and the tenders notice should contain all the points covered by the G. O. 182 I&CAD Dt: 27.9.97 ( there is published as para 2.2.34).

(G. O. Ms. NO. 361, TR&B, Dt: 2.9.1985)

Tenders for all works costing Rs. 5.00 lakhs and above are to be published in prominent daily News Papers.

(G. O. Ms. No. 1007, TR&B Dept., Dt: 5.11.1976)

Tender Notices for all works costing more than Rs. 10000/- should be published in the “Tender Digest”(applicable to Irrigation Department including projects)

(G. O. Ms. NO. 362, Irr Dept., Dt: 12.8.1981/G. O. ms. NO.166, I&PD(PW)Dept., Dt: 5.7.1988)

The Government have permitted the Chief Engineer, Superintending Engineer and Executive Engineer to call for tenders giving 15 days time only instead of one month and also exempted the publication of tender notices in the “Tender Digest” in respect of Drought relief programme works.

(G. O. Ms. NO.475, Irrn (PW) Dept., Dt: 22.11.1982)

In respect of Minor works costing upto Rs. 10 lakhs of National Highways, it would be sufficient if the advertisements for such works are issued in tow regional papers, one printed in English and the  other in the local language.

(mot. Letter No. NH.III/P4/82, Dt: 21.08.1985)

Fixation of time limit for receipt of tenders in all projects under Irrigation Department only.

i. For work costing upto Rs. 10000 7 days
ii For works between Rs. 10000 and 1.00 lakh 15 days
Iii For works between Rs. 1.00 lakh and Rs .5.00 lakhs 21 days
Iv For works more than Rs. 5.00 lakhs 30 days

(G. O. Ms. NO. 11, Cood/80-5, Dt: 6.6.1980 I&P (PW) Dept.)

Time table for tender notices and tenders in Irrigation Department for publication in tender digest.

Sl No Date of issue of tender notice Date of receipt of tender notice by publication cell (Upto Friday) Date f publication in Tender Digest Date of receipt of opening tenders
1. Work costing 1st day Between Rs. 10000/- and 7th day 25000/-10th  day 25th day
2. Work costing 1st day Between Rs.25000/- and 7th day 100000 10th day 25th day
3. Work costing 1st day Between Rs.100000/- and 7th day 500000/- 10th day 30th day
4. Work costing 1st day Above Rs. 50000/- 7th day 10th day 40th day

The uniform rate for the sale of tender documents is prescribed as follows:

1 Typed matter : Rs. 2.00 per each page
2. Printed matter : Rs. 4.50 per each page
3. Printed Tracing or plan : Rs. 6.00 per each.  Irrespective of size
4. Minimum cost : Rs. 50


Sales Tax Extra (Circular Memo. No. DCE.1F4/76867/80, Dt: 5.02.1990 of Engineer-in-Chief, Irrigation, AP).  These orders are in force from 01.03.1990, R&B Engineer-in-Chief, memo. No. 7446/TA-1/90, Dt: 06.03.1990.

The Accountant General has taken objection for providing average leads for conveyance of soils from the external borrow areas on the ground that SSR provides for actual leads and not average leads.

In respect of Estimates sanctioned for certain different items such as excavations of soils with different classification, excavation of foundations and excavation for tail end approach channels etc., the type of work involved under each of the above items for the same type of works varies in nature from structure to structure depending on site conditions, Clubbing up of the quantities in schedule-A for all similar items of works with difference conditions for quoting the rate by the contractor will result in a weighted average rate.  It will not be possible for the Departmental officers to know the mind of the tenders about the breakup of the rates worked out for arriving the weighted average rate by the tenders for regulating payments.  All Chief Engineers are requested to incorporate in the schedule-A quantities with its description for each sub-work sanctioned separately for inviting for inviting tenders in future.

(G. O. Ms. NO. COT/DEE.I/J2/95, Dt: 01.09.1995 of COT, Hyderabad)

4.1.14    The contractor should procedure documentary evidence of having paid Seigneriorage Charges to the Government as envisaged in G. O. ms. No. 243 Ind & Com, Department dt: 08.08.1986 amending the rule26(2) of APMMC rules 1966.  IN the absence of production of such evidence, the normal seigneriorage fee together with five times penalty provided in the said rule will be recovered from the contractors bills the Government have cancelled the orders issued in govt. Memo. No. 49/B/1-2/91-2, Dt: 04.04.1991 of TR&B Department.

(G. O. Ms. No. 6 TR &B(B.II) Department, Dt: 12.01.1996)



Copy of:-



Works – Execution of public works – Tender contract system, streamling the procedure in processing of tenders – Revision of Clauses in Tender Schemes – Review of performance of Registered contractors etc., – Orders –Issued.


Irrigation & CAD (Projects. Wing. COD) Department.

  1. O. Ms. NO. 85   Dt: 20.03.1993

Read the following:-


Government have been considering for some time the measures necessary to improve the present tendering procedure in the issue of tender notices and Schedules, receipt of tender, opening of tenders, scrutiny and acceptance of tenders.

  1. For the purpose Government hereby issue the following orders.
  2. Issue of tender schedules.

Notice inviting tender shall not be issued till the tender schedules are ready for issue.

  1. Tender Schedule shall be issued to the contractors from the date of publication of the tender notice. The supply of tender schedules by post (if requested by contractor) will be done at the risk and responsibility of the contractor which should be made clear in the tender notice.

iii.            The names and addresses of the contractors who purchased the tender schedules shall be kept confidential upto the time of opening of tenders.  This is the personal responsibility of the super intending Engineer/Executive Engineer.

  1. Contractors shall be required to pay the EMD as stipulated in the Tender Notice, at the time of purchase of tender schedules. The EMD shall be paid only through a crossed demand draft and in no other form.  Specific mention to this effect shall be incorporated in the tender notice and the tender schedules.  The EMD shall be refunded to the unsuccessful tenders soon after deciding the tenders.
  1. The contractor, who buys the tender schedule and decides subsequently not to submit the tender for the work for any reason whatsoever, should return the tender schedules within seven days from the date of buying the same. If the contractor does not tender for the work but at the same time fails to return the tender schedules within 7 days he should be black-listed.
  1. In cases where a registered contractor does not file any tender in a whole year even after buying tender schedules, he should be reverted to the next lower category of contractors and if he defaults in a similar way of two consequtive years his registration should be cancelled.



  1. The Contractor shall quote for all items of works included in the tender schedules: if the contractor fails to quote for any or more items of work in the tender schedules, it shall be construed that such items are deemed to have been covered by the rates quoted for other items of work and he shall not be eligible for payment for such items of work for which rates are not quoted. The following conditions shall be incorporated in the tender schedules and Agreements.  “Items for which no rates are quoted by the contractor in the tender schedules against the rates and approximate quantities shall not be paid for by the Department when executed and such items shall be deemed to have been covered by other rates and prices in the tender Schedules”.

ii   The contractors must quite their rates in the tenders both in words and figures.  IN case of any discrepancy between the rates quoted in words and figures, the rates quoted in words shall prevail, if the contractor fails to quote his rates in both words and figures, the tender will be treated as incomplete and his tender shall be rejected.

iii.  Contractors shall be permitted to submit their tenders during working hours on any working day from the date of publishing the tender notice upto the time and date of closing of tenders.

  1. The contractor shall be allowed to submit the tender either personally or through his agent or by post. In case of submission of tender by post, the risk and responsibility for either loss or delay in transit of the same is to be borne by the contractor and the tender opening authority will not consider any tender received by him after expiry of date and time fixed for receipt of tender.
  1. As per present orders a stipulation is made in the tender notice that the tender has to keep his tender valid for 2 months/3 months. Instances have come to the notice of Government where some contractors have withdrawn the tenders during the validity period.  The prevent this in future, the tender notices should clearly stipulate that the contractor who withdraws  his offer within the validity period will forfeit his EMD.
  2. As per the existing rules on the subject, the contractor shall not without the written consent of the Executive Engineer, assign the contract or sublet any portion of the contract, the Executive Engineer shall limit such permission to following items of work namely.

Labour Contract.

Material Contract

Transport Contract.

Engaging specialists for special items of work as enjoined in APSS.

Suitable conditions to the above effect shall be incorporated in the tender notice, tender schedules and Agreement.


  1. The Engineer-in-Chief is requested to contract the Senior Post Master General, Post Office, Hyderabad and get one box allotted to the Department for receipt of tenders by Post. The tender notice should indicate that for those who want to send tenders by post should send them to the particular box number to the designated post office.  The Post Master will be requested to deposit the tenders received by post in the allotted box and keep them in their safe custody buly recording the time and date of receipt.  On the due date of receipt, tenders received by post can be collected from the respective post offices before the due time of opening of tenders.
  1. The tender notices being issued hereafter shall make the above points clear to the contractors intending to tender for the work.
  1. The Engineer-in-Chief and all the Chief Engineers all Engineering Branches are requested to scrupulously follow the above orders of the Government. They are also requested to bring the above orders to the notice of all their subordinate officers and ensure strict compliance.  Any deviation noticed, will be viewed seriously.  The above will come into force with immediate effect.
  1. The Engineer-in-Chief is requested to furnish necessary proposals immediately for making suitable amendments for amending the existing provisions and orders of the Government wherever necessary.
  1. This order issues with the concurrence of Finance and Planning (Projects Wing) Department.


  1. V. RAO,

Principal Secretary to Government.

4.2.2        The earth work items in the PWD projects should be put to tender on the basis of the actual classification of the soils and the basic rates and not on the through rats basis.  Classification of soils may be broadly under the four categories.

  1. Hard Rock
  2. Hard Disintegrated Rock.
  3. Fissured and Fractured Rock.
  4. All other soils including soft disintegrated Rock.

In anal excavations, trail trenches to the full section of the canal down to the level of rock, if any should be got opened at intervals of 33 meters and the Estimates prepared on the basis of soils met with.  The method should be followed for all canal excavation works let out from June, 1977 onwards.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 1007, TR&B(C1) Dept., Dt: 5.11.1976)

4.2.3        Price escalation clauses not to be incorporated except in the case of externally aided works.

(G. O. MS. NO. 37, TR&B, DT: 30.01.1990)

4.2.4        While preparing tender schedules all water leads, shall be included in all earth work items involving compaction and WBM items irrespective of the lead mentioned in the Estimate.

(CER &B Circular Memo. 55435/K2/71-5, Dt: 28.10.1971)

4.2.5        Tender schedules should not be refused to intending tenders on the plea that they are incompetent to undertake the work in question.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 4137/65-5, Dt: 03.12.1965)

4.2.6        Tenders should be decided within a period of one/two/three months after expiry of last date of receipt of tenders by the Executive Engineer/Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer/respectively and the decision regarding the disposal of tenders should be indicated at any time within the said period.  During the above mentioned period, no plea by the tender for any sort of modifications of the tender based upon or arising out of any alleged misunderstanding or misconception or for any reasons be entertained.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 271, PWD, Dt: 20.02.1970)

4.2.7        Commissionerate of Tenders is constituted for finalization of all tenders or Irrigation & CAD, R&B, PH &RD Department costing Rs. 30/- lakhs and above and also finalization of tenders with excess percentage.  The time limit of three months after expiry of last date of receipt of tender should be adhered to in these cases also.

(G. O. Ms. NO.234, GA(AR&T Desk) Dept., Dt: 03.06.1987)

4.2.8           Any plea to withdraw the tender within the period specified for deciding the tender entails forfeiture of EMD (note under para 154 read with G. O. Ms. NO. 851 I&CAD, Dt: 20.3.1993).

4.2.9        The tenders should be received simultaneously in SE’s office and Chief Engineer’s office for the entire state of AP including R&B Department as per the detailed procedure vide Govt. memo. No. 108/CAD/86-1, Irrn (PW), Dt: 5.5.86 in respect of works called for at Superintending Engineer’s level.

(Govt. Memo. No. 381/B1/2/83-4, Dt: 101.10.88 TR&B Department)

4.2.10    Executive Engineers alone should open the tenders and the work of opening of tenders should not be delegated tot eh Dy. Executive Engineers

(Govt. Memo. No. 1645-Codn/72-10, Dt: 2.6.73).

4.2.11    The officers opening the tender should invariably date and initial not only the corrections in the schedule of quantities, scheduled of material to be issued, and other essential parts of the tender documents, but should invariably date and initial all the pages of the tender documents irrespective keep a personal not of the total number in the comparative statement of tenders.  He should also see that no corrections, which are not in the tenders at the time of receipt have been made in any of them.

(G. O. MS. NO. 1597 PWD, Dt: 18.6.65 para 154 (5) of APWD code)

4.2.12    After opening the tenders at the specified time, the officer opening the tenders shall record a brief statement on the spot giving names of the tenders and  amount of tender and obtain the dated signatures of such of those persons, who are present in token of their presence.  The rates in the tenders should be read out at the time of opening.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 62 F&P, Dt; 25.2.69)

4.2.13    Tenders should not be accepted unless sales Tax clearance certificate is enclosed.

(G. O. Ms. No. 1364/22/PBS/RVI-REV/95, Dt: 24.1.96)

4.3              SELECTION OF TENDERS:- 

4.3.1        Authorities charged with the responsibility of accepting tenders should verify whether all the firms/contractors submitting tenders are genuine and are on the approved list of contractors.  Failure to do so will be viewed seriously by Government.

(G. O. Ms. No. 808 PD, Dt: 30.4.68)

4.3.2        The Government are of the view that the representation for correction by the tender, after opening of tenders, if any, due to error that has crept through oversight or inadvertence if any of the rates quoted by him can be considered by the tender deciding authority only after ascertaining whether it is a case of genuine error out of sheer  oversight or inadvertence or it is a case of deliberate attempt to underbid in the first instance and being lowest try to gain advantage by enhancing the rate still below the next higher tender.  This can be done by the other tender for the item in view.  In the former case (oversight or inadvertence) the bid should be corrected according to the request of the bidder and evaluated for further consideration.  In the later case, the tender should be summarily rejected and such action taken against the tenderers as per rules.

(Govt. memo. No. 136/COD/80-1, Dt: 19.2.80)

4.3.3        All items in the schedule ‘A’ should be quoted.  If any one or more items are not quoted, the lumpsum amount entered in the amount column covers such items not quoted for also.

(G. O. Ms. No. 85 I&CAD, Dt: 20.3.93)

4.3.4        In the case of any discrepancy between the rate quoted in figures and that in words the later shall prevail.

(G. O. Ms. NO.85 I&CAD, Dt: 20.3.93)

4.3.5        When tenders with high rates are submitted by all the contractors in league, they should be rejected and departmental execution proposed.

4.3.6        The LS provision for pumping, bailing out water, hutting accommodation etc., to be taken to comparative statement proportionately.

(Memo. No. 1146/E.50, Dt: 29.8.50 PWD)

4.3.7        EMD shall be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderer soon after deciding the tender or after expiry of validity period whichever is earlier.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 179 I&CAD, Dt: 27-9-97)

4.3.8        I) The divisional Accounts Officer is responsible for the arrangements for checking the computed tenders (i.e) for seeing that satisfactory and efficient arrangements are made for checking.

  1. ii) He should conduct personally a test check of the computed and checked of the computed and checked tenders sufficiently satisfy himself reasonable that the checking work has been properly done.

iii) He should see that the comparative statement correctly incorporated the totals checked on the individual tenders.

(G. O. Ms. NO.1035 PWD, Dt; 20.4.1960)

  1. iv) Divisional Accounts Officer himself should not be called on to day any of the actual computing work of the intermediate verification of the computation or of the preparation of the comparative statements. His responsibility extends to the final checking arrangements.

Thus even if mistakes be discovered later in the actual  calculations which have not been found in checking, the Divisional Accounts Officer would not be responsible for such mistakes, if he had made satisfactory arrangements for checking the work of computation and that he himself has done a reasonable amount of test check.  One or more Accounts clerks can be entrusted with the work of checking under his immediate supervision.  There should not be hurrying of the work of computing comparative statements of tenders and of checking computations and the Divisional Accounts Officer is entitles to claim that reasonable time is allowed for him to satisfy himself that necessary check has been done properly.

(Comptroller and Auditor General Lr. No.T215/ADM/II/209/36, Dt: 25.5.37)

4.3.9        The word ‘all water leads’ in all earth work items involving compaction and WBM items, irrespective of the lead mentioned in the sanctioned Estimate should be included in all tender schedules.

(CER &B Circular memo. No. 55435-K2/71-5, Dt: 28.10.1971)

4.3.10    The acceptance or rejection of tenders is, however left entirely to the discretion of the officer to whom the duty is entrusted and no tenderer can demand the cause of rejection of his offer.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 773, PWD, Dt: 5.6.1971) and para 156 of APWD Code)

4.3.11    Tender percentage excluded from the excess upto which the officers are competent to pass excess expenditure over technical sanction.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 292 TR&B Dept., Dt: 8.9.1980)

4.3.12    Tenders may be called for based on the estimates prepared with the prevailing SSRs.  IN case, the Revised Estimate exceeds the original Estimate beyond the powers of the officers, the position may be brought to the notice of the Government.  At present, the Chief Engineers are competent to sanction revised Estimates if the revision is purely due to increase in SSRs as per G. O. Ms. NO. 1570 Irrn. Dept., Dt: 7.5.1980

(Govt. Memo. No. 2859/Irrn. V2/83-2, Dt: 2.3.84 of I(PW) Department)

4.3.13    Tenders should be compared only with the existing Estimates.  Tenders received should not be rejected as excessive when compared to the Estimate.  Tenders should be submitted to the competent authority for decision.  If the percentage of excess is not within the powers of lower authority revision of Estimates after tender call with a view to bringing down tender percentage is irregular.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 124-D/64-2, Dt: 29.1.1964)


4.4.1        The following amounts are to be deposited towards towards security deposits on works.

  1. a) In respect of contractors who have deposited LS deposit of Rs. 100000/- with the Chief Engineer.
EMD for K2 & LS Contracts Retention amount from Bills
@ 1% subject to a maximum of Rs. 75000/- i. For work done upto first Rs. 50/- lakhs 3 ½ %
ii. For work done over Rs. 50/- lakhs & Upto Rs. 1 Crores First Rs. 50/- lakhs 3 ½ %
iii. Work done over Rs. One crore Over Rs. 50/- lakhs –2%

Rs. 2.75 lakhs

Plus 1% over

Rs. One crore



  1. The LS Deposit of Rs. 100000/- is to be furnished in cash or in the form of Bank Guarantee with the Chief Engineer concerned. This limit of Rs. 1.00 lakh is raised to Rs. 3.00 lakhs.

(G. O. Ms. No.179 I&CAD Dt: 27.9.97)

  1. The concessional rates of retention amount in the case of LS Deposit holders can be extended to running contracts entered into prior to the LS Deposit.

(G. O. Ms. No. 1001, Dt: 26.7.1971 and G. O. Ms. No.306 TR&B Dept., Dt:14.10.81)

For the purpose of forfeiture, security deposit will be reckoned at the normal rates assuming that there is not standing security and not at concessional rates.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 302 PWD, Dt: 6.4.1973)

(Vide para 154, (iii) of APWD code vide G. O. ms. No. 471, TR&B Dept., Dt: 7.10.1983)

  1. In respect of contractors who have not made LS Deposits.
1 K2 @1 ½ % @ 3 ½ % till the value of work done is 66 2/3 times the value of EMD and 5% thereafter.
2 LS @ 1 1/2 % subject to a Maximum of Rs.1.00 lakh @ 7 ½% the total security to be obtained EMD + retention amount should be 10% for difference at the above rates and 10% Bank Guarantee should be obtained.



  1. Collection of further security from the contractor at the time of signing the Agreement has been abolished.

(G. O. Ms. No. 1926, PWD, Dt:2.8.1965)

  1. Bank Guarantee is to be accepted towards security deposits and in case of EMD in excess of Rs. 100000/- in respect of ‘A’ and ‘B’ shown above.

(G. O. Ms. No. 197, Fin, Dt:14.6.1971)

4.4.2        In additional to EMD 2 ½ % of the total value of the work done should be with held at the time of payment of final bills to contractors in respect of LS contracts.

(G. O. Ms. No. 870, PWD, Dt:23.5.1969)

4.4.3        In respect of works entrusted to an unemployed engineer, 1 ½ % is to be withheld from the final bills of LS Contract.

(G. O. Ms. No. 585 – condn/72-14, Dt:8.11.1973)

4.4.4        DDs should not be accepted for security deposits, retention amount (Should be deducted from bills only)

4.4.5        Crossed cheques should not be accepted for EMD security deposit or LS Deposit.

(G. O.Ms. No. 107, PWD Dt: 25.1.1967 and para 157 of APWD Code)

4.4.6      i.              Partnership firms consisting of unemployed or retrenched engineers only are exempted from payment of EMD for works upto Rs. 5.00 lakhs.

  1. Partnership firms having retired (dismissed/resigned) engineers or non engineers are not eligible for his concession and this should be verified by the office inviting tender.

4.4.7      i.  In respect of works entrusted on nomination, EMD should be collected as in the case of K2 contract.  But where 2 ½ % is not collected in advance, deductions must be made from each bill at 5%.For works below Rs. 500/- Emd need not be collected.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 2215, PWD Dt: 21.10.1964, Govt. Memo. No. 136/Cod/80-4, Dt: 19.2.1980 of I&P (Projects) Wing Department)

Industrial cooperatives under the control of the Industries Department are exempt are exempt from payment of EMD and FSD eligible for free supply of tender schedules.

(G. O. Ms. NO.713, Industries Dt: 15.6.1967)

EMD Should be in the form of cash only except in the case when EMD exceeds Rs. 10000/-

(G. O. Ms. No.197, Dt: 14.06.1967)

National Defense Certificate can be accepted towards the LS Deposits of Rs. 100000/-

(G. O. Ms. No.954, PWD Dt: 17.06.1969)

Gold Bonds & Fixed Deposits should not be accepted for any purpose.

(G. O. Ms. No.954, PWD Dt: 17.06.1969)

Refund of EMD and SD before the payment of final bill and after expiry of observation period required the approval of the Chief Engineer.

(G. O. Ms. No.1596, PWD,  Dt: 23.06.1996 and G. O. Ms. No.55 Irr (V) Dept., Dt:7.2.1984 extended up to 12.05.1985)

EMD is required to be collected at 2 ½ % if the value of the purchase order is more than Rs. 3000.

(G. O. Ms. No.554, PWD,  Dt: 9.03.1964 reach with Govt. memo. No. 2499/69, Dt: 23.10.1969)

Several firms do not remit EMD at the time of tenders on the plea that they are firms of repute.  The Government direct that unless the fact of exemption is indicated in the purchase order or by general or special order by the heads of the Department, the EMD should be demanded.

(Govt. memo. No. 70213/1359/Accts/67, Dt: 11.4.1969 of Finance Department)

Departmental Officers should not give guarantees to banks regarding payment to contractors.

(Govt. Memo. No. 22-Y/68-PWD, Dt: 16.01.1968)

Government Promissory Notes can be accepted as security after due verification and endorsement.

(Govt. Memo. No. 73464 (W&M) 66-4, Dt: 23.3.0968 of Finance Department)

The Guarantee Bond form to be executed by schedules bank on behalf of contractors towards LS deposit of Rs. 300000/- or in lieu of any other securities should be executed on a stamped paper of the value ofRs. 22.50 vide Art. 48(b) of schedule-I-A to the Indian Stamp Act.

(Govt. Memo. No. 2833-Y/68-10, PWD Dt: 14.11.1969)

The cheques certified as good by the schedule banks should not be accepted towards EMD

(Govt. Memo. No. 670-E2/72-2, Dt: 15.04.1972 PWD)

In consideration of the EE/SE/CE undertaking to investigate and take to account each tender and in consideration of the work thereby involved all EMD deposited by the tenderer may be forfeited to the Government.  If the EE/SE/CE so desiring in the event if the tenderer withdrawing his tender within the closing date.

(Amendment to Appendix-I, II(a) XXI(b), XXIV of APDSS-A)

Tender notices for purchase of stores of more than Rs. 5000/- in value should be sent by Registered post atleast to six reputed firms.  Purchases should not be spilt up and no purchase on the same works should be made more than once in a month.  .

(Govt. Memo. No. 1311-C1/77-11, Dt: 02.12.1978)

NOTE:  The authorities charged with the responsibilities of accepting tenders or quotations should verify whether all the firms/contractors submitting tenders are genuine firms and are on the approved list of contractors.  Failure on the part of such tender accepting officers to carryout such verification will be seriously viewed by the Government

(G. O. ms. No. 808, PWD, Dt: 30.04.1968)

                BANK GUARANTEES 

The bank guarantees should be invoked only when there is a specific breach on the part of the contractor of the terms and conditions of the relevant Agreement and the bank guarantee bond and the decision to invoke the guarantee should be taken, as far as possible, by an officer higher in rank than the officer, who accepted the guarantees.  All claims under the guarantee bond should be made and lodged with the bank within the period specified in the relevant bank guarantee bond.  It is not possible for the banks to renew or extend the period of validity of bank guarantee bond at the request of the beneficiary (i.e., Government Department) as it can be renewed only at the request of the contractor/ supplier concerned.

(Govt. U. O. Note No. 38423/669/W&M 1/82-1, Dt: 29.1.1983 of F&P (FW-W&MS) Dept.

As banks are refusing to extend the period of bank guarantee at the request of Government Department unless the contractor/supplier agree to the same, it is necessary that claim should be preferred well in advance before expiry of bank guarantee period specified.  Abundant precaution has to be taken in this regard.


4.5.1        In respect of items of any tender when the variation in rates exceeds plus or minus 25%, the specific approval of the next higher authority should be obtained.

In respect of minor items in a tender whose quoted rates will not substantially affect the overall tender percentage, the authority competent to accept the tender can do so without referring to higher authority irrespective of the percentage variation in the quoted rates after fully satisfying himself, that the quantity specified in the tender schedule under these minor items do not alter in actual execution.  For variations, the tender accepting authority will be held personally responsible for any consequential monetary loss to Government.

(CEG. Memo. No. A1/77279/68, DT: 16.02.1971)

(Board of Chief Engineer’s decision)

(para 154 note 7 Clarification of APWD Code)

If is not the tender percentage alone to be considered for reasonableness of the tender, is should also be ensured that rates for individual items do not exceed 25%.

The items for which high rates are quoted, the quantities thereof should not be increased during execution.

(CER&B Memo. 5/70/5750-E1/70-2, Dt: 6.5.1970 of CE (R&B))

4.5.2        No approval of Government is required for tenders which are with in the competency of Chief Engineer even if individual rates are +/-25%

(Govt. Memo. No. 1348/Y/68-4, Dt: 24.11.1970)

4.5.3        Whenever a tender in excess of 5% over the Estimate value is proposed to be accepted, negotiations should be made to bring down the tender rates.

(Govt. Memo. No. 105, condn/M3-6, Dt: 16.8.1973 and Govt. memo. No. 347/7210 PWD, Dt: 25.9.72)

4.5.4        When negotiations are conducted with a contractor for settlement of rates, conditions etc., such negotiations indicating the circumstances under which the tenderers agree to terms and conditions etc., should be recorded in the forms of minutes and signed both by the tenderer and the tender accepting authority.  These minutes will invariably form an integral part of the contract to be entered into.  During the negotiations, the Divisional Accounts Officer (W) will be associated with the proceedings at Executive Engineer’s level and Superintending Engineer’s level (See 5.34 also)

(G. O. Ms. No. 444, PWD (Codn) Dept., Dt: 7.5.1974)

4.5.5        At the time of conducting negotiations of tenders, the DAO at Executive Engineer’s and SE’s level, (PAO/APAO of projects at EE’s level) and DOA/AO at CE’s level should be associated at the negotiating meetings with lowest tenderers.  It is clarified that the Accounts Representative DAP/AO/PAO/DOA as the case may be, is requested to render advice during negotiations and should also certify specifically in the minutes that he has perused the comparative statements prepared by the Department Officers.  His role is not that of a mere observer.

(Govt. Memo. No. 2302/C1/78-2, Dt: 3-1-1979 of RR&B(C1) Dept.,)

4.5.6        Quoting very high rates, reducing the same during negotiations to a very lower level is not a healthy practice.

(CE (R&B) roads circular 25892/T.a-X1/14/91, Dt: 15.11.1991)


4.6              ACCEPTANCE OF TENDERS 

4.6.1        In selecting the tender to be accepted, the financial status of the tenderers, their capacity, the security offered by them, or the record of their execution of works previously should be taken into consideration.  Other conditions being equal, the lowest tender should be accepted.

4.6.2        No tender should be accepted from a person who has been or who has in his employment a person who has been in the gazetted service of Government.  N any capacity and has retired within a period of two years prior to date of tender.  Such tender, if accepted, because such information has not been furnished by the tenderer shall be cancelled when the fact of such tendering comes to the notice.

(G. O. Ms. NO.1845, PWD, Dt: 8.9.1965)

4.6.3        In case, other than the lowest tender is accepted, a confidential record should be kept of the reasons with reference to the financial solvency, income tax paid, the ability of the contractor to execute works, the security offered by him the names of works executed by the contractor concerned with performance.  The relative merits of the various contracts concerned should be discussed and cogent reasons should be given.  The confidential record should be shown to the audit party during inspection of the office.  IN addition, he should make a report of al such cases to the higher authority.

(G. O. ms. NO. 773, PWD, Dt: 5.6.1971 & para 156 of D Code is amended)

4.6.4        Where it is proposed to accept a tender other than the lowest, the authority competent to accept the tender should immediately, after accepting it, make a report to the next higher authority.  Who shall scrutinize the report carefully and call for more details, if necessary.  The Superintending Engineers and the Executive Engineers as the case may be, should bring to the notice of the higher authorities, cases in which the rule about the acceptance of the lowest tender is however left entirely to the discretion of Agreement accepting authority and no tenderer can demand the cause of rejection of his offer.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 2561, PWD, Dt: 24.11.1966, para 156 of APWD Code)

4.6.5      General Principles for accepting the Tenders:-

  1. Cases of impossible and absurd rates may be rejected: but the accepting authority should place on record a few cases atleast of rates which are considered unworkable based on current rates of labour and materials and show that they are unworkable.
  1. The mere fact that the lowest tenderer has already on hand other works in the Division is not itself a sufficient reason for rejection. Specific Data should be placed on record with a view to establish beyond all reasonable doubt that the tenderer would in fact be unable to execute the work rapidly and satisfactorily (e.g) that the works so far set apart that it would be impossible for him to adequately supervise them all, or that the works although individually within the financial capacity of the tenderer will collectively beyond the means of the tenderer to execute at the same time.
  1. There is no objection to allow the tenderer to sign the specifications of document and give the work to him in case the tender is other wise acceptable as non-signing of a specification/document should not be sole reason for rejection of the tender.
  2. If the names of the tenderers are found to be removed from the contractor’s list, their tenders should be rejected.
  1. The fact that the lowest tenderer is a new man is not by itself a sufficient reason for the rejection of his tender.   In such case, enquiries should be made as to his financial status and capability.  If it is found that the tender is suitable, his tender should not be rejected.

(Memo. NO. 1237-AC/35, C.P., Dt: 19.6.1935 of CE, PWD, (GI, R&B, Madras))

Tenders received after the time should not be taken into consideration for comparison of tenders.

(G. O. Ms. No.85, Dt: 20.03.1993)

Revision of the Estimate after tender call with a view to bring down the tender percentage is irregular.  If there is need for revision of the Estimate, it should be done before tenders are called for.

(Govt. Memo. No. 164/72-4, PWD, Dt: 13.3.1972)

The powers of accepting tenders upto the permissible limits above the rates in the sanctioned Estimates should be used cautiously and only after making sure that the acceptance of such tenders is unavoidable, when the competition is low and even only one tender is received.

(Govt. Memo. No. 1348/Y/68-4, Dt: 24.11.1970)

If a tenderer wishes to introduce any conditions to be specified in the tender documents the tebderer must furnish the tender schedules and conditions in separate sealed covers indicating clearly on the top on the covers, what the cover contains, so as to enable the officers receiving the tenders to open the sealed covers containing conditions first.  In the sealed cover containing conditions, the tenderer must invariably give definite financial effects of each of the conditions.  Alternatively the tenderer may quote his rates on the basis that no conditions other than those specified in the tender notice would be accepted and indicate in a separate sealed cover the rates he would be officer if the department is prepared to accept any one or more conditions to be specified therein.  In the absence of such clarifications or such financial assessment, the tender will be deemed to be incomplete and is liable to be rejected.

In some cases tenderers other than the lowest withdraw some of the conditions and agree to offer a rebate over the rates quoted by the lowest tenderer after the tenders are opened with a view to tenders, it must be discouraged.

(Govt. Memo. No 347/72-10, Dt: 25.09.1972 and No. 105 Codn/M3-6, Dt:16.8.73)


4.7.            ENTRUSTMENTS

4.7.1        Painting item of work should be separated from the main Estimate and also from tenders and entrusted to local cottage industrial paint manufacturers-cum-contractors subject to the conditions.

  1. Separate tenders should be called for to enable all the cottage industries of paint manufacturers to take works.
  1. The quality of paint should be got checked.
  1. A special conditions should be inserted in the Agreements while awarding works that paint etc., should be purchased only from local manufacturers.

(G. O. Ms. No. 432 &P(IR01102), Dept., Dt: 14.10.1980)

Government direct that painting work is to be entrusted to small scale industrial units registered under small scale industries along with the cottage industries subject to the above conditions.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 464 Irrigation (IR.II) Dept., Dt: 12.12.1985)



4.7.2        Unemployed engineers and retrenched engineers may be awarded works on nomination as detailed below:

Works costing Rs. 25000/- By Executive Engineer.
Works costing Rs.50000/- By Superintending Engineer.
Works costing Rs. 100000/- By Chief Engineer.


  1. Preference shall be shown to them over others in the matter of awarding contracts, other things being equal.
  2. ii) EMD need be collected.

iii) Retention money equivalent to 1 ¼% shall be retained from the bills in case of both K2 and LS Contracts.

  1. iv) These concessions have been extended to partnership firms comprising solely unemployed or retrenched engineers for works costing upto Rs. 5.00 lakhs.
  2. v) These concessions should not be allowed to those who have already availed themselves of the concessions over a period of three years from the date of first availment.
  3. vi) The total number of works to be awarded in a year should be limited to Rs. 2.00 lakhs in value.

vii)  They should neither sublet the contracts nor give power of attorney.

viii)If it is noticed that the works entrusted are executed by other, the unemployed engineers and retrenched engineers shall be deleted from the list and debarred from taking up works under state Government for a period of three years.

  1. x) The above concessions will not apply to professional contractors who are already in the field prior to the introduction of scheme i.e. 7.10.69.

(G. O. Ms. Rt. 770 T, R&B(BII) Dept., of 27.9.95 up to 2.98)

The following rules are framed vide G. O. Ms. No. 390 I&CAD (PW) Dt: 5.9.90:

  1. The members of the labour contract of Harijan and Girijan Co-Operative Societies may be treated as class-III contractors. They shall be registered as class-III contractors.
  2. No solvency certificate need be insisted upon for the purpose of registration.
  1. Exemption from collecting EMD upto Rs.2.00 lakhs in the case of individual and Rs. 10.00 lakhs in the case of societies may be allowed. This provision is amended raising the EMD exemption limit to Rs. 20.00lakhs in respect of both societies consisting of SCs., STs., and Wadders and individuals of these communities.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 275, I&CAD, Dt: 26.9.94)

  1. Works may be let out to societies on nomination upto a limit of Rs. 25000/- by Executive Engineers, upto a limit of Rs. 50000/- by Superintending Engineers and upto a limit of Rs. 5.00 lakhs in the case of inviduals/societies by Chief Engineer. The power of Chief Engineer to entrust works on nomination to individuals is restricted to Rs. 2.00 lakhs only.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 275, I&CAD, Dt: 26.9.94)

  1. At least 15% of the works may be reserved for entrustment to the individuals or societies of weaker section, i.e., members belonging Schedule Casts, Scheduled Tribes and Waddars.
  1. The identification of the individuals, formation of societies etc., will be taken care of by the Co-Operative Department with the active guidance of the District Collectors.
  1. The Departmental Officers will have discretionary powers to consider allotment of skilled works also whenever possible.
  1. These concessions are also applicable to Co-Operative Societies of Scheduled Casts, Scheduled tribes and Individuals belonging to SC/ST who happen to be unemployed or retrenched engineers.
  1. No second work should be given unless sufficient progress is shown in the first work and no third is given unless first work is completed and sufficient progress is shown on second work.
  1. The concession holders are forbidden from subletting or giving power of attorney and stipulation to that effect is to be made in the Agreement. If a such instances occur, they will be debarred for 3 years.  The professional contractors who from the above concession holders shall have their names deleted from approved list of contractors.

4.7.4        If the tenders are high even after repeated tender calls, departmental execution should be tried by entrusting works to job workers within the estimate rates supplying materials departmentally.

(Govt. Memo. No. 101/Y/70-1 PWD, Dt: 25.2.70)

4.7.5           In the case of river conservancy works, reach wise major estimates can be split up into various working estimates for different items of work such as supply of stones, conveyance of stones by punts along the rivers, channels or canals and other miscellaneous work of pitching of packing stone or earth work etc., where all these items of work cannot be successfully executed by one single contracting agency in time. (Note 7(a) – 154 D-Code)

4.7.6           In the case of collection of stone, which has to be made at short notice, the agencies for supply of stone and its conveyance can be fixed in advance by calling for open tenders for rate contract quotations on the analogy of the rate contract of DGSD (Note 7(b) – 154 D-code)


4.7.7        If the response to a tender call is poor the tender is to be rejected for the reason of being, unsatisfactory the work may be entrusted on nomination not exceeding Estimate rates with the approval of higher authority provided further call is felt fruitless.

(Note 4 under para 154 – D- Code)

4.7.8        If it is proposed in any case whether for urgency or for any other reason to be recorded, works may be entrusted on nomination at rates not exceeding Estimate rates as follows.

1. Executive Engineer Rs. 20000/-
2. Superintending Engineer Rs. 50000/-
3. Chief Engineer Rs. 100000/-

(Note below para 154 of APWD Code)(G. O. Ms. No.1007 TR&B, Dt: 5.11.76)

4.7.9        The following guidelines are issued for entrustment of works on nomination in R&B Department.

As per Chief Engineers circular, the Executive Engineer can entrust on nomination only works costing up to Rs. 5000/- and beyond this, he has to obtain prior permission of the Superintending Engineer up to Rs. 20000/- and the following factors have to be observed for entrustment on nomination.

  1. Entrustment on nomination should be resorted to rarely for exceptional reasons of urgency or when there is not response to tender calls.
  1. The work entrusted shall be the whole work as technically sanctioned and shall not be split up in any manner (except LS provisions such as PS charges and contingencies)
  1. Such entrustment shall not be at rates higher than Estimate rates.  If such Estimates contain local rates for any items (other than SS rates).  Tenders are to be called for, avoiding entrustment on nomination.
  1. The rates and conditions shall be shown to the selected nominee and his written undertaking obtained for completion within a specific time before awarding the work on nomination.  The responsibility to complete the work in the specific fixed time shall be that of Executive Engineer when his is selecting the nominee due to urgency.
  1. Such entrustment on nomination shall be only to registered contractors and only after collection the requisite EMD.  If  no EMD is collected at the time of entrusting work on nomination (i.e 2 ½%) deduction from each bills must be made at 5% in the case of contracts not exceeding Rs. 10000/-. (Note 7 under para 154 of d code)
  1. Estimates should not be split up or the reach of the road should not be reduced to keep the value of work Estimate within the powers of a particular officer.
  1. A copy of proceedings of nominations shall be posted to the Superintending Engineer on the same day together with the particulars of Estimate, value of entrustment, EMD collected etc.
  1. For all works entrusted by the Executive Engineer, the period of contract shall not be more than three months.  If the nominee fails to complete the work in time, he shall not be given another new work till a period of one year.
  1. Works, which provide for large quantity of earthwork or gravelly berms or gravel bases should not be given on nomination.  They must be put to tender.

(CE., R&B memo. No. 55672/Contracts – 1/74-8 , Dt: 22.4.1981)

The following instructions are issued by the Chief Engineer, Buildings.

  1. Works can be entrusted on nomination up to Rs. 5000/- only as per Codal Rules.
  1. In respect of all works costing above Rs. 5000/- if proposed to be entrusted on nomination prior approval of the Superintending Engineer (R&B) should invariably obtained before taking up the works.

(CE., Bldgs circular memo. No. TAB/HD/Circular 35150/88-5, Dt: 19.6.1989)

4.7.10    In respect of Irrigation works beneficiaries may be entrusted on nomination, works costing Rs. 50000/- and less at Estimate rates and EMD may be exempted.

Beneficiary is to be nominated by MRO with supporting proof within a fortnight from the date of receipt of requisition from the Department concerned.  If such nomination is not received with in time, the executing Department may take up the work as per the normal rules.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 51/ I&CAD Dt: 30.1.1990)

4.7.11    Purely unskilled nature of works can be entrusted on nomination at Estimate rates to the beneficiaries by the Executive Engineers and Superintending Engineers of Irrigation Department upto Rs. 1.00 lakh and 2.00 lakhs representatives.

The other conditions are:

  1. EMD is exempt for works costing up to Rs.50000/-
  2. Security deposit to be withheld from the bills at prescribed rates.

iii.            Main work should not be split with a view to bring it with in the purview of the Government order.

  1. Each beneficiary is not given more than one work at a time and in all not exceeding Rs. 2.00 lakhs. The question of extending the GO beyond 95-96 will be considered later.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 1921 & CAD, Dt: 7.12.95)

4.8      EXECUTION:

4.8.1    No work should be started unless budget provision is made.

4.8.2   NO liability should be incurred unless the competent authority assures to provide funds.

4.8.3   A. An Officer, owing to urgency of work, is directed to execute a work should do so on receipt of written orders from the officer authorizing the work, and communicate to audit officer the amount of liability in the form indicated below:

Name of emergency Date of occurrence Details or damage and works proposed to be carryout Approximate Cost Date of commencement Remarks








(Para 177, “D” Code)

  1. If, in the case of a work executed on the contract or piece of work system, the circumstances are so emergent that it is impossible to enter into a formal contract or Agreement, the officer on the spot who starts the work should enter into a peace-work Agreement atleast in the first instance.  The form of Agreement is particularly suitable as it is terminable incase the higher authorities, who are competent to sanction the proper Agreement in the standard form, disapprove.  When the circumstances are so emergent that even a piece work Agreement can not be signed, it will be sufficient to have a written order for the work signed both by the piece worker are the contractor and the office on the spot.  There should, however, be no avoidable delay in preparing a proper Estimate and an Agreement in the standard form and in obtaining the sanction of the competent authority.  The detailed procedure to be followed in such cases is indicated in Appendix XI to this code. (Para 178, ‘D’ code)

4.8.4        In case of Departmental execution, the Department purchases its own material duly applying the store rules in financial code (Para 150 of “D” Code).

4.8.5        The supply of the material (other than road quarry materials) and T&P are governed by the store rules in APFC.

4.8.6        There should be no recruitment on NMRS the items of workers (i.e., complete ban on recruitment)

(G. O. Ms. No. 287, Irrn. & CAD (SER.V) Department., Dt: 7.9.1987)

4.8.7        In view of the complete ban for recruitment of NMRS the items of works mentioned in G. O. Ms. No. 372 Irrn (Ser.V-2) Dept., Dt: 18.10.1985 can be taken up under the powers delegated to Departmental Officers on written understanding as per Note of para 436 of APPWD Code.

(Govt. Memo. No. 1658/SerV-2/87-1, Dt: 30.11.1987 of I&CAO and No.287 I&CAO (serV-2), Dt: 07.09.1987 and R&B CE 98048/Der V-2 CD/87, Dt: 27.1.1988) Act. 2/94 of Regulation of Public Service prohibits employment. (please see para 20.8.1)

Items of work mentioned in G. O. ms. No.372 Iri, Dt: 18.10.1985.

  1. Loading and Unloading of material at site of work.
  2. For curing masonry and concrete works taken up departmentally.

iii. For timely attending to flood protection and breach closing works.

  1. Such other works not susceptible of measurements for short spells.

4.8.8           The work of external water supply to Government buildings should be executed by Municipality at the cost of Government and internal water supply by PWD.  The cost of external water supply will be paid to municipality after the execution of work. (Para 196 D – code).

5.1              PROCEDURES: 

5.1.1           No formal agreement is required if the value of the work is Rs. 200/- (this limit is Rs. 500/- in agency tracks) or less.  Beyond Rs. 200/- to Rs. 1000/- written understanding is required.  Beyond Rs. 1000/- formal Agreement is required (Para 175 ‘D’ code).

5.1.2        The piece work (K2) contract form or LS Contract form may be adopted for construction works costing up to Rs. 1.00 lakh and for transport contracts upto Rs. 5.00 lakhs.  For other works LS form should be adopted.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 1007, TR&B(C1) Dept., Dt: 5.11.1976)

5.1.3        Agreements have to be concluded on stamp papers as indicated below:

a. Does not exceed Rs. 5000/- Ten Rupees
b. Exceeds Rs. 5000/- but does not exceed

Rs. 20000/-

Twenty Rupees
c Exceeds Rs. 20000/- but does not exceeds

Rs. 50000/-

Fifty Rupees
d. Exceeds Rs. 50000/- One hundred Rupees
e. Where such Agreement does not relate to monetary transactions.  Not susceptible to valuation in terms of money. Fifty Rupees


5.1.4        Pending acceptance of LS Agreement due to non finalization of detailed plans, quantities etc., provisional K2 Agreement can be concluded duly incorporating the prescribed escalation clause as under.

“This contract being a provisional Agreement, will stand superseded on entering into LS Agreement.  All the work under this contract will be treated as part of LS Agreement and acted on accordingly.  If the contractor fails to conclude the LS Agreement within two weeks from the date of receipt of notice from the Department, it will entail forfeiture of EMD and the amount of extra cost incurred, if any, by the Departmental in completing the balance work”.

(G. O. Ms. No. 631, PWD, Dt: 3.6.1975)

5.1.5        Time is the essence of lumpsum contract.  Date of entering into Agreement is the date of commencement of work.

(G. O. Ms. No. 37 TR&B, Dt: 30.1.1990 and PS 60)

5.1.6        Contract documents should not contain erasures.  This should be, as far as possible, be free from correctness.  If corrections are inevitable such as striking out irrelevant preamble clauses in the standard printed from of contract, such a schedule or other minor corrections in description or rates, the corrections should be in initialed by both the parties to the contract and each initial dated.  Where additional items are incorporated in the contract at a subsequent date, they should be drawn up in a separate memorandum and singed by both the parties to the contract and fixed in a chronological order duly serially numbered and an index of these entered in a blank page of the main contract under the initials of the both the parties.

(G. O. Ms. NO. 1096, PWD, Dt: 2.5.1964)

5.1.7        The gross amount of contract i.e., including the cost of materials supplied by the Department should only be taken into consideration for the purpose of determining the authority competent to accept the tender and Agreement.

(G. O. Ms. NO. CER&B Circular Memo. 23234-E-1, Dt: 6871/12.5.1969)

5.1.8           Once Estimate is sanctioned, parts of the Estimate may be entrusted by the officers (Lower level Officers) upto their powers of accepting tenders (duly following the rules relating to tenders) provided there are no special orders to the contrary and no second contract should be entered with the same individuals, if the total value of all the contracts, against the same Estimate entered into with the same individual exceeds his powers of acceptance of tenders when the first contract is still in force with the exception that this rule does not apply to sub works in irrigation maintenance.(Para 160 ‘D’ Code)

5.1.9           The total of the column “Amount” entered in the schedule ‘A’ of LS contract should be equal to the LS amount entered into the Agreement (Subject to the result of negotiations) (para 150 ‘D’ code)

5.1.10    No contract involving an uncertain or indefinite liability or any conditions of unusual character should be entered into without the previous consent of the competent financial authority. (para 152 of APWD code)

5.1.11    The Superintending Engineer is competent to execute contracts and piece work Agreement upto the limits of tenders accepted by the competent authority.

(G. O. Ms. No. 2209, PWD, Dt: 24.9.1965)

5.1.12       Even in cases where Agreements are entered into by the Executive Engineer, copies of sanctions to contract Agreements should be communicated to the Accountant General, if the tenders are accepted by the officers higher than the Executive Engineer. (Para 95(2) of APWA code).

5.1.13    Modifications in original Agreements have to be approved by the authority, who approved the original Agreements.

(G. O. Ms. NO. PWD Lr. No. 3107/64-3, Dt: 2.1.1965)

5.1.4        Revision of rates in current Agreement shall be limited to rectification of bonafide mistakes or errors in original Agreements (Such as clerical o r typographical errors only) without referring to higher authorities.

(Govt. Memo. No. 2617, PWD 72-3, Dt: 21.7.1972)

5.1.15    I)             Such items of work that are found necessary after letting out a contact and cannot be taken up for execution independently without interfering with the original work let out and have necessarily to be executed along with the original contract shall be considered as “Supplemental items of work contingent on the original contract”.

5.1.16    Supplemental items of work contingent on main work have to be necessarily carried out by the original contractor by entering into Supplemental Agreements.

  1. ii) The lower authority (say EE) can enter into Supplemental Agreements relating to works for which the original Agreements are concluded by higher authorities (Say SE).  (The powers of entering into original Agreements) IF the total value of work is revised upwards beyond powers of lower officer to pass excess over expenditure, then sanction to revised Estimate by competent authority is a precondition before entering into Supplemental Agreement by lower officer.
  1. i) Such items of work that are found necessary after letting out a work and can be executed independently without affecting or interfering with the execution of work let out, shall be considered as additional items of work not contingent on original work.  Such items of work may be let out after all of tenders.  However if a tender call is considered undesirable and if it is considered necessary to entrust the item of work on nomination to the original contractor, it may be done so, provided the total value of such additional items does not exceed upto which the officers can entrust works without calling for tenders as per the delegation of powers in force.  If the value of the items exceeds the limit, approval of the next higher authority shall be obtained.  They can be executed only after separate Estimate or a work slip containing the additional items is sanctioned/ approved by the competent authority.  Entrustment of such items shall be at rate not exceeding the Estimate rates.

5.1.17    ii)            Entrustment of either the additional or Supplemental items shall be further subject to the provisions of para 176(e) APWD code (Viz) the items shall not be ordered by an officer on his own responsibility if the revised Estimate or deviation statement providing for them required the sanction of higher authority.

(Note under para 154 of APWD code)

5.1.18    The authority who entered into original contract will be the authority to decide which items in the contract are similar to the items of work proposed under a Supplemental Agreement.  In case of doubt or dispute, the decision of that authority will be final and binding.

(Govt. Memo. No. 12-Cod/80-3, Dt: 6.3.80 of I&P (PW) Dept)


  1. For all items of work in excess of quantity indicated in the schedule ‘A’ the rates payable for such excess quantities will be either the tendered rates or SS Rates for items plus or minus over all tender percentage accepted by the competent authority whichever is less. The SS Rates, mean the rates with which the Estimate is prepared for comparing the tenders.
  2. The contractor is bound to execute all Supplemental items of works that are found essential incidental and inevitable during execution of main work. The payment of rates for such Supplemental items of work will be regulated as under.
  1. Supplemental items directly deducible form similar items in the original Agreements.

The rates shall be derived by adding to or subtracting from the Agreement rate of such similar items, the cost of deference in quantity of material or labour between the new item and the similar item in the sanctioned Estimate with which the tenders are compared, plus or minus overall tender percentage.

B  New Items:

  1. i) Purely new items, which do not correspond to any items in the Agreement.
  2. ii) Similar items, the rates of which cannot be directly deduced from the original Agreement.

The rates for all such items shall be Estimate rates plus or minus overall tender percentage.

Note:    The Estimate rate means the rate in the sanctioned Estimate with which the tenders were compared or if no such rate is available in the Estimate, the rate derived with reference to the SSR adopted in the sanctioned Estimate, with which tenders are compared.

C  Tender percentage should not be added to the rates of Supplemental items derived with reference to observed data.

  1. WHEN HIGH RATES ARE QUOTED: For the items, the quoted rates of which are high, intermediate payment will be made provisionally at the Estimate rates plus or minus overall tender percentage.  Full accepted Agreement rates will be paid only after all the items of work are completed.  The tender accepting authority will decide the exact items, the rates of which are considered to be high for the purpose of the above clause and his decision shall be final and binding on the contractor.

( G. O. Ms. NO. 1871, PWD Dt: 17.12.1971)

5.1.19    I)             An item shall be considered as highly quoted if the premium for that item is 15% or overall tender percentage whichever is higher.

(Govt. Memo. No. 436/75-3, Dt: 25.6.87)

  1. ii) In the case of canal works where trimming of the slopes is required an adhoc 10% deduction, of the part rates arrived at, should also be affected.  This deduction may be released only on completion of the works.

(G. O. Ms. No. 355,  PWD, Dt: 24.4.74)


Destruction of Records:

Agreement Bonds, contract Agreements contractor I.S.D Annual rate Contract.

Five years after the completion of work or till audit objections, if any, relating to it are cleared to the satisfaction of audit or have been reviewed by the PAC.

( G. O. Ms. No. 382, PWD Dt: 19.3.71, vide Appendix XV of APWD code)

5.1.21    Any contractor seeking election need not be obliged by being given clearance certificate unless he discharges his contract by performance.

(ENC (Irri)Mem. RC ENC A1/7784/85-2 read with Govt. Memo.590/Irri/V.2/84-3, Dt:24.2.84)

5.1.22    Every purchase order/supply order is to be executed on a stamp paper.

(Govt. Memo. No. 108/P.A –CI 83-16, Dt: 26.7.85)

5.1.23    The Draft Agreements concluded at Divisional level are verified by the Divisional Accounts Officer (Works), who should give a certificate to the effect that the Agreement conditions have been compared with the tender committee proceedings/orders of tender accepting authorities.  For Agreements at circle level, such verifications & recording of certificates should be done by the PA to the Superintending Engineer invariably.

(Govt. Memo. No.91-Code 81-1, Dt: 4.10.83 of Irrn.(PW) Dept)

5.2 IMPORTANT CONDITIONS: (Preliminary Specifications)

5.2.1        P.S to A.P.S.S from inseparable condition of all Agreements(PS.2)

5.2.2           Legal address – Notice Delivery at the address given by the tenderer or posting in a box regularly maintained by post office shall constitute proper delivery (P.S. 10)

5.2.3        Authorized deletions/omissions or additions (under clause 16 by PS to APSS) may have to be ordered by the EE only with the approval of the authority which approved technically the original drawings & specification.  In case the deletions/additions are of such nature as to alter the very scope of the original sanctions requiring revision of estimates by the Government then such administrative approval shall be obtained to the revised estimate first before taking action under clause 16(b) of PS to APSS.

5.2.4           Contractors are responsible for the material supplied by the Department (PS 26)

5.2.5        Executive Engineer has got full powers to reject any portion work which in his opinion, is defective, in case of failure of the contractor to rectify the defective work, Executive Engineer may get it rectified at contractors risk. (In lieu of rejection of work, he may make such allowance for the difference in the value as, in his opinion, is reasonable. (PS 27).

5.2.6        Contractor is responsible to rectify any defects noticed upto six months after the date of completion (PS. 28)

5.2.7        In regard to quality of work, the Executive Engineer’s decision is final.  In case of dispute, the appellate authority is Superintending Engineer and his decision is final(PS.29).

5.2.8        The contractor, on the request of the Executive Engineer has to dismiss any person employed by him(PS30).

5.2.9           Government may be represented at site by an individual who is not necessarily its regular employee to carry out the instructions of Executive Engineer regarding progress or quality of execution. (PS 32)

5.2.10    Carriage, Construction Plant, Scaffolding constructions Temporary constructions, water and lighting latrines for work people, sun protections, keeping dry and pumping, tolls and seigniorage charges, setting out of works, clearing up during progress and delivery all covered by the rates for work unless there are specific definite superseding instructions n the specifications to the contrary.

No Payment shall be made for the return trips with carts empty.  Where there are loads also for return trip, the Agreement rates should allow for the reduced cost thereby on each set of materials so conveyed. (PS 33 to 43).

The contractor shall give notice in writing to the Executive Engineer when the works is ready to be handed over and shall be responsible for its maintenance until it is taken over by the Executive Engineer(PS. 43).

5.2.11    The contractor, besides being bound by other conditions of PS to APSS, id additionally responsible.

  1. i) for observing laws.
  2. ii) To provide suitable, hoarding, lighting, watchman wherever necessary.

iii)  To comply with relevant instructions on blasting.

  1. iv) Protecting adjoining and existing premises.
  2. v) To afford facilities to Executive Engineer to send workmen upon the premises to execute fitting and other works not included in contract etc.,
  3. vi) For arranging holes for water service, gas electrical and sanitary fitting in the masonry & floors.

vii)   For complying with the provisions of factory act., (PS 44 to 49 & 51)


5.2.12    a) The work executed by the contractor shall be maintained at his risk until the work is taken over by the Executive Engineer.  He should arrange his own insurance against fire and other usual risks. (PS 50). 

  1. b) Assignment of works without written permission by Executive Engineer is for bidden. (PS 54).

5.2.13    The orders of the Executive Engineer with regard to extension of time for completing the contract or termination of the contract or of the employment a specialists for certain portion of the work as described in the respective clauses of PS to APSS will further be subject to ratification of the higher authority who accepted the tender. (PS 55, 56 & 59).

5.2.14    The contractor is entitled to withdraw from the contract and obtain refund of his security deposit if intimation of handing over the site is delayed of more than two months from the date of acceptance of the Agreements by competent authority. (PS 58) (date of singing Agreement is the date of handing over of site)

(G. O. Ms. No. 37 TR&B, Dt: 30.1.90)


5.2.15    Reasonable extension of time will be allowed by the Executive Engineer or by the officer competent to sanction the extension for unavoidable delays such as may result from causes, which in the opinion of the Executive Engineer are undoubtedly beyond the control of the contractor.  The extension granted by Executive Engineer in respect of contracts where the tenders are approved by higher authority is subject to ratification of that authority (PS 59).

Sl. No Nature of Lapse of breach of condition Action in respect of (K2) piece work contract Action in respect of LS Contract
1. Failure to start the work after Agreement is concluded or violating any of the provision of the contract Forfeiture of EMD at the discretion of the accepting authority. 60 (A) of PS to APSS

(a) Notice to be issued under clause 60(a) of PS to APSS advising the contractor to make up the shortfall within seven days of the receipt of the notice.  If the contractor neglects to comply after receipt of notice, if is lawful for the Executive Engineer, to determine the contract, which determination shall carry with it the forfeiture of the EMD.

Executive Engineer shall determine the contract with forfeiture of EMD.

(ii) The amount withheld under clause 68 in intermediate bills.

(iii) Value of work executed and  not paid for or such portion of such to tall sums as shall be assessed by the Executive Engineer.  Any authority higher in rank may waive or modify the forfeiture.

b) If however the Executive Engineer, not withstanding the failure of the contractor or comply with the demand referred to in clause 60(a) shall permit the contractor to proceed with the work, or part, and continue and complete the whole or such part of the work, such provision, shall not be deemed to be a waiver in any respect by the Executive Engineer of the right of for feature under this clause provided that any such forfeiture under this clause shall not exceed 5 percent the total of the finished contract amount.  Any authority higher in rank may waive or modify the forfeiture.

2. Failure to show progress after starting the work. Imposing fine by the authority accepting the Agreement not exceeding 5% of the finished contract amount. Same as in item(b) 60 (B) of PA to APSS. 60(c) if the rate of progress as is not maintained, he Executive Engineer can given any part of the work to any contractor at rates not exceeding the rtes provided in the original Agreement.  If the tenders are called for, the deference in cost shall be charged to the original contractor not exceeding 5% of finished contract and the contract shall then be determined only for that portion of the work given to other contractor.
3 Stopping of work or refusal to do further work in course of execution (Suspension of work) The authority accepting the Agreement may suspend the Agreement.  The work done shall be finalized enforcing the forfeiture of deposits or not at the desertion of the authority. A registered notice shall be served on the contractor under clause 61 of the PA to APSS by the Executive Engineer requiring to resume the work as per terms of contract within 14 days of the receipt of the notice.  The Executive Engineer may take possession of the Government for purpose of completing the work.  The work shall then be completed by other agency without undue delay or expenses and on completion of work, any excess expenditure on the balance work, shall be made good from the original contractors’ dues.

Further amended vide G. O. Ms. No. 181 I& CAD, Dt: 27.9.97.

Tender shall be called for the balance work with reference to Revised Estimate prepared as per prevailing SSR.  In case the Revised Estimate exceeding the original Estimate beyond the powers of the officers the position shall be brought to the notice of Government.  The Chief Engineer is competent to sanction the Revised Estimate if the revision is purely based on the increase in SSR.


4. Due to death or insolvency or imprisonment etc., of the contractor The contract may be determined at the option of Executive Engineer by notification in Gazette etc., and work done shall be paid for to the contractor or to his legal heirs. The contract may be determined at the option of Executive Engineer by notification in Gazette etc., and work done shall be paid for to the contractor or to his legal heirs. (PS 72)



6.1.1  Standard clause for incorporation in Agreements “Except as other wise provided in the contract, any disputes and differences arising out of or relating to the contract shall be referred to adjudication as follows:

  1. I) Settlement of all claims upto Rs. 50000/- in value and below by way of arbitration to be referred as follows:
a) Claims upto Rs. 10000/- in value SE of another circle in the same
b) Claims above Rs. 10000/- and upto Rs. 50000/- in value. Another CE of the same Department.

The arbitration proceedings will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration Act, 1940 as amended from time to time.  The Arbitrator shall invariably give reasons in the Award.

iii)  Settlement of all claims above Rs. 50000/- in value shall be decided by the civil courts of competent.  Jurisdiction by way of a regular suit and not be arbitrator.

  1. A reference for adjudication under this clause shall be made by either party to the contract within six months from the date of intimating the contractor of the preparation of final bill or his having accepted payment.

(G. O. Ms. No. 20, Irrn & CAD (Project – wing) Dept., Dt: 31.01.1989)

6.1.2        The Chief Engineer is authorized to accept an arbitration award below Rs. 20000/- in value in case where the award is within the sanctioned Estimate of the particular scheme and does not involve any revision of estimate beyond the competence of the officers.  Other cases should be reported to Government.

6.1.3        Decision on the Arbitration award should be taken within 30 days.  If is is not contested within thirty days either by the contractor or the Government, it will be binding on both the parties.

6.1.4        Cases over Rs. 20000/- should be reported to the Government within 15 days of the receipt of the award.

6.1.5        When the cost is to be borne by the Government, the stamp duty may be charged to the work concerned.

6.1.6        In the case of an Arbitration award when it is agreed by either party without contest can be paid without entering into Supplemental Agreement.

(vide clarification issued by the AG., in Lr. No. WADII/EE/223 of 11-73 communicated in CE (R&B) No. 1678/E3/66-38, Dt: 21.11.1973)

6.1.7        The interest payable is not a matter within the jurisdiction of the arbitrator.

6.1.8        Reference of Arbitration by either party can be made within the limitation period of three years under Art 115 of the limitation Act.  1908 and that the period of limitation starts from the day the contractor (Petitioner) is intimated of the preparation of the final bill or his having accepted the amount.

( G. O. Ms. No. 1816-ARBI(1)/88-2, Dt: 30.11.1988 Irrn & CAD(PW) Dept)

6.1.9        It was held by Supreme Court that the proceedings before the arbitrators are quasi-judicial and they must be conducted in accordance with the principles of a natural justice and it is obligatory to give reasons.  It is necessary that the arbitrators give some indications as to how the mind of the arbitrators acts.  Therefore the above ruling can be cited to assail any award of the arbitrator when it does not contain any reasons or do not indicate the grounds which weighted with the arbitrator for giving the award.

(Govt. Memo. No. 1777-ARB(i)/88-2, Dt:26.11.88 of I&CAD (PW) Dept.)

6.1.10    The High court had held that awarding compensation towards escalation, interest etc., not provided in the contract is beyond the jurisdiction of the arbitrators.

(Govt. memo. No. 1816/A/88/4.1.89 of I&CAD (PW) Dept)

6.1.11    The Departmental Officers should not leave the task of securing the certified copies of the lower courts or High court entirely to the Government Pleaders and they should obtain the certified copies immediately after it is pronounced so as to enable them to examine the possibility to go in for an appeal within the appeal time.

(Govt. Memo. No. 111/ARB-11. 88-10, Dt:28.9.89 I&CAD (PW) Dept) 

6.1.12    According to Sub-rule(ix), (x), (xi), (xii) of rule 14 of the AP Law Officers (RCR) rules, 1967 the Government Pleaders:

  1. i) Have to report to Government on the day of judgment is pronounced the decision in every case conducted by him in the High court.
  2. ii) Have to apply to the court on the very day of delivery of judgment for a copy of judgment and to forward such copy to the Government without delay.

iii)   Have to inform the date before which further action, if any should be taken and to report Government as soon as possible, his view as to the advisability of appealing against the adverse judgment of the court.

  1. iv) To intimate to the Government the filling of all Sits & Appeals in the High Court and of all applications for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court to which the Government are a party and to promptly reports the Government the orders of the court in all such cases with suggestions as to the further action to be taken on behalf of the Government.

(Govt. Memo. No. 7081/L2/89, Dt: 11.9.89 LW Dept.)

6.1.13    The High court held that:

  1. Allowing a claim on the ground that the claim of the contractor was not denied by the Department, is an error.
  2. Entertaining claim of the contractors for extra leads which is not covered by the Agreements is beyond the jurisdiction of the Arbitrators as well as the (Lower) Court.

iii.  Allowing a claim for extra rate for the work done beyond the Agreement period is contrary to the Agreement.

  1. The High Court set aside the interest allowed by the City civil Court, Hyderabad from the date of reference and upheld from the date of decree of the Lower Court.

(Govt. Memo. No. 1816-ARB(i) 88-22, Dt: 8.8.90 of I&CAD (PW) Dept)

6.1.14    The High Court dismissed to appeal filed by the contractor against the lower court judgment in disallowing contractors claims towards damages of compensation termed as interest.

(Govt. Memo. No. 1813-ARBI (i) 88-8, Dt: 6.2.89 of I&CAD (PW) Dept)

6.1.15    The Supreme Court upheld the judgment of the District court and High Court in setting aside the award passed by Arbitrator on the ground that the arbitrator allowed extra cost towards escalation contrary to the provision made in the Agreement.

(Govt. Memo. No. 1816/ARB (i) 88-10, Dt: 13.3.89 I&CAD (PW) Dept.) 

6.1.16    The Supreme Court held that for making an award a rule of the Court, the Court having jurisdiction over the place, where the contract was signed is only competent.

(Govt. Memo. No. 1816-ARB/(1)/8812, Dt: 23.3.89 I&CAD (PW) Dept)

6.1.17    The High Court (Orissa) held the view that the Arbitrator should maintain relevant records and calculation sheets etc., leading to the award and it should be field with the connected papers.

(Govt. Memo. NO. 1816-ARBI/88-23, Dt: 16.8.89 of I&CAD (PW) Dept.)


7.1.1        The following are the authorized forms of bills and vouchers:

a. First and Final Bills : Form 24 (PWD VI-29)
b. Running Account Bills : Form 27 (PWD VI-74)
c. Lumpsum contract Bills : Form 27-A, 27-B(PWD VI-73(a)
d. Hand Receipts : Form 28(CF-476)

This form (Hand Receipts) is used for all miscellaneous payment sand advances, where none of the other forms is suitable (para 298 of ‘A’ code)

7.1.2        Audit enfacement is to be embodied on each voucher in token of check of Divisional level.  The date of measurements and check measurements shall also be furnished on the voucher.

(G. O. Ms. No. 187 PWD, Dt: 3.2.60)

7.1.3        Imprest holders can make payments from their impresets upto Rs. 50/- on their won responsibility.

(Govt. Memo. NO. 68-Y/69-3 PWD Dt: 11.3.69 vide para 170 of APWA Code)

7.1.4        The above limits is enhanced to Rs. 100/– to Rs. 100/- is Sirsailam and Sreeramsagar projects.

(Govt. Memo. No. 826 E2/74-2 PWD (PW) Dt: 19.4.74 & 3308-E2/64-2 PWD(PW) Dt: 7.1.76) 

7.1.5        Sub-divisional Officers may pay F&F Bills upto Rs. 1000/- and intermediate bills upto Rs. 15000/- without pre-audit in the division under the specific delegation of the Superintending Engineer.  First bills and Final Bills will however be sent to the division for pre audit.

(Para 286 of ‘A’ code & Amendment vide G. O. Ms. No.80 TR Dept., Dt: 26.8.90)

7.1.6        Failure to pre-audit may be condoned by the Superintending Engineer vide conditions imposed in Note 3 under para 286 ‘A’ Code.

(G. O. Ms. No. 227 PWD Dt: 24.1.58)

7.1.7        The Circumstances in which and the conditions subject to which provisional payments can be made by PAO.

  1. Where revised administrative approval of Government is not required.

If an Estimate/Revised Estimate (technical sanction) has not been sanctioned or proper Agreement/Supplemental Agreement has not been concluded the Pay & Accounts Officer/Asst. Pay & Accounts Officer may make 4 payments not exceeding 25% on the value of each contract provided the claim is supported by provisional payment form (Form PAO-67) (duly filled in and countersigned by the authority competent to regularizes the formality concerned.

  1. Where Administrative Approval of the Government is required.
  1. a) If an Estimate has not been submitted by the Chief Engineer to Government for Administrative Approval or been submitted, but has not been approved by the Government, one provisional payment to the extent of 25% of the value of each contract may be claimed form the Pay & Accounts Officer supported by Provisional Payment Form duly signed by the Chief Engineer.
  1. b) Where Revised Estimate has not been submitted to Government, Provisional Payment will be made by the Pay & Accounts Officer/Asst. Pay & Accounts Officer in all to the extent of 25% of the additional amount for which revised sanction is required.
  1. c) Where a Revised Estimate is pending with Government, the Chief Engineer may ask for provisional payments duly supported by PP form (except final bills). In these cases, payment should be in accordance with the original or Supplemental Agreements entered into the competent authority.
  1. iv) Where an Agreement or Supplemental Agreement required approval of Government.

If an Agreement or Supplemental Agreement required approval of Government and the rates  have already been agreed to by the competent authority, provisional payments can be made by the Pay & Accounts Officer/Asst. Pay & Accounts Officer supported by Provisional Payment Form duly signed by the Chief Engineer.  The extent of payment will be 25% of the value of the work entrusted to the contractor.

Exception:       1. In cases covered by (ii) © and (iii) above, Superintending Engineer may be counter prior approval of Government.

  1. Any provisional payment which is not covered by sub-para above shall be made only with the prior approval of Government.

7.1.8        It has been clarified by Government that the limits prescribed will apply separately for a work and for a contract, that is to say, if objection relates to the work as a whole for example, want of estimates for a work, the limits, such as the total of four payment or 25% of cost, will apply to the work as a whole irrespective of number of contracts relating to the work.  If however, the objection relates to want of Agreement (s) in respect of a sanctioned work, the limits will apply for each contract, (Letter No. 1945E/56-2, Dt: 17.9.66 form the Deputy Secretary to Government, PWD (Projects Wing) to the Deputy Accountant General (Projects) Payments in respect of firm bills, the debit of which is to “03” Suspense Purchases” do not come under the purview of this provision.



  1. Is the name of Estimate/WS/Nos indicated on the bill.
  2. Is the PO No indicated on the bill.
  3. Are all the certificates required as per the conditions of the PO Recorded.
  4. Is the reference to Date of measurement and check measurement indicated in the bill (as per para 296 of ‘A’ code)
  5. Has reference to Goods, received /OTEO/been furnished.
  6. Has the debit/Credit classification been indicated on the bill (as per para 539 of ‘A’ Code)
  7. Has reference to month of MAS Accounts/T&P/Stock in which the articles acquired been recorded in the bills (as per para 186, 323 and sub-para 548 of APWA Code)
  8. Has the ST certificate been furnished by the firm and whether ST claimed is in order.
  9. Has advance stamped receipt been fixed to the bill.
  10. Has allocation of expenditure of the amount of the bill to which is to be charged in various Estimates been indicated.
  11. Has warranty certificate according to conditions of PO been furnished.
  12. Have the supplies been made within the time stipulated in the PO.
  13. Whether the excise or other duties, packing and forwarding charges claimed and admissible and provided for in the PO.
  14. If sufficient provision in the Estimate is available.
  15. Necessary certificates furnished.
  16. Other Remarks.


1) Is the bill claimed in the authorized forms (para 298 of APWA Code)

2) Is the name of Estimate/Revised Estimate or Work slip number indicated on the bill.

3) Is the Agreement No. Supplemental Agreement No. indicated on the Bill (bill form provided).

4) Has the contractor accepted the amounts and singed in the M. Book to that effect. (bill form provided) para 294 (d) (2) PWA Code.

5) Has the contractor signed the bill (Bill form provides)

6) Are all the certificates required under rules, Government Instructions, Agreement recorded.

7) Is the reference to previous payment indicated on the bill.

8) Is the reference to the date of Measurement by the SO Check measurements by sub-divisional officer/Executive Engineer /Superintending Engineer wherever necessary indicated on the bill (Sub para I under para 294 of APWA Code).

9) Is the EMD as required under rules furnished and the amount credited to Account.

  1. a) ISWF FSD – Recovered in terms of Agreement conditions and rules in force.(G. O. Ms. No. 491, Dt: 14.5.73)
  1. b) If a bank guarantee is furnished, is it valid as on the date of passing the bill.

10) Is the debit and credit classification correctly indicated on the Bill (para 539 of APWA code)

11) Is reference to month of MAS Accounts/Stock/T&P in which the articles recorded in bills (para 186 and 323 and sub para 3 under para 548 of APWA code) furnished.

12) Is the oritical requirement of material and statement of issues to the contractor detailing the USR numbers, quantity, rate and amount appended to the bill for the purpose of comparison of issues with requirements (govt. Memo. No. 1959 – codn 72-10, Dt: 28.1.74)

13) Are the Hire charges statements enclosed to the bill wherever necessary.

14) Is the MAS Account appended to the bill wherever necessary.

(G. O. Ms. No. 348, Dt: 18.9.1970)

15)       Is the overall recovery statement enclosed to the bill (Material, hire charges and other miscellaneous recoveries shown in the bill.

16)       Has the contractor furnished a valid release and discharge certificate and enclosed to the final bill.

17)       Has the contractor produced valid income tax clearance certificate and sent to the Executive Engineer before presentation of the final bill/before issue of the cheque.

18)       Is the reference to page numbers and measurements book No furnished in the relevant columns of the bill (Bill form provides)

19)       Is the name of sub-division and division recorded on the bill (bill form provides)

20)       Is the bill followed by Scrutiny slip.

21)       Is allocation of a expenditure if the amount o the bill is to be charged to different Estimates indicated.

22)       Are the entries in parts I to IV of the bill filled.


1)         Is the work covered by an administrative/ revised administrative approval.

2)         Is there an Estimate/Revised Estimate or Work slip to the work.

3)         is the work or supply covered by specific provision in the Estimate.  If not, is the bill accompanied by Work slip sanctioned by competent authority.

4)         Are the quantities of work done within the Estimate.  If not whether the extra quantities are authorized by competent authority and sanctioned communicated.

5)         Is the approval of competent authority obtained for the alterations in design during construction. (Article 196 of AP financial code Vol.I)

6)         IS the Revised Estimate submitted when the sanctioned Estimate is likely to be exceeded by more than 5% (Article 197 of AP Financial code Vol read with G. O. Ms. No.242 PWD Dt: 11.2.66).

7)         Is the expenditure which is within the competence of the Executive Engineer/Superintending Engineer/Chief Engineer to sanction or regularize is not incurred as matter of course under the orders of su-ordinate officers without the knowledge of Executive Engineer(SE/CE (para 545 of APWA Code).

8)         Have orders of Executive Engineer/SE/CE been obtained if against a single Estimate more than one officers are permitted to operate the sanction imposing a definite limitation of money transactions to each officer (para 547 of APWA Code)

9)         Are Savings due to abandonment of parts of work not utilized towards unauthorized expenditure. (sub-para2 under para 547 of APWA Code)


1)         Is there an Agreement entered into with the contractor or supplier by competent authority.

2)         Are extra items covered by Supplemental Agreement accepted by competent authority.

3)         Are the quantities executed within the Agreement quantities.  If  not have provisional rates been fixed for the quantities in excess of Agreement condition.

(G. O. Ms. No. 197, Dt: 17.12.71)

4)         Are the rates claimed in the bill in accordance with Agreement rates.

5)         Has the work been done according to rate of progress as per Agreement.  If not is the extension of time granted by the competent authority and communicated to the Executive Engineer before the bill is presented.

6)         Have all the special conditions stipulated in the Agreement been generally adhered to.

7)         Are rates revised during the course or after the work is carried out (Sub para 4 under para 306 of APWA code and Art. 195(a) of AP Financial code Vol.I)

8)         Are part rates allowed for intermediate work in terms of Agreement sub-para © under para 306 of APWA  Code/Agreement conditions.

9)         Is data for part rates worked out n terms of G. O. Ms. No.355, Dt: 24.4.74 and appended to the bill for check by Executive Engineer.

10)       Whether intermediate payment rates agreed to in the Agreement have been correctly entered into.

11)       Is the security deposit forfeited if the work contractor refuses to do the work and Agreement terminated under Art. 195 (b) of AP financial code Vol-I)

12)       Is the approval of next higher authority obtained for entrusting the balance work. (note under Art 195(b) of AP Financial Code Vol. I)

13)       Are all rules applicable for revision of Estimate complied with in the case of entrustment of balance work at higher rates and revision of rates as per Art. 195 (b) and (c) of AP financial code Vol.I.

14)       Is the sanction of competent authority obtained before ordering any item not contemplated in the original Agreement (ar. 195 (f) of AP Financial Code vol-I)

15)       Is the charge covered by an appropriation (para 101 of APWA Code)

16)       Are the quantities limited to pit measurements or level measurement whichever is less in the case of earth work excavation.

( G. O. Ms. No. 1706, Dt: 22.1168)

17)       Are the variation in classification of soils check measured by Executive Engineer/SE and approved (G. O. Ms. No. 467, Dt: 34.72 read with Govt. Memo. NO. 1970-A2/72-11, Dt: 4.7.1974)


1)         Is the bill arithmetically checked (para 539 of APWA Code)

2)         Are the measurements in the M. Book relating to the works or supplied arithmetically checked (para 540 of APWA Code)


1)         Have all entries in the M. Book been made properly and have all the pointed referred to in para 294 of APWA code.

2)         Have the entries in the M. Book been check measured wherever necessary.(Para 297 of APWA Code)

3)         Have the measurements been properly abstracted in the M. Book and billed for after giving cross reference.

4)         Is the recording of measurements in accordance with the supplemental specifications appended to the contract.

5)         Are any unforeseen item of work provided for by a lumpsum provision in an Estimate claimed  without actual measurement.(Sub –para 3 of para 306 of APWA Code)

6)         Are any measurements recorded without receipt of material (Sub prara 5 of para 306 of APWA Code)

7)         Are any measurements for the work done in the month of March included in the claim for payment, in the month of March (para 6 under para 307 of APWA Code)

7.2.7    RECOVERIES 

1)         Is recovery proposed for non-employment of technical agent  by the contractor (Agreement conditions)

2)         Is the recovery towards cost of material issued to the contractor proposed (para 331 of APWA Code).

3)         Are the recorded reasons furnished for the supply of material not contemplated in the Agreement in terms of Para 328 of APWA Code.

4)         Has the recovery been regulated for the supply of material not contemplated in the Agreement in terms of para 328 of APWA Code.

5)         Has surcharge been levied for the material issued in excess of theoretical requirement or short consumed as per Agreement conditions.

(G. O. Ms. No. 2151, Dt: 30.12.97)

6)         Have al the USRs been sent  to Executive Engineer for ledgerisation before  the bills is presented to the Executive Engineer and reference to letter no. and date in which the USRs sent to Executive Engineer furnished in the recorded statement.

7)         Are the rates charged in the USRs correct as per the rates stipulated in the Agreement.

8)         Is recovery towards hire charges proposed.

9)         Are all the hire charges statements sent to Executive Engineer duly supported by log extracts before the bill is presented to Executive Engineer.

10)       Have hire charges been recovered at correct rates.

11)       Have idle charges been levied.

12)       Have the hire charges been regulated on out turn basis or daily basis whichever is more.

13)       Is recovery on account of Government funds spent on behalf of a contractor to complete the work which he has neglected or failed to complete made (Art 178 of AP financial Code Vol-I)

14)       Are all other recoveries much cost of Electrical Energy supplies, water supply fines imposed ground rent, cost of materials sold, recoveries proposed by QC wing etc., as reflected in the register proposed (para 546 of APWA Code).

15)       Has the contractor paid seignorages, cess to the respective authorities viz revenue/forest Department(Agreement conditions)

16)       Is recovery towards income tax at 2.30% effected in respect of Agreement, value exceeding Rs. 20000/- made.

17)       is ST as per Sec. 5H of ST amendment Act 1995, recovered.

18)       Is St As per G. O. Ms. 788 (rev. Dept.,) dt: 21.9.96 recovered.

19)       Is Mineral clearance certificate produced with Final Bill.


  1. i) Pre measurements are required to verify whether the required quantity of materials are brought to site.
  2. ii) For loose gravel layers at Optimum moisture content – 50% extra is to be collected.

iii)                For WBM roads formation metal should be collected as per requirement.  Usually collection of metal and gravel are provided as separate schedule items.

  1. iv) Watering of road surface has to be continued for a period of 15 days from the first day of rolling.
  2. v) If the metal colleted for a road work does not conform to the specified size, it will be paid for at reduced rates as under:


0-20% Over size : Reduction in the rate by 25% of the difference between the basic rate of the metal of the specified size and next higher size.
20–30% Over size : 50% instead of 25% above.
30–40 %Over size : The rate of next higher size.

If the bitumen deficiency is found in a Road Work, the reduced, rate shall be as under:

Deficiency: 0.20% : Reduction of amount after working out the less used quantity.

(Circular Memo. No. 711/D2/QC/84-2, Dt: 27.6.85 red with memo even dt: 26.6.84 and clause 27 © of PS to APSS)

  1. vi) Empty oil drums should not be purchased in the open market. They should be purchased from RTC only.  (Applicable to R&B) ENC Circular Memo. 7714/T.A1/AEE/93, Dt: 27.11.93)

7.2.9        BUILDING WORKS: 

                        A certificate to effect that RCC roof slab has been tested by holding with water to a depth of 6” and the roof slab watched carefully and constantly for not less than a week is to be recorded by Deputy Executive Engineer before making payment.

7.2.10    EARTH WORK:

  1. The Quantity of earth work done shall be determined based on levels (Detailed specification 301.4.1 of APSS).
  1. Detailed calculation sheets should be attached to each section sheet and it should be got signed by the contractor.

iii.        The following certificate is to be furnished by the Section Officer and Dy. Executive Engineer for both pre-levels and work done levels.

“Certified that the levels are taken by me on date and recorded in LF Books No. and from page _________ to ______ Para of M. B. No_________”

  1. The following certificate shall be furnished by the Dy. Executive Engineer while submitting to Division fre pre-audit.

“Certified that the levels recorded in LF Books have been checked and found to be correct”

  1. The following certificates is to be furnished at the Divisional Level.

“Certified that the levels plotted in the section sheets and the areas and quantities worked out in the calculation sheets have been checked with levels recorded in the LF Books and carried to M. Books are found to be correct”

(G. O. Ms. No. 82 PWD, Dt: 20.2.1972)

  1. In respect of earth work costing Rs. 5000/- and above, a condition is to be stipulated that payment shall be made based levels only (Instructions of Chief Engineer)

vii.       Whenever bailing out water is found necessary during execution, the water levels shall be recorded in M. Bs, the rates for intermediate works worked out duly making deduction, when bailing out water is not involved.

(PWD Memo. No.  991/Cood/74-4, Dt: 1.10.74)

viii.      When a finished item of work is not completed as per profile part rate can be allowed in the intermediate bills.  No part rate is admissible for items not covered by the Agreement.  The following Principles should govern the determination of part rates in intermediate bills.

  1. a) The part rate should be so determined that the amount paid to the contractor should not be in excess of the value of the work done.
  1. b) The part rate should also be determined keeping in view, the value of the balance of work yet to be done.

(G. O. Ms. No.335, PWD(Codn) Dt: 24.4.74)

7.2.11    In respect of mechanical contracts, the clause 68 of PS to APSS regarding retention amount does not apply.  Payment in these cases shall be regulated as under:

  1. Payment will be made at 82% of the total contract value of any portion of the plant and machinery form time to time as per break up costs given under Schedule – ‘A’.
  1. Payment upto 90% of total value of contract including all execution & Errection charges on taking over of such completed section of plant after errection and testing.

iii.        The balance of contract value after the expiry of 12 months the terms and conditions and dispatching instructions are given in G. O. Ms. No. 603 T R&B, Dt: 20.7.76 and clause 68 of PS to APSS is modified to the above effects.

(G. O. Ms. No.416 T, R&B, Dt: 27.2.1980)

7.2.12  a)         A Schedule of quantities of important materials like steel, cement etc., required for execution in accordance with the required specifications will be appended to the Agreement.  IF these materials drawn accordingly are short used, the excess quantity so drawn should be returned to the Department in good condition and no payment will be made to the contractor there for.  If they are not so returned, their cost will be recovered at the market rate prevailing at the time of supply or the issue rate their cost will be recovered at the market rate prevailing at the time of supply or the issue rate whichever is greater plus storage charges plus supervision charges at 10% plus sales tax if payable.

  1. b) If materials are drawn in excess, of the theoretical requirements indicated in the Agreement, the extra quantity should be returned in good condition. If they are not so returned, their cost will be recovered at Prevailing market rate or issue rate plus 10% surcharge whichever is higher plus storage and sales tax if leviable.
  1. c) IF the materials are short drawn or short used (though drawn according to schedule) the savings due to short drawal/used should be secured to Government by recovering the cost thereof at issue rate from the contractor.  In case the materials short used though drawn according to schedule, this recovery will be in addition to the recovery to be made for the cost of materials not returned as stipulated above.

(Govt. Memo. No. 481/7/71-6, PWD, Dt: 24.3.72)

  1. d) Percentage for wastage need not be fixed afresh as standard data covers wastage also.

(G. O. Ms. No. 252, PWD, Dt: 30.12.1970)

7.2.13    the empty drums of bitumen used for Departmental works are to be sold to the industries at the prevailing market rates, dispensing with the present system of calling for tenders or open auction.

(G. O. Ms. No.683 PWD, Dt: 17.7.74)

7.2.14    When the materials are issued to contractors for use on Government works theoretical requirements should be worked out and indicated in the M. Books.  The statements of theoretical requirements and actual consumption should be sent along with the bills to Audit.

(Govt. Memo. NO. 1959-Codn/71-10 PWD, Dt: 28.1.74) 

7.2.15       In respect of material returned by the contractor which are original supplied by Government the price allowed to the contractor in reacquisition should not exceed the amount charged to the contractor excluding storage charges. (Para 333 of  ‘A’ code)

7.2.16    It is the responsibility of the contractor to procedure spare parts like tyres and tubes for their vehicles even if the vehicles are used in actual execution of Government works and hence it cannot be treated as bonafide issued for the purpose of 328 © of APWA Code.

(Govt. Memo. No.786-C/75-3, Dt: 15.9.76 of T R&B Dept)

7.2.17    Only one certificate for tax deductions at source for IT Department should be issued.

(G. O. Ms. No. 405 Irr(PW-Cod) Dept., Dt: 14.8.84)

7.2.21    Bonafide use of Departmental materials issued to the works such as marking out, centering, centerline pillers etc., may also be treated as bonafide use on works.

  1. Only issue of materials required actually in connection with the work should be treated as for bonafied use.
  1. While materials required for the construction of contractors office shed and stores in respect of specific work may be treated as for bonafide use, materials issued of construction of quarters of the contractors or his employee or labour camps cannot be treated as for bonafide use, since it is the responsibility of the contractor to make his own arrangements in this regard.
  1. The issue of materials for bonafide use should be restricted to the actual need of the work based on the theoretical requirements in order to prevent over issues or malpractices.

(Govt. memo. No. 665Y/71-10 PWD, Dt: 1.12.1971 and 786-C/75-3, T R&B Dept., Dt: 15.9.75)

7.2.22    The deduction towards shrinkage allowance is tobe effected from the actual profile quantities i.e., worked out at 2.4% (i.e., 1/41)

(CE Pochamped Memo. No. 131/239/69-73, Dt: 4.8.73)

7.2.23    The Department is not bound to take back the unused or wastage steel, if it is not required and it remains the properly of the contractor and wastage should be borne by the contractor.

(Govt. Memo. No. 2732/Y66-18 PWD, Dt: 18.12.67)

7.2.24    Mineral revenue clearance certificate has to be produced by the contractors before final bills are paid, Filing which five times penal recovery shall be effected.  The transit form issued by Asst. Director of Mines and Geology shall substitute for mineral clearance certificate.  In case of doubts as to the genuineness of transit form.  confirmation may be obtained from AD (M&G).

(Director or (M&G) Dir. 7832/S1390, Dt: 5.2.96)

7.2.25    In the case of both LS and K2 contracts of Rs. 50000/- and above in value, the contractor shall be required to employ technical personnel on the concerned works at his own cost, whether technical skill is required or not.

Sl. No Estimated contract value in Rupees Scale of Technical Staff Rate of recovery PM in case of failure
1. Form Rs. 50000 to 1.00 lakh One ITI candidate 1500/-
2. Between one lakh and 5 lakhs One Diploma Candidate 1700/-
3. Between 5 lakhs and 15 lakhs One Graduate Engineer or two Dimploma Holder 2500/-
4. Ove Rs. 15 lakhs One Graduate Engineer and One Diploma Holder Rs. 4200/-

The appointment of staff be on full time basis and be available at work site to take instructions.

7.2.26    If the contractor himself is a Diploma/Graduate Engineer, no agent need be appointed to supervise the works costing upto Rs. 5 lakhs/above 5 lakhs respectively.  But he shall employ technical staff as per above scale when the undertakes more than one work beyond a radius of 5 Kms.  One or more works within a radius of 5 Kms shall be treated as a single work for purpose of employment of technical staff.

(Govt. Memo. No. 1434/C1/87-18, Dt: 20.12.1980 of T R&B Dept.,)

7.2.27    Sales Tax registration number should be printed on cashmemo/bills.

(Rules 45(3) of APGST Rules)

The quotations also should bear the sales tax registration number.

7.3              CHECK MEASUREMENTS:


Regular Division (Construction / Maintenance) : 36 Nos.
Special Division : 24 Nos.
Investigation Division : 12 Nos.

(G. O. Ms. No. 848 PWD, Dt: 2.6.72)

7.3.2        The Executive Engineer should check measure all individual works costing Rs. 100000/- an above at least once 30% of Expenditure.

(G. O. Ms. No. 390 I&CAD Dept., Dt: 30.8.90)

7.3.3        The Superintending Engineer should check measure works at random in a particular years as may be directed by the Chief Engineer from time to time and all works costing Rs. 5.00 lakh and above essentially at least once in year in irrigation and power Department and all works each costing Rs. 10.00 lakhs and above before final payment is made.  IN R&B Department Ses should check measure at least two works each costing Rs. 5.00 lakh to Rs. 10.00 lakhs in each division besides check measuring all works each costing Rs. 10.00 lakhs and above at least once in a year.

(CE (Buildings)( R&B) Circular Memo TA8/JE7/12125/86, Dt: 21.8.87)

(G. O. Ms. No.405 Irrn. 14.8.84 and G. O. Ms. No.39 I&CAD Dt: 30.8.90) 

7.3.4        The components selected for check measurements should not be less than 50% of the value of work done specially include such of the items where there is scope for fraud.  IN the case of embankments LS of cutoffs should immediately be checked for leads as well as for soil classification and also their suitable for foundations and impermeability by the sanctioning authority or by the Superintending Engineers in charge of the work.  In cuttings, soils classification should be checked as per the existing instructions contained in Govt. Memo. No. 364/NSP/II(1)80-21, Dt: 20.10.1984.

(G. O. Ms. No. 37 T, R&B Dept., Dt: 30.1.90)

7.3.5        Non-Check measurement can be condoned by the Departmental Officers, if the cost of the work condoned is within his powers of write-off and that there has been no loss on account of lack of initial check measurement.

7.3.6        Final bills and F&F Bills should not be paid by Pay & Accounts Officers in cases where Superintending Engineer has to check measure but actually no done.  They should be returned.

(Memo. No. 44/F8/87-1, Dt: 20.6.87) 

7.3.7        Final Bills, can be paid by Pay & Accounts Officer even though they were not check measured by Superintending Engineer provided authorization is given by Chief Engineer stating that he will take necessary action to obtain ratification of non-check measurement.

(Memo. No. 44/F8/87-1, Dt: 20.6.87)

7.3.8        Part bills should not be returned by Pay & Accounts Officer, if check measurement by Superintending Engineer is not done.

  1. Classification of soils and rock should be check measured by Executive Engineer in all cases.
  1. In respect of works costing less than Rs.1.00 lakh, Superintending Engineer should be in spect and satisfy himself when the variation in classification is more than 10% but check measurement should be done when variation exceeds 25%.
  2. Variation in classification of soils and rock should be check measured by Executive Engineer and beyond 20% Superintending Engineer has to verify.
  3. Bay of 110 is unit for this purpose when the variation in the classification in the bay is lekly to exceed 10% a report to that effect should be furnish to the Chief Engineer.

(Govt. Memo. No. 364/NSP-II(1)/80-21, Dt: 29.1084)

7.4              ADVANCE PAYMENTS:

 7.4.1        Advance payments can be made to the following firms for purchase of steel.

1. M/s SAIL 110% CE-Full Powers
2. M/s SAIL CE Full Powers
3. M/s TISCO 100% SE Rs. 1.00 lakhs each time
4. M/s IISCO EE Rs. 50000 each time
5. M/s IOL 100%

(G. O. Ms. No. 558 Irrn & Power Dept., Dt: 29.12.80) Currency of the CO Expired by 29.12.81)

7.4.2        All Steel materials shall be procured from M/s AP Steel Limited, by making advance payment.  Any variation in cost of steel compared to other producers should be brought to the notice of Government.

(G. O. Ms. No. 402 I&CAD Dept., Dt: 26.6.87) 

7.5              MISCELANEOUS: 

7.5.1        The authorities delaing with contract engaged in the execution of works should furnish details of awarded contracts to respective assessing authorities of commercial tax Department, so as to enable them to levy sales tax on the materials used in works.

(Govt. U. O. Note. No. 2865/CT-II/87-3, Dt: 2.1.88 of Rev. Department)

7.5.2        All amounts payable in Government accounts by the common public below Rs. 50/- should be collected first by the Departmental Officers at their end and then remitted in the treasury through challan at convenient intervals in accordance with the instructions contained in SR 2, 3 & 4 under TR 10 with effect from 1.10.89.

(G. O. Ms. No. 247 F&P (PWTR) Dt: 2.5.89)

7.5.3        All Government Transactions should be brought to account to nearest whole rupee.

(G. O. Ms. No.167 F&P Dept., Dt: 29.4.89)

8.1.   GENERAL:

8.1.1.         Providing the buckets to Government buildings is not the responsibility of PWD (228 D code)

8.1.2.      R&B should provide fixtures and carryout repairs there to periodically (Except petty repairs which should be attended to by the Department concerned)

8.1.3.      No pandals should be enclosed and maintained for residential buildings except for the reception of his excellency the Governor.

8.1.4.         Pumps should not be installed on wells attached to Residences (para 229 – ‘D Code)

8.1.5.      I)              Furniture to offices will not be supplied and no repairs thereof will be carried out by R&B.  If the estimate of construction of a new office provides supply of furniture also, then R&B arranges to supply furniture.

  1. ii) Furniture supplied to inspection bungles will be debited to the works estimate and subsequent repairs to the furniture to maintenance estimate.

iii)           Government sanction is required for purchase of cutlery and crockery for inspection bungalows (paara 230 ‘D code)

Note:     Chief Engineer is delegated the power to make first purchase within the scheme.  Replacement after satisfactory completion of life span of two years in the case of cockery & Cutlery and 5-7 years in the case of steel and other untsils allowing 20% breakage in the case of crockery and cutlery.

8.1.6.      The standard scale of furniture for inspection bungalow is given below:

1)                  Two iron bedsteads with were mattresses and complete mosquito curtain.

2)                  Two wash hands stands with basins.

3)                  Two 2. G.I Bath tubs.

4)                  One combined meat safte and drawer (Common to bathrooms)

5)                  Two sanitary commodes with tripad stands.

6)                  One dining table (4’ X 4’) (Common to both rooms)

7)                  Two medium size office tables.

8)                  Two small size dressing tables.

9)                  Two clothes stands.

10)              Four arm chairs.

11)              Two easy chairs.

12)              Two box patent mirrors.

13)              Two kitchen tables (4’ X 2’)

14)               Two matty tables (4’ X 2’) Polished tops.

15)              Two teakwood towel racks.

16)              Two teakwood stools.

17)              Two tea poys.

18)              Two GI buckets.

The above scale may be verified by Chief Engineer provided the cost of additions does not exceed Rs 1000/- for double room accommodation and Rs. 750/0 for single room accommodation.


Authority Nature Power
Superintending engineer Provision of furniture on standard scale Subject to monetory limits which include cost of old supplies also.
Executive Engineer Subsequent Repairs Number and cost of articles renewed does not exceed the number and cost of those replaced.

(para 231 ‘D’ Code)


Authority Book value of Buildings For sale
Chief Engineer 10000 As they have no powers
Superintending engineer 5000 To sell the land, whenever
Executive Engineer 1000 Sales of buildings is sanctioned, collector should be in formed who takes action to sell both land and buildings.


The powers do not extends to the sale of individual buildings in a compound, the total book value of which exceeds the above limits.

(para 235 ‘D’ code)

10.2.2    Payment for rent to godown for storing materials should be provided for in the estimate for sanction by the competent authority.

(note 1 under para 240 – A ‘D’ code)


10.3.1    Commercial Departments or Central Government should pay rent for the State Government buildings occupied by them at:

  1. i) 6% to cover interest on book value of buildings with additions and alterations.
  2. ii) 1 ½ %of the book value towards redemption of capital cost.

iii)                4 ½ % towards maintenance charges on capital cost.

  1. iv) 6% towards maintenance on capital cost of sanitary, water supply, electrical installations and fittings.

10.3.2    Buildings borne on accounts of IND & FC do entail recovery of rent from other user departments though they are of the state Government.

(Note 3 under para 245 ‘D’ code)


  1. The responsibility of executing electrical installation in new buildings devolves on electric engineer general.
  1. The superintending engineer, in whose circle the building is situated is responsible for seeing various works are carried out at the proper time and that unnecessary delay is avoided.

(Para 255 ‘ D’ Code)

The occupying Departments should bear the charge of electric builds including fluorescent tubes and debit it to their contingent grants.  The exceptions being the Raj Bhavan and Legislators Hostels in which case the responsibility lies with Electrical Engineer General.

(Para 256 ‘ D’ Code)

10.3.4    Public buildings should be inspected annually such inspection being in respect of soundness or otherwise.

(Para 260 ‘D’ Code)

10.4.1    10.4        SCALE OF ACCOMODATION:

The following norms are fixed:

1. Secretary to Government or Addl. Secretary to Government. : 346.5 Sft. Attached ante-chamber & toilet (Maximum 450 Sft)
2. Joint secretary to Government & Hea of Departments : 272 Sft. Attached ante-chamber  & Toilet
3. Dy. Secretary to Government & Heads of Departments : 220 sft. Attached ante-chamber and toilet.
4. Asst. Secretary to Government and other officers : 160 Sft. With common toilet and lunch room facility
5. Section officers in Secretariat and superintendents : 60 Sft. With common toilet and lunch room facility
6. Clerks and typists etc., : 40 sft. With common toilet and lunch room facility.

Note: 10% extra for storage of records

I. Attenders : 500 Sft.
ii. N.G.O’s : 800 Sft
iii) Officers drawing between Rs. 750/- to 1150/- per month(78 scales) : 1000 sft
iv) Officers drawing between Rs. 1150/- to 1700/- (78 scales) : 2000 Sft.

(G. O.Ms. No. 351, T R&B Dept., Dt: 6.7.1983)

(Note:  Further orders after 78 scales are not issued)


10.5.1    Fixation of rent for private buildings taken on lease is rationalized in supercession of all existing orders in the matter.(G. O.Ms. NO. 35 F&P (FW-EBS-PWD) Dt; 27.2.97)



Buildings –Private buildings occupied by Government Departments – Modification and rationalization of present system of selection and fixation of rent for the private building taken on lease by the Government Departments – Orders – issued.


  1. O. Ms. No. 35 Dt: 27.2.1977

Read the following:

  1. G. O. Ms. No. 601, GA (Accommodation) dept., Dt: 29.8.79.
  2. Govt. Memo. No. 791/accon. A2/82-a, GA 9Accon.A) Dept., Dt: 30.9.82.
  3. G. O. Ms. No. 269, T R&B Dept., Dt; 6.8.85.
  4. Circular memo. No. 133/Accon.A2/96-2, GA 9Accon.A) Dept.,Dt: 29.3.96.

O R D E R:

Government have issued instructions from time to time about the procedure and norms for taking private buildings on lease by Government Departments and fixation of rent thereof.  But it is noticed that rent fixation in practice has become quite cumbersome and leading to wasteful expenditure.

  1. A General Perusal of the rent statistics of the Government buildings taken on lease give the impression that our present method of fixing rent is not a satisfactory one (which take in to account the cost of land, cost of building and age of the building only). Lot of subjective factors are entering into the calculation giving rise to very wise distortion in the figure.  Apart from it, the rent being fixed now is not based on any element which is sensitive to the market situation.  Rent of buildings in the market is decided more by supply and demand situation and usually the market forces have kept the rent at lower level than what the return on investment in a building would demand.  But in our exist of calculation which is return – oriented based on investment, the Government is not taking advantage of the market forces at work.  Finally there are also instances where the luxurious taste of some of the head of the offices, is making the Government to pay higher rent when a posh accommodation is being selected much beyond the functional necessity of the office.  Such posh houses being of very high cost ultimately result in much large outgo towards rent.
  1. Keeping view the above situation, it has been decided to modify and rationalize the present system of selection and rent fixation for the private buildings taken on leave by the Government Departments as indicated hereunder.
  1. For fixing maximum ceiling of rent, it is decided to have 6 tie classification of places in the state as follows:
  1. Corporations of Hyderabad & Secunderabd.
  2. Corporations of Vizag & Vijayawada.
  3. All other corporations and spl. Grade and Selection Grade municipalities.
  4. All Grade –I Municipalities.
  5. All other municipalities and mandal Head Quarters.
  6. All other rural areas.
  1. For the above categories of towns and other places, the Government hereby fix the maximum ceiling of rent for each of these six categories as follows:
  1. Corporations of Hyderabad & Secunderabad upto Rs 5/- per Sft.
  2. Corporations of Vizag & Vijayawada upto Rs. 3.50 per Sft.
  3. All other corporations and special grade & selection Grade Municipalities upto 2.75 per Sft.
  4. All grade-I Municipalities Upto 2.25 Per Sft.
  5. All other municipalities upto 1.50 per Sft.
  6. All other rural areas upto Rs. 1.25 per Sft.
  1. The above amount would be payable only for net usable areas which cannot be more than net carpet area plus 10%.
  1. The requirement of the building by any office is to be advertised in the District edition of local news paper like Eenadu etc., indicating requirement of space which will be decided as per the R&B norms.
  1. In response to the above advertisement, Building owner having vacant space have to quote a specific lease rent per month they want as rent.
  1. A team consisting of the Head of the office in need of the building space and local EE/Dy. EE/SE of R&B Department will check the suitability of the building starting from the lowest officer. If due to any reason to be recorded in writing the lowest officer’s building is not suitable, the second lowest offirer’s premises will be inspected and evaluated for selection.
  1. Once the building is selected accepting the rent within the maximum ceiling indicated in para 3.2 above, it can have an escalation factor of 5% for block of every two years thereafter.
  1. The above order is issued in supercession of all orders in existence on selection of private buildings and fixation of rent thereof taken on lease for the purpose of any Government office.
  1. All heads of Departments are therefore requested to inform all the heads of offices under their control to follow the above modified system for selection and fixing up of rent of building to be taken on hire.




10.6.1  (I)        Standard rent will be calculated at the following percentages of capital cost plus and addition for municipal and other taxes in the nature of House or property tax and 2% per annum of capital cost  of building including sanitary and water supply installations and 3 ½ % of Electrical Installation for both ordinary and special repairs and maintenance.


Six percent per annum of such capital cost whichever is less.

Before 1.4.1919 4
From 1.4.1919 to 31.7.1921 5
From  1.8.1921 6
From 1.8.1937 4
From 1.4.1941 5
From 1. 4.1942 4
From 1.4.1946 4

The standard rent so calculated above is for a year (FR.45 A III(b) SR there under) Rentals for fans fixed in the quarters should be recovered @ 2.25 per fan per month.

  1. ii) Capital cost for the purpose of calculating standard rent is:
  1. a) Cost of acquisition or construction and cost of restoration or special repairs if such works add to the accommodation or involve replacement of the existing type of work by work of more expensive character.
  2. b) Present value of the residence when the cost of acquisition or construction is not known.
  1. C) Capital cost includes the value of site including its development, sanitary, water supply and Electrical installations and fittings but excludes charges on account of establishment and T&P other than those were directly charges.
  1. d) When a portion of the building is to set aside by the occupying officer for reception of officials and non-official visitors, the capital cost of that portion may be written off by Government.

(FR 45 II)


10.6.2    The rent recoverable from the occupant is

  1. Standard rent or 10% the emoluments whichever is less.
  2. Municipal and other taxes not in the nature of property tax.

10.6.3    Those who have taken House Building advance and are provided with quarter are liable to pay 15% of emoluments, if the quarter is not earmarked or 10% if the quarter is earmarked.

(G. O. Ms. No.20 F& PLG, Dt: 19.1.96)

However the senior officers who availed HBA and are allotted transit type quarters at Kundanbagh are liable to pay 5% of basic pay or standard rent whichever is less.

(G. O. Ms. No. 308 F&Plg, Dt: 4.11.96)

10.6.4    Government may order for taking rent in excess of the recoverable rent from an officer.

  1. who is not required or permitted to reside on duty at the station at which the residence is allotted.
  1. Who at his own request, is provided with accommodation which exceeds to that, which is appropriate to this status.

iii.        Who is permitted to sub-let.

  1. Who is on receipt of compensatory allowance granted on account of dearness of living.
  1. Who sublets without permission.
  1. who does not vacate the residence after the cancellation of allotment.

10.6.5    An officer who is provided with a residence attached to the post held by him occupies any additional residence either at or out side head quarters, is liable to pay full standard rent for the additional residence.

(FR.45, A IV)

10.6.6    When only a portion of a Government residence becomes un-inhabitable the occupant will be allowed the benefit of remission, if the standard rent excluding the proportionate rent of un-inhabitable portion falls below 10% of emoluments.

(FR.45, A V)

10.6.7    Rent recoverable from private persons is market value. (para 275 ‘D’ Code)

10.6.8    Pensioners, if permitted can continue to reside in the already allotted quarters on payment or standard rent for three months after retirement.

(note 3(i) under para – 275 ‘D’ Code)

10.6.9       Hostels, through do not fall under the classification of “Residences”, should shown in the monthly return of residential buildings for the purpose of watching rent. (para 289, ‘D’ Code)


10.7.1    Short time, application & Commencement:

  1. these rules may be called the allotment of Government quarters rules in the Districts, 1974.
  1. The rules shall apply to all Government quarters in the Districts except in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad.

iii.     The rules shall come into force with effect from the date of issue of these orders.

10.7.2    Relation to fundamental rules:

The provision in the FRs relating to the allotment of Government Quarters and matters pertaining there to shall be deemed to supplemental these rules.

10.7.3    Classification of quarters:

The categories of officers mentioned in column 3 of the statement below shall be eligible for the type of quarters indicated against the categories.

Sl. No Type of Quarters Pay Range Accommodation Plinth area
1. Type 1 Quarters Class IV Employees Small Two roomed Tenements 505 Sft.
2. Type II Quarters Rs. 80 to Rs. 200 Regular two roomed Tenements 750 Sft.
3. Type III Quarters Rs. 200 to Rs. 400 -do- 900 Sft.
4. Type IV Quarters Rs. 400 to 800 Three roomed Tenements 1120 Sft.
5. Type V Quarters Dist Level Officers Quarters
  1. For the purpose of this rule, the term pay means basic pay plus special pay of the nature of pay.

10.7.4    Eligibility:

  1. All employees of the Government of Andhra Pradesh except those employed under the emergency, provision of the rules, who are holding posts I n office in Andhra Pradesh except twin cities of.
  1. An employee in need of Government quarter may apply at any time to the Collector of the District.

iii.            Application not received through the head of the office/Department of the applicants are liable to be rejected summarily.

  1. Nothing in this rule shall prevent the allotting authority from calling for applications, from employees within such period as may prescribed, in order to revise and to bring uptodate the lists of employees in need of the Government quarters.
  1. Such of the employees as are owning houses in Head Quarters of their service where they want a Government quarter to be allotted, are not eligible for allotment of Government quarters.

Explanation: For the purpose of this rule and Rule 6, and employee whose dependent owns a house shall be deemed to be owning a house himself.

  1. Statement Government employees whose services are placed at the disposal of the Central Government, Semi Government, Public Sector or Private organizations shall not be eligible for Government Quarters (including allotment on exchange basis) while in deputation.

10.7.5    Waiting Lists:

The applications for allotment of Government quarters shall be registered by the allotting authority for each type of quarter, in the order of the dates on which they are received.

10.7.6    Allotment of quarters: 

Quarter shall be allotted to the officers on the waiting lists in the order of their seniority in the lists maintained by the allotting authority.

Provided that out of every five type V quarters falling vacant, two shall be allotted to junior gazetted officers in the waiting list, two to officers who have been posted to district on transfer and whose case deserve special consideration, and one to a senior officer in receipt of basic pay of more than Rs. 800/- but not more than Rs. 1500/- p. m.

  1. The Collector of the District shall allot all types of quarters in consultation with Executive Engineer(R&B) Head Quarters.

10.7.7    Allotment of quarters on incentive basis:

  1. Where on officer brings to the notice of the allotting authority a case of an allotte of a Government quarter continuing to reside in such quarter while owning a residential building, or of unauthorized letting out of the quarter in its entirely or in part to another, the officer shall, if the ownership of a building or the unauthorized letting of the quarter as the case may be, established, be entitled to the allotment of a Government quarter on priority basis and without reference to his seniority in the waiting.
  1. The occupation of a quarter, either wholly or in party, by a person other than the allottee or his dependents without the permission of the allotting authority for a period exceeding three months, shall constitute “unauthorized letting out”.

10.7.8    Allotment to husband and wife: Eligibility in case of officers who are married to each other : 

  1. No officer shall be allotted a quarter under these rules if the wife or the husband, as the case may be, of the office has already been allotted a quarter, unless such quarter is surrendered.

Provided that his sub-rule shall not apply where the husband and wife are resending in pursuance of an order of judicial separation made by any court.

  1. Where two officers in occupation of separate quarters slotted under these rules marry each other, they shall, within one month of the marriage surrender one of the quarters.

iii.            If a quarter is not surrendered as required by sub-rule(2) the allotment of the quarter of the lower type shall be deemed to have been cancelled on the expiry of such period, and if the quarters are of the same type, the allotment of such one of them as the allotting authority may decide, shall be deemed to have been cancelled on the expiry of such period.

  1. Where both husband and wife are employed under the Government, the title of each of them to allotment of a quarter under these rules shall be considered independently.

10.7.9    Non-Acceptance of allotment of offer or failure to occupy the allotted residence after acceptance. 

  1. If an officer fails to accept the allotment of a quarter within five days, or fails to take possession of the quarter allotted to him within eight days from the date of the letter of allotment, he shall not be eligible for another allotment for a period of one year from the date of the allotment letter.
  2. If an officer occupying a lower type of residence is allotted or offered a quarter of the type for which he is eligible or for which he has applied, he may, on refusal of the said allotment or offer of allotment, be permitted to continue in the previously allotted residence on the following conditions namely:-
  1. that such an officer shall not be eligible for another allotment for a period of six months from the date of the allotment letter for the higher class of accommodation and
  2. while retaining the existing residence he shall be charged to same rent which he would have had to pay in respect of the quarter so allotted or offered, or the rent payable in respect of the residence already in his occupation, whichever is higher.

10.7.10(i) Period for which allotment subsists and the period for further retention: 

An allotment shall be effective from the date of allotment order and shall continue in force until:

  1. the expiry of the concessional period permissible under sub-rule(2) after the officer ceased to be on duty in the Head Quarters of his service.
  1. It is cancelled by allotting authority or is deemed to have been cancelled under any provision in these rules:
  1. the quarter is surrendered by the officer, or
  2. The officer ceases to occupy the quarter.

Provided that in case the quarter allotted is not vacant on the date of the allotment order, the allotment shall be effective from the date on which notice of vacant possession of the quarter is received from allotting authority.

(ii)           A quarter allotted to an officer may subject to sub rule(3) be retained with the permission of the allotting authority on the happening of any of the events specified in column(1) of the table below, for the period specified in the corresponding entry in column(2) there of, provided that the residence is required for the bonafide use of the officer or the members of his family.

Sl. NO Events Permission period fro retention of the quarter
1. Resignation, desmissal, removal from service or termination of service. One month
2. Retirement Three Months
3. Death Four months
4. Transfer to a place outside the head quarters of service Two Weeks


One month

Vide G. O. No. 756, Dt; 30.7.77

5. On proceeding on deputation within India Two Weeks


6 Leave except leave on Medical  grounds and leave preparatory to retirement. For the period of leave not exceeding three months provided the officer not liable to transfer to place outside head quarters of his service
7. Leave preparatory to retirement & leave on Medical Grounds. For the full period of leave
8. Study leave or deputation outside India For the period of leave not exceeding six  months
9. On proceeding on training Two weeks
10. On becoming owner of residential building One month.


The period permissible on transfer mentioned against items (4) and (5) shall count from the date of relinquishing charge plus the period of leave if any, sanctioned to, and availed of by the officer before joining duty at the new office.

iii.            Where a quarter is retained under sub-rule(2) the allotment shall  be deemed to have been cancelled on the expiry of the admissible period, unless immediately on the expiry of the period of the officer resumes duty in an office in the head quarters.

  1. An officer who has retained the quarter by virtue of the concession under item(i) or item(ii) of the table below sub-rule(ii) shall, on re-employment in the same town within the period specified in the said table, be entitled to retain that quarters and he shall also be eligible for any further allotment of quarter under these rules.

Provided that if the emoluments of the officer, on such re-employment do not entitle him to the type of quarter occupied by him, he shall allotted a lower admissible type of quarter.

  1. An officer on deputation to an office, institution or organization situated in same head quarters may, with the permission of the allotting authority, retain the quarter in his occupation during the period of his deputation, provided that the officer shall vacate the quarter is and when the institution or organization constructs its own quarters for its employees.

10.7.11Surrender of an allotment and period of notice: 

An officer may at any time surrender a quarter allotted to him by giving to the allotting authority at lease fifteen days notice before the date of vacation of the quarter.  The allotment of the quarter shall be deemed to be cancelled from the sixteenth day after the day on which the notice is received by the allotting authority or the date specified in the letter, whichever is later.  If he falls to give due notice, he shall be responsible for payment of rent for fifteen days or the number of days by which the notice given by him falls short of fifteen days.

10.7.12Liability for Rent:

  1. The liability for rent of an officer who is allotted a residence shall commence from a date one week after the date of receipt of the order of allotment or from the date of occupation of the quarter whichever is earlier.
  1. If the officer is unwilling to occupy the quarter allotted to him he shall intimate his unwillingness to the allotting authority within twenty four hours after receipt of the order of allotment by him, failing which he shall be liable for rent in accordance with sub-rule(1).

iii.            the officer to whom a quarter has been allotted shall be personally liable for the rent thereof and for any damage beyond fair wear and tare caused thereto, or the fixtures or fittings or the services provided there in, during the period for which the quarter remains allotted to him, or where the allotment has been cancelled or deemed to have been canceled, till the quarter has been vacated and full vacant possession thereof has been restored to the allotting authority.

10.7.13Change of quarter: 

  1. An officer to whom a quarter has been allotted may apply through the head of his office/Department for change to a quarter of higher type of which he is eligible under these rules, at any time he becomes eligible for such higher type of accommodation.
  1. All applications for a change of quarter under sub rule(1) shall be registered in the order of the date of which such applications are received. Separate registers shall be maintained for each type of quarters.

iii.            A change of quarter shall be allowed to the officers whose names appear on the register maintained under sub-rule(2)in accordance with their rank in that register.

  1. Every fifth vacancy in a Cycle of five vacancies shall be earmarked for allotment on exchange basis.

Provided that the allotting authority may, for sufficient cause, allow a change to quarter to an officer earlier than his turn.

10.7.14Mutual exchange of quarters: 

  1. Officers to whom quarters of the same type have been allotted under these rules may apply, through the heads of their respective office/Departments, for permission to mutually exchange their quarters.
  1. Permission for mutual exchange may be granted for good and sufficient cause, if both the officers are reasonably expected to be on duty in the a head quarters of service and to reside in their mutually exchanged residence for atleast six months from the date of approval of such exchange.

10.7.15Share of quarter:

 An officer who has been allotted a quarter may be permitted to accommodate another officer of the State Government in that quarter. The officer so permitted to share the quarter shall not be entitled to any house rent allowance.

  1. A spouse of the officer to whom a quarter is allotted shall not be entitled to any house rent allowance from the date on which the spouse uses the quarter.

iii.            An officer who is permitted to accommodate another officer, shall remain personally responsible for any damage beyond fair wear and tare, caused to the residence or its premises or grounds or services provided therein.

  1. Permission to share a Government Quarters does not confer any right on the officer permitted to share the quarter, to get the quarter allotted in his name in case the allottee officer vacates the quarter for any reasons.
  1. An officer permitted to share a Government quarter should vacate the quarter simultaneously with the allottee officer.

10.7.16 Overstayal in quarter after cancellation of allotment:

 Where, after an allotment has been canceled or is deemed to have been cancelled under any provision contained in these rules, the quarter remains or has remained in the occupation of the officer to whom is was allotted, or of any person claiming through him, such officer shall be liable to pay damages for use and occupation of the quarter, services, furniture and garden equal to the market rent under paragraph 275 of the PWD Code.

  1. In case where the allotting authority initiates eviction proceedings under the provisions of the /AP Public Premises (eviction of Un-authorized occupants) Act, 1968, against the officer whose allotment has been canceled, or is deemed to have been canceled under any provisions of these rules, the damages for use and occupation of the quarter, services, furniture and garden, shall be such as may be determined by the allotting authority under sub section (2) of section  7 of the aforesaid act.

10.7.17Maintenance of quarter:

  1. The officer to whom a residence has been allotted shall maintain the residence and the premises in a clean condition to the satisfaction of the allotting authority, Municipality or Panchayat.
  1. An officer shall not grow, except kitchen garden, any tress, shrubs or plants contrary to the instructions issued by the allotting authority. NO cut or lop off any existing tree or shrub in any garden, court yard or compound attached to the quarter.

iii.            An officer shall not run a poultry farm or dairy in or around the Government quarter allotted to him.


  1. The authority competent to allot garages shall be the Collector of the District.
  1. Garage shall be allotted to officers owning cars strictly according to the date of occupation of the quarters.

iii.            Rent for a garage shall be payable provisionally at the rate of RS. 6/- P.M.

10.7.19Conduct of officer and breach of rules: 

  1. If an officer knowingly furnished incorrect information in any application or written statement and secured a quarter, the allotting authority may, without prejudice to any other action that may be taken against him, cancel the allotment of the quarter made to him.
  1. If an officer to whom a quarter has been allotted erects any unauthorized streucture in any part of quarter of uses the quarter or nay portion thereof for any purpose than that for which it is meant or tampers with the electric, water or sanitary connection, or commits any other breach of the rules or the terms and conditions of allotment, or uses the quarter or premises or permits the quarter or premises to be used for any purpose, which the allotting authority consiers to be improper, or conducts himself in a manner which is prejudicial to the maintenance of harmonious relations with his neighbors or other residents of the colony, the allotting authority, can cancel the allotment of the quarter made to him.

iii.            Where the allotment of quarter is cancelled for conduct prejudicial to the maintenance of harmonies relation with neighbors or other residents of the colony, the officer may, in the discretion of the allotting authority,  be allotted another quarter in the same locality or at any other place.

  1. The allotting authority shall be competent to take all or any of the three actions under sub rules (1) to (3) of this rules and also to declare the officer, who commits breach of the rules and instructions issued to him, to be ineligible for the allotment of residential accommodation for a period not exceeding three years.

10.7.20Relaxation of rules: 

The allotting the authority may for reason to be recorded in writing, relax all or any of the provisions of these rules in the case of any officer or quarter, or class of officers type of quarter with the prior approval of the Government.

10.7.21Terms & Conditions of allotment of Government quarters, supplementary to the provisions of the allotment of Government quarters rules in the District, 1974 

The allotment of Government quarter is subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. That the allottee or any member of his family shall not own a house in the head quarters where the Government quarter is proposed to be allotted or possess a house allotted by AP Housing Board on hire purchase, during the occupation of the Government quarter, and that in the event of construction or purchases of the house by the allottee or any member of his family or possession of a house on hire purchase by him or any member of his family, the Government quarter allotted to him shall be vacated and handed over to the concerned authorities, immediately on completion of his house of after obtaining possession of the house purchased or allotted as the case may be.
  2. That the allottee shall not allow any person who is not a member of his family, to reside with him. Without obtaining specific permission from the Government.

iii.            That the allotte shall not use the Government quarter unused/unoccupied for a period exceeding three months.

  1. That the allottee shall not use the Government quarter for any purpose other that residential purpose, but shall permit the officers authorized to enter the Government quarter or any portion of there of an shall give such information thereto, as may be required by the said officers.
  1. That the allottee shall not letout transfer the Government quarter or any portion thereof.
  1. The allottee shall pay license fee (rent) at the rate fixed by the Government from time to time, and that he shall bear the electricity and water charges.

vii.          That the Government shall have the right to deduct, through the Department concerned, the monthly rent from the salary of the allottees.

viii.         That the allottee shall occupy the Government quarter allotted to him within eight days of its becoming available for occupation, failing which the allotments made in his favour is liable to be cancelled.

  1. That the allottee shall give atleast fifteen days advance intimation to the allotting authority, and the concerned section officer of the PWD, of his intention to vacate the Government quarter except in special cases.
  2. That the allottee shall give alteast one week’s advance intimation of his vacation of the Government quarter to the concerned authorities of the water works Department and the AP state electricity board to enable them to take the last readings of the meters, failing which the allottee shall be liable to pay the electricity and water charges till the Government quarters is occupied by the next allottee.
  1. That the allottee shall vacate the Government quarters on the date of going on leave preparatory to retirement or of the date of retirement or of other wise ceasing to be a Government employee.

xii.          That the allottee shall handover the Government quarter, at the time of vacation, in the same condition in which is has been given possession with reasonable wear and tare excepted, with all the electrical and other fittings.  IN the quarter and obtain a clearance certificate, in the form given below, from the section officer, PWD to that effect.



  1. Sri __________________________________________________________ Dated________________________Designation_____________________________ on____________________________FN/AN.
  1. All electrical and other fixtures in the houses are verified and found to be in order. The following fixtures are found short and sum of Rs. ___________________ recovered from him.

Article Cost




Section officer/PWD

Building Division.

xiii.         That in case of any non-observance or violation, by the allottee, of any provision here in continued or any of the provisions of the allotment of Government quarters rules, 1973 the Government shall be at liberty forth with or at any time after wards to take possession of the Government quarter by eviction of the allottee and to collect penal rent at the rate specified by the Government from the date of occupation till the date of eviction.

11.1 Usufruct:

  • The sales of usufruct trees, grass, etc., are made periodically in public auction after wide publicity.
  • The old and full grown tress may be used as timber for utilization on works.
  • Executive Engineers are authorized to grant without auction, lease of usufruct trees, grass etc., to village Panchayats and other bodies as specified in the rules in “Appendix” of ‘D’ code. (Para 344 ‘D’code)
  • Tolls:
  • The right to collect toll cess will be leases out either in public auction or by inviting sealed tenders. (Para 350 ‘D’ Code) 
  • The rates of toll cess are as follows:
1. Motor cycles and Scooters Rs. 1.00
2. Auto Rikshas, 3 wheelers and tractors Rs 2.00
3. Cars and Taxis Rs. 5.00
4. Station wagons and vans Rs. 6.00
5. Buses Rs. 15.00
6. Lorries & Heavy Vehicles Rs. 15.00


  • The toll cess is applicable to bridges costing more than 25 Lakhs

(G. O. Ms. No. 229, TR &B Dt: 18.11.93)

  • Construction of compound walls, reconstruction of collapsed compound walls, improvements to existing ones as well as proposals for provision of iron wire fencing require approval of Government.

But Government approval is not necessary in the case of part construction of a compound wall which may be done under “Repairs”. (Act 185 of APFC vol-I)

  • Chief Engineer (Buildings) is delegated the power to sanction reconstruction of collapsed compound walls and also improvements to existing compound walls. The delegation is live upto 31.3.1982.

(G. O. Ms. No. 914, T R&B Dept., Dt: 9.8.1994)

  • The in-charge officers(not full members of the cadre) can exercise the delegation of powers given in APWD code but they should not write confidential reports.

(G. O. Ms. No. 366, PW Dt: 19.3.1970)

  • In case of sanitary works, nomination can be given upto Rs. 10000/-.   This limit is in lieu of Rs. 1000/- as laid down in para 255 of ‘D’ Code.

(G. O. Ms. No. 956, PW Dt: 23.9.1974)

  • The intention of the Government in delegating the powers to Chief Engineers to accord provisional sanction to revised Estimates is that there should be some sort of sanction for the paying authority at the time of making final payment. The decision of the Government on the recommendation at S. No. 10 of Annexure-II to G. O. Ms. No. 1007, R&B, Dt: 5.11.1976 should be scrupulously followed.

(Govt. Memo. No. 355/C1/78-7 T, R&B, Dt 10.1.1979)

  • The limit on expenditure on Annual maintenance including tyres and tubes.


12000/- per annum


20000/- per annum


The total expenditure on each inspection vehicle should not exceed 75% of the cost of vehicle purchased before 31.3.90 and that after 31.3.1990 beyond 75% limit Government approval is necessary.

(G. O. Ms. No.159, Dt: 20.10.1992)

  • The Chief Engineers are delegated with the powers of diverting the posts while seeking sanction for continuance of the posts in their jurisdiction in every financial year (Continued for a further period of 3 years beyond 12.2.1993)

(G. O. Ms. No.3 Irrn & CAD (PW Sec. VII) Dept., Dt: 2.1.1996)











Nature of








The Administrative
approval to Estimates for works (Other than residential buildings and
Electrical works)








Plain Areas:

10.00 lakhs

3.00 lakhs



G. O. Ms. No. 1007
Transport R&B(C1) Dept., Dt: 5.11.1976



Tribal Areas:

15.00 lakhs

4.50 lakhs





Purcahse of T&P

Full powers subject
to limt of budget allotment and clearance by the screening committee




ce, Major Projects
can purchase small items of machinery up to Rs. 25000/- with out reference to
screening committee



Purchase of Land
Improvements to floating plant for which rent or hire is recoverable








Technical sanction
to detailed estimates of works

Full Powers up to
the amount of Administrative approval plus excess indicated below

10.00 lakhs subject
to condition that excess over Administrative approval shall not exceed 10%

1.00 lakhs subject
to condition that the excess over administraitve sanction shall not exceed 5%


The powers of
technical sanction apply to Revised Estimates also as per Ags clarification
WEA/AP/15-31/84-85/133, Dt: 30.1.85




I) For works costing
upto Rs. 200 lakhs 10% subject to a limit of Rs. 1000000








ii) For works
costing above Rs. 2.00 lakhs 5% subject to a limit of Rs. 2000000







Excess over
estimates (passing of excess expenditure over technical sanction)

15% above the amount
of technical sanction

10% subject to the
limit of powers of technical sanction

5% subject to the
limit of his powers of technical sanction.





Passing excess
expenditure on all works irrespective of total sanctioned estimate without
percentage limit.

Rs. 10000

Rs. 6000/- the SE
has no powers to be sanctioned excess over revised estimates sanctioned by
higher authority

Rs. 2000/- The EE,
has no powers to sanction excess over revised estimate sanctioned by higher





Acceptance of

Can accept tenders
upto technically sanctioned estimate plus an excess of 15% or upto an excess
amount of Rs. 10000/- over technically sanctioned estimate irrespective of
percentage limit (Added as per G. O. 202 T.T&B, Dt: 8.9.1990)

Can accept upto
Technically sanctioned estimate excess as he is competent to sanctioned
excess over estimate subject to a maximum of Rs. 11.00 lakhs per each tender
or upto an excess amount of Rs. 6000/-over technically sanctioned estimates
irrespective of percentage limit, SE Major Irrgn. proj.) can accept tenders
upto Rs. 30 lakhs provided they are lowest (added as per G. O. 292 T R&B,
Dt: 8.9.1980

Can accept tenders
upto sanctioned estimate excesss over estimate subject to a amximum of Rs.
1.05 lakhs for each tender or upto Rs. 2000/- over the technically sanctioend
estimate irrespective fo the percentage limit.(added as per G. O. 292
TR&B, Dt: 8.9.1990)





Dispensing with
tenders (Powers of Nomination)

Rs. 100000/-

Rs. 50000/-

Rs. 20000/-





of Estimates: Administrative approval to Estimates for works.








approval to Minor works for construction of latrines and septic tanks








and Non Residential Buildings








To accord
administrative sanction of estimates for the first installation of electrical
fittings for all buildings








Non Residential
















To accord
Administrative approval to additions, improvements and alternations to
electical works in Non-Residential buildings
















To accord technical
sanction for detailed estimates for electical works

Full powers







Acceptance of

Can accept upt
technically sanctioned estimate plus such percentage as CE is competent to
sanction under excess over estimates.







Maintanance estimates

To Prescribe lumpsum
provision for annual repairs to electical installations in civil buildings
upto a limit of Rs. 5000/- laid down in para 147 of D Code







Dispensing with
tenders (Powers of Nomination)








to accord tenchincal
sanction for special repairs estimates and ordinary maintenance and repairs
estimates of special T&P

Full Powers




G. O. Ms. No. 351
(PW) PWD Dt: 3.8.73 & G. O. Ms. No. 86 M PM &E Dept., DT: 20.3.78



R&B Dept., Spl.
Repairs to Vehicles and maintenance of Vehicles





G. O. Ms. No. 129
TR&B (C1) Dept., Dt: 13.3.86



Repairs (works


To sanction special
repairs estimates within budget provision after the approval of special
repair programme by CE aproves Kilowar rates fro pure maintenance

To sanction
estimates for ordinary and special repairs with in budget provision up Rs.
20000/- for each work) (Para 429 D Code)


Para 418(a) of ‘D’



Purchase of Ammonia
paper and Blue print articles








At a time








Annual Limit
(Irrign. &Powers Projects Dept.,) Projects only





G. O. Ms. No. 490,
Irrgn Power (PW ) Dept., Dt: 8.2.81

(G. O. MS. NO. 703, T, R&B ROAD (C1) DEPT., DT: 7.11.1977)










Nature of

























Can purchase 3 new

To purchase two
bicycles in place of old condemned bicycles subject to budget provisions






Books and Periodicals

Full Powers

Rs. 500/- for ref.
Books (Non Govt. publications subject to budget provision)

Rs. 200/- for ref.
Books (non-Govt. publications subject to budget provision)


Please see G. O. Ms.
No. 389 GA, Dt: 4.9.96 on common items of expenditure



Prnting &

To let out work of
printing to private press to an extent of Rs. 4000/- per annum subject to the
condition that expenditure does not exceed Rs. 2000/- at a time.

To let out work
printing to private press to an extent of Rs. 4000/- per annum subject to the
conditions that exceed Rs. 2000/- at a time

Rs. 100/- at a time





Purchase of blue
print articles not supplied by stationery department

Rs. 1000/- at a time

Rs. 200/- at a time






Type Writers

CE’s can sanction
type writers against new sanction of posts of Typists.  The procurement of the Type Writer
should be made according to the normal procedure.







Powers to purcahse
tools and plant forming part of a sanctioned estimate but not including
office furniture or live stocks




Rs. 1000/-




To approve sales of
dead and fallen trees in the compounds of Public buildings or by the sides of
roads incharge of PWD and or Irrigation works upto a limit of Rs. 50/- in
each case subject to the conditions laid down inpara 436 (3) (b) of APWD Code




Rs. 100/-




To approve sales of
materials of insignigficant value




Rs. 100/-




To approve leasing
of grass, fruits and fisheries




Rs. 100/-












Nature of
















approval of estimates








For Government Works

Rs. 3.00 lakhs

Rs. 60000/-

Rs. 15000/-


G. O. Ms. No. 320
MA, Dt: 20.5.80 of HMA & UD Dept.,



For full
contribution works

Rs. 3.00 lakhs

Rs. 60000/-

Rs. 15000/-





Technical sanction
to detailed estimates of works (Original and repairs) both Government and
full contribution works

Full Powers

Rs. 10.00 lakhs
subject to the condition that excess over administraitve sanction shall not
exceed 10%

Rs. 1.00 lakh
subject to the condition that excess over administrative sanction shall not
exceed 5%

Rs. 5000/-




Acceptance of
tenders (Original and repairs works)

Can accept tenders
for all works upto technically sanctioned estimates plus such exceeds as CE
is competent to sanction under excess over estimates

a) Can accept upto
technically sanctioend estimates plus such excess as he is competent to
sanction under excess over estimates subject to maximum of Rs. 11.00 lakhs
per each tender.

Can accept tenders
upto sanctioned estimate plus such excess as he is competent to sanction
excess oever estimates subject to maximum of Rs. 105000/- per each tender







b) To execute
contracts and piece work agreements upto the limit of tenders accepted by the
competent authority regardless of the restrictions imposed on the powers of
SE in the matter of acceptance of tenders provided the agreements are drawn
up in the standard from






Excess over








For works costing
Rs. 100 lakhs and below

15% above the amount
of technical sanction, subject to the limit of Rs. 7.50 lakhs

a) 10% subject to
the limit of powers of technical sanction

a) 5% subject to the
limit of his powers of technical sanction





To pas excess
irrespective of percentage limits

Rs. 10000/-

b) To pass excess
expenditue on all works irrespetive of total sanction estimate without
percentage limit of Rs. 6000/-

b) to pass excess
expenditrue on all works irrespective of total sanctioned estimates amount
wihout percentage limit of Rs. 2000/- Ees have no powers to sanction excess
oever revised estimate sanctioned by higher authorities





tools and plant
administrative approval subject to budget provision

Full Powers

Rs. 60000/-

Rs. 5000/-





Tools and plant
technical sanction

Full Powers

Rs. 5.00 lakhs

Rs. 10000/-





Dispensing with

Rs. 1.00 lakh

Rs. 50000/-

Rs. 20000/-





Purcahse of Stores

As per codal rules

As per codal rules

As per codal rules





Insurance charges

Full powers to
sanction Insurance only in case of fragile articles and costly machinery in

Full powers to
sanction Insurance charges only in case of fragile articles and costly
machinery in transti






Write off of
irrecoverable value of stores, unprofitable outlay in works loss of revenue
& loss manufactures.

Rs. 10000/-

Rs. 2000/-

Rs. 400/-





Write off T&P
and unserviceable machinery

Rs. 2000/-

Rs. 1000/-

Rs. 400/-





make purchase and to make payment of bill to firms




Up to Rs. 1000/-
subject to the condition that they exclude articles so purchased fromindents
submitted by Executive Engineer







Sl. No


of Power to be exercised

to exervise the Powers



To enter into
Agreement with the contractors

Executive Engineer,



To receive tenders
and securing deposits from the contractors




To Sanction the
contingencies upto Rs. 200/- at a time for his offices and for offices under
his control




To sanctionpayment
for petrol and oil bills for the jeeps under the use of the Executive
Engineer upto the limits of sanction of consumption accorded by the standing
committee and zilla praja parishad




To sanction payment
of reparis bills for the jeep up to Rs. 400/- at a time




Districution of
contingencies and TA among the Deputy Executive Engineers offices by the
Executive Engineers, zilla praja parishads.

Executive Engineer,



Extension of time
for execution of works




To incur an
expendtirue upto Rs. 1000/- in emergency case such as for closing a beach for
a tank or a road caused due to heavy rains or follds or re-roofing of the
tatched school buildings due to heavy gate and wind, etc., and where it is necessary
to execute urgent repairs to such damage provided all such cases are
intimated to the DDO, Zilla Praja Parishad who shall place the matter before
standing committee for formal approval.




To enter into
Agreement with the contractors on approval tenders of entrusted on
nomination, upto the extent of technical sanction powers.




to incur petty
contingent expendtirue for their officers upto Rs. 25/-









Sl. No


Development Officer

Appropriate subject
committee and standing commit6tee of Zilla Praja parishad

Zilla Praja



to accord
administrative and financial sanction in respect of works and schemes






a) for each item of
nonrecurring expenditrue

Rs. 1000 and below

Over Rs. 1000/- but
not exceeding Rs. 5.00 lakhs

Over Rs. 5.00 lakhs
but not exceeding Rs. 10.00 lakhs

Exceeding Rs. 10.00


b) for each item of
recurring expenditrue


Rs. 10000/- and

Over Rs. 10000/-
but not exceeding Rs. 20000/-

Exceeding Rs.


To sanction grants
in aid in respect of each scheme






a) Non- recurring


Rs. 10000/- and

Over Rs. 10000/-
but not exceeding Rs. 20000/-

Exceeding Rs.


b) Recurring


Rs. 2500/- and

Over Rs. 2500/- but
not exceedign Rs. 10000/-

Exceeding Rs.


To sanctin non-
recurring expenditure for each contributory work or scheme without detailed


Rs. 3000/- and




(G. O. Ms. No. 24 R R&D, Dt: 12.1.1996)






Sl. No

Description of item

Chief Engineer


Executive Engineer


To accord
Administrative approval to works other than resedential buildings and
electrical works





Plain Areas

Rs. 10.00 lakhs

Rs. 3.00 lakhs

Rs. 0.40 lakhs


Tribal Areas

Rs. 15.00 lakhs

Rs. 4.50 lakhs

Rs. 0.06 lakhs


Electrical Works





First installations
to residential buildings

Rs. 0.02 lakhs

Rs. 0.01 lakhs




Rs. 0.15 lakhs

Rs. 0.05 lakhs

Rs. 0.01 lakhs


Purchase of T&P

Full powers
(Subject to budget provision and clearance by screening committee)

Rs.  0.30 lakh

Rs. 0.05 lakh


Powers of

Rs. 1.00 lakh

Rs. 0.50 lakh

Rs. 0.20 lakh

of financial powers to Secretariat Departments, Heads of Departments
including Collectors, Regional Officers and District /Unit Officers on common
items of expenditure as proposed by the committee under the chairmanship of
Special Chief Secretary to Government, Sri. N. K. Surya, I.A.S.










Items of

authorised as per G. O. Ms. No. 490 Genl Admn (Ar &T Desk) Dept., Dt:

limits now fixed as per para 3 of G. O. ms. No. 389 Genl. Admn (AR & T)
Dept., Dt: 4.9.1996

Departments Heads of Dept., & Dist., Collectors


than Collectors Unit Officer

Departments Heads of Dept., & Dist., Collectors


than Collectors Unit Officer










of Motor Vehicles








Light Vehicle








Heavy Vehicles








of Stationery








of Steel & Wooden Furniture








Purhcase of furniture








Repairs to Furniture








for Office Buildings

the ceiling of Rs. 16000/- per month to all officers according to plinth area
values and rent assessment by Roads & Buildings Dept.,



the eiling of Rs. 16000/- per month to all officer according to plinth area
values and rent assessment  by
roads & Buildings Department

(Per Month)(Subject to rental valuation certificaate of the Roads and
Buildings Department)

(Per Month)
(Subject to rental valuation certificate of the roads and Buildings











procedure of placing indents on stationery department for stationery articles
is dispensed with.  The heads of
offices can purchase locally without obtaining no stock certificate duly
following the rules.










of Bulbs and Lamps (Per Annum)









50/- at a time not exceeding Rs. 600/- per month



50/- at a time not exceeding Rs. 600/- per month.




Maps & Periodicals








to type Writers (Per Annum)


Rs. 600






of Vehicles

Powers subject to technical scruntiny by public works workshop or area
transport officers



Powers subject to technical scruntiny by public works workshop or area
transport officers













Where Higher Powers are already delegated such powers shall continue.



Where Higher Powers are not delegated the existing power delegated earlier
shall continue


& Description





Cement Concrete (even proportions such as
1:2:3, 1:3:6, 1:1.5:3 and 1:5:10 etc.,) per 1 cum

0.92 Cum cost of metal

0.46 Cum cost of cement mortar

0.06 Nos. Mansom 1st Class

0.14 Nos. Manson 2nd Class

0.80 Nos. men Mazdoor

1.40 Nos. women Mazdoor





Cement Concrete )Odd proportion such as
1:1.5:4, 1:6:10 and 1:5:8) per 1 cum

0.60 Cum cost of Metal

0.54 Cum cost of Cement Mortar

Labour rate as per above item No.





a) rough Stone Dry Packing for
Revetment/1 cum

1.10 Cum cost of rough stones

0.40 Nos Stone packing

1.10 Nos. Men Mazdoor

0.70 No.s Women Mazdoor

b) Rough stone Dry packing for aprons 1
Cum Rate of revetment (Labour only) Deduct Rs.2.30/1cum





Gravel backing for Revetment or

1.16 cum cost of Gravel

0.70 Nos. men Mazdoor

0.40 Nos. Women Mazdoor





R.C.C. (1:2:3) using 20mm Metal excluding
cost of re-inforcement and centering charge which is to be added

0.92 Cum cost of Metal

0.46 Cum cost of sand

0.23 cum cost of Cement

0.12 Nos manson 1st class

0.28 Nos manzon 2nd Class

2.10 Nos Men Mazdoor

3.50 Nos women Mazdoor

Steel required:- for slabs 1cum 64 Kgs to
96 Kgs

Steel required:- for Lintels 1 cum 128
kgs to 160 kgs

Steel required:- for Beams 1 cum 160 kgs
to 240 kgs.





RR Masonry in cement mortar/1 cum

1.05 Cum cost of Rough stone

0.05 cum cost of Bond stones

0.34 cum cost of cement mortar

0.54 No.s manson 1st calss

1.26 Nos manson 2nd Class

1.40 Nos Men Mazdoor

1.40 Nos women mazdoor





Coursed Rubble Masonry in cement mortar
in first sort/1 cum

1.05 cum cost of coursed rubble stone

0.05 cum cost of Bond stones

0.28 cum cost of cement mortar

1.05 Nos manson 1st class

2.45 Nos manson 2nd calss

1.40 Nos men mazdoor

1.40 Nos women mazdoor





Coursed Rubble masonry in cement mortar
(2nd sort)/1 cum

0.55 cum cost of coursed rubble stone

0.50 cum cost of rough stones

0.05 cum cost of Bond stones

0.32 cum cost of Cement Mortar

0.75 Nos manson 1st class

1.75 nos. Manzon 2nd class

1.40 Nos. men Mazdoor

1.40 NOs women mazdoor





Flus pointing to RR masonry in cement
mortar/10 Sq.M

0.09 cum cost of Cement Mortar

0.48 Nos Brick Layers 1st

1.12 Nos Brick Layers 2nd

0.50 Nos Men Mazdoor

1.10 Nos women Mazdoor





Plastering with cement mortar 20MM
thick/10 Sq.M

0.21 cum cost of Cement mortar

0.66 Nos. Brick Layers 1st

1.54 Nos. Brick Layers 2nd

0.50 NOs. Men mazdoor

3.20 Nos. Women Mazdoor





Grouting 0.23 Mts depth in cement mortar
per 10 Sqm

0.31 Cum cost of cement concrete

0.08 cost of cement mortar

1.10 Nos Brick layers 2nd

2.20 Men Mazdoor

3.20 Nos Women Mazdoor






Pointing to Cuddapah slabs in cement
mortar per 10 Sqm

Nos cost of cement mortar

0.48 NOs Brick layers 1st

1.12 Nos. Brick Layers 2nd

0.50 Nos men Mazdoor

1.10 Nos. women Mazdoor





Jeddy Stone Dry packing for revetment per
1 cum

1.10 cum cost of Jeddy stone

0.40 Nos wodder or stone packer

0.40 Nos men mazdoor

0.70 Nos Women Mazdoor


1000 Nos



Brick work in cement mortar per 1 cum

570 Nos cost of country Bricks

0.20 Cum cost of cement mortar

0.42 Nos Brick Layers 1st

0.98 Nos Brick Layers 2nd

1.70 Nos Men Mazdoor

2.10 Nos Women Mazdoor





White Washing 2 Coats per 10 Sqm

0.07Cum Screened shell lime

LS Gum Juice including Fire wood

1.50 Nos Brick Layers 2nd

0.50 Nos Men Mazdoor

2.70 Nos Women Mazdoor









Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

(1:2) Prop.

(1:3) Prop

(1:4) Prop

(1:6) Prop

(1:8) Prop

14.48 Bags/cum.

09.63 bags/cum.

07.23 bags/cum.

04.81 bags/cum

03.62 bags/cum






Concrete broken stone in C.M

Concrete broken stone in C.M.

Concrete broken stone in C.M.

Concrete broken stone in C.M.

Concrete broken stone in C.M.

Concrete broken stone in C.M..

(1:2) Prop.

(1:3) Prop

(1:4) Prop

(1:6) Prop

(1:8) Prop

(1:5) Prop.

05.80 bags/cum.

03.85 bags/cum.

02.89 bags/cum

01.92 bags/cum.

01.44 bags/cum

02.35 bags/cum


Cement Concrete:




Cement concrete of

Cement concrete of

Cement concrete of

Cement concrete of

Cement concrete of

(1:1 ½ :3) Prop.

(1:2:3) Prop.

(1:3:6) Prop.

(1:4:8) Prop.

(1:2 ½ :5) Prop.

08.83 bags/cum.

06.67 bags/cum.

04.41 bags/cum.

03.31 bags/cum

05.29 bags/cum


Brick Work:




Brick work in cement Mortar

Brick work in cement Mortar

Brick work in cement Mortar

Brick work in cement Mortar

Brick work in cement Mortar

(1:3) Prop.

(1:4) Prop.

(1:6) Prop.

(1:8) Prop.

(1:10) Prop.

01.92 bags/cum.

01.44 bags/cum.

00.96 bags/cum.

00.72 bags/cum

00.56 bags/cum


C.R.S.I Sort:




Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

(1:2) Prop.

(1:3) Prop

(1:4) Prop

(1:6) Prop

(1:8) Prop

04.03 bags/cum.

02.79 bags/cum.

02.02 bags/cum.

01.35 bags/cum.

01.06 bags/cum


C.R.S.II Sort:




Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

(1:2) Prop.

(1:3) Prop

(1:4) Prop

(1:6) Prop

(1:8) Prop

04.03 bags/cum.

03.01 bags/cum.

02.30 bags/cum.

01.54 bags/cum.

01.15 bags/cum


Randum Rubble:




Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

(1:3) Prop

(1:4) Prop

(1:6) Prop

(1:8) Prop

03.26 bags/cum.

02.45 bags/cum

01.63 bags/cum.

01.23 bags/cum.


P.P.C With 2” slabs in C. M





(1:3) prop.

01.46 bags/10 Sqm.


Plastering with C.M ½




Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

(1:3) Prop

(1:4) Prop

(1:6) Prop

(1:8) Prop

01.44 bags/10 Sqm

01.07 bags/10Sqm

00.72 bags/10Sqm.

00.54 bags/10Sq.m


Cement Plastering ¾ “Thick:




Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

(1:3) Prop

(1:4) Prop

(1:6) Prop

(1:8) Prop

02.02 bags/10 Sqm.

01.51 bags/10 Sq.m

01.08 bags/10Sq.m

00.76 bags/10 Sqm.


Pointing :




Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

(1:3) Prop

(1:3) Prop

00.58 bags/10 Sq.m

00.43 bags/10 Sq.m


Cuddapah Slabs:




Cement Mortar

Cement Mortar

(1:3) Prop

(1:4) Prop

02.15 bags/10Sq.m

00.12 bags/10 Sq.m


Chajja and Racks 2 ½ “Thick:




(1 ½ “Thick CC and ½
“Thick plastering)


00.57 bags/1 Sq.m


Sponage Finishing:




a) ½ “Thick  I coat

II Coat

b) ¾ “Thick I Coat

      II Coat





01.27 bags/10Sq.m


01.87 bags/10 Sq.m



1”thick Polish shahbad Flooring

(1:6) Prop,

00.54 bags/10Sq.m

M.S PLATES                                                            ROUND BARS




Kg/Sq Meter

Diameter in Inches

Area in Sq. in

Permeter in Inches

Weight In Ibs per ft.











































































1 1/8






1 ¼






1 3/8






1 ½







in mm



in cm

in Kg/M

in Ibs/ft

in Ibs/ft

per ton meters

per ton Feet


















































































































































to Meters

feet to Sq. meter

feet to cubic meter

to kilometers

to hectares

to grams

to kilograms

to litres






















































































































































































  • Deposits credited to Government under para 463 of ‘A’ code may be refunded without authorization from Accountant General subject to observance of normal rules.

(G. O. Ms. No.228 T, R&B Dept., Dt: 22.6.82)

  • Encashment of renewed cheque against LOC of Previous year

Renewed cheques issued in lieu of time barred cheques of previous financial years are treated on par with those drawn in the previous financial year but actually drawn and cahsed after the end of financial year.

To this effect the words “LOC for 19——-“ may be added on the cheque issued in lieu of time barred cheque form.

(Govt. memo. No. 4166/1883-PWD Dt: 22.1.72 and fin No. 2014/1139 Ext. PWD 73-1, Dt: 14.10.73)

  • The Executive Engineer should submit every month “F, Form progress report” to Superintending Engineer who in turn submits “G. Form progress report to Chief Engineer.

(G. O. Ms. No. 172 T, R&B Dept., Dt: 3.6.1980)

  • The expenditure on office furniture is debitable to “Office contingencies” specific items of T&P required for special work are charged “Work”. The T&P except tents in PW stores divisions are held as part of “Stock”.

(G. O. Ms. No.948 PWd Dt: 20.8.73)

  • Certificates required on refund vouchers

Certified that the payment of receipt originally issued to the party has been received and checked with the counterfoil and the original entry in the cashbook and accounts, that a reference to the repayment has been made in the cash book against the entry of receipt. The original receipt has been destroyed by me”.


“Certified that the original entry in the cash book and accounts have been duly verified and that a reference to the repayment has been noted in red ink across the original across the original receipt entry in the deposit register and original in the TE Book”(in case of deposits remitted into treasuries and adjusted in Divisional Accounts).

NOTE: When the original receipts are not produced due to loss, a repayment can be ordered by the Executive Engineer, only on execution of an indemnity bond by the payee on stamped paper.

(G. O. Ms. No. 1445 PWD dt: 27.2.66 & G. O. Ms. No.1614 PWD Dt: 21.6.65)

  • The document on which payment is made should invariably show in the space provided for the purpose the number & page of the MB in which the detailed measurements are recorded and the dates on which the measurements and check measurements were made.

(G. O. Ms. No.879 PWD, Dt: 29.6.71) 

  • All recoverable payments made under proper authority to labourers and others on behalf of the contractors should be charged to “Contractors other transactions” but not to MPW advances.

(G. O. Ms. No.442 PWD, Dt: 12.3.66)

  • A contribution paid by a local body or a private person towards whole/part of the cost of a work should be credited as “Revenue Receipts”

(G. O. Ms. No.854 PWD, Dt: 26.8.1974)

  • All the payments of decretal amounts should be charged to MPWA –other items. These are simultaneously to be transferred to deposit works concerned”.

(G. O. Ms. No. 405 PWD, Dt: 31.3.69)

15.1.10The pass book or list of cheques should be written up by a principal sub-ordinate other than cashier.

(G. O. Ms. No. 170 PWd Dt: 18.2.69)

  • The divisional officer should be submit a prepared list of additions and alterations of the register of buildings to the Accountant General by 15ht December

(G. O. Ms. No. 663, Dt: 14.4.67)

15.1.12Work Shop Suspense


  1. It has come to the notice of Government that huge accumulation of balances under CSS Account under Public Account are unadjusted to the final head of account from out of the LOCs released to irrigation Department and budget allocation of other Departments also.   This has been the subject matter of adverse comments by Accountant General, AP, Hyderabad.
  1. It has also been observed that huge expenditure is being incurred by PW Work shops without budgetary and financial restrictions by debiting the expenditure to the suspense account under revenue account of Irrigation sector which is increasing year after as the payments are not being made by the respective user Departments to the Chief Engineer, Mechanical who is incharge of PW Workshops.
  1. The Government, after consideration of various options, have decided to dispense with the existing system of suspense transactions under Regional Mechanical Workshops and a new accounting procedure for taking up works by Regional mechanical Workshops has been formulated.
  1. Accordingly, the following instructions are hereby issued.
  1. A new separate sub-head for each Regional Mechanial workshop is opened under MH 2701. Major and Medium Irrigation 80 General –MH 001 Direction and Administration under Non-Plan to provide salaries and establishment cost of each PW workshops as detailed in the Annexure-I enclosed to this order.
  1. The Chief Engineer, Mechanical shall send necessary proposal for making provision in the Budget towards salary component and establishment cost of workshops with supporting number statements under the above head of account.


  1. Whenever a vehicle or any other fabrication work like gates etc., are to be taken up, the workshop concerned shall prepared estimates giving breakup for material cost and over-head establishment component separately and send it to the concerned requisitioning office, and shall ask for advance payment towards material component.
  1. The work shop will take up the repair of vehicles or other works by purchasing items to be bought from outside market out of the imprest amount of Rs. 2.00 lakhs now sanctioned for each workshop for meeting the initial expenditure to take up repair works. The above amount of Rs. 2.00 lakhs is to be provided under “340 Other Charges-342 Other Expenditure” under the relevant head of account of the workshop.
  1. It has been decided to open a personal Deposit Account for each workshop under public account to operate the funds advanced by requisitioning Department under the following head of account.

“MH.8443 civil Deposits – MH 800 Other Deposits

SH (08) Regional mechanical Workshop Deposits (to be opened)”

A detailed head for each workshop is adopted under above head of account ad detailed in the revised Annexure-II enclosed to this order. The amount of Rs. 2.00 lakhs made available to each workshop as mentioned in instructions (4) above for meeting initial expenditure shall be adjusted to the above personal Deposit Account of each workshop.

The General Superintendent/Executive Engineer of workshops shall maintain a detailed account for every deposit received and job work undertaken by the.

Any adverse or negative balances under workshop deposit account will be viewed seriously and liable for penal and disciplinary action against concerned General Superintendent/Executive Engineer.

The Chief Engineer, Mechanical shall undertake the review of the balances under workshop deposit account for all workshops at least once in three months and intimate the balances to the Secretary to Government, Finance and Planning (FW: Budget) Department).

  1. All Departments in need of service of the workshop for repair of vehicles shall make advance payments to the workshops by drawing funds on AC Bill towards materials component from their respective budget heads of Account.   After the completion of work and receipt of final bill which will indicate over-head charges of the workshop separately, the final adjustment bill will be prepared.
  1. The requisitioning Department while preparing the final adjustment bill shall prepare and credit the expenditure towards the material competent to the PD Account of concerned workshop and overhead charged as credit to the head of account 2701 Major and Medium Irrigation-80 General MH 001 Direction and Administration-SH (99) Deduct- Recoveries – Over head/Establishment charges of workshops recoverable from user Department.
  1. The above instructions will come into force with immediate effect.

(By order and in the name of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh)


Secretary to Government


Details of PD Accounts opened for each Regional Mechanical Workshops under Public AC-


Name of

Head of


PW Workshops
& Stores, Hyderabad

MH 8443 Civil

MH 800 Other

Regional Mechanical Workshop Deposit

001 PW
workshops and Stores, Hyderabad


Mechanical Workshops and Mechanical Division, Hyderabad

MH 8443 Civil

MH 800 Other

Regional Mechanical Workshop Deposits

002 Regional
Workshops and Mechanical Division, Hyderabad


PW Workshops
& Stores, Seethanagaram.

MH 8443 Civil

MH 800 Other

Regional Mechanical Workshop Deposits

001 PW
workshops and Stores, Seethanagaram.


Workshops and Mechanical Division, cuddapah

MH 8443 Civil

MH 800 Other

Regional Mechanical Division,

004 Regional
Workshops and Mechanical division, Cuddapah.


workshops and Mechanical Division, Visakhapatnam

MH 8443 Civil

MH 800 Other

Regional Mechanical Workshop Deposits

005 Regional
Workshops and Mechanical Division, Visakhapatnam.


PW Workshops,
Dowlaiswaram (Under Engineer-in–Chief Irrigation Wing

MH 8443 Civil

MH 800 Other

Regional Mechanical Workshop Deposits

006 PW
workshops Dowlaiswaram (Under Chief Engineer, Major Irrigation)


  1. SAHOO

Secretary to Government

Finance & Planning (Finance Wing) Department

  • Simplication of Accounting Procedure: 
  • The procedure indicated in the G. O. Ms. No.997 PW Dt: 17.9.1967 should be followed from 1.4.1970
  1. Copies of Administrative Approval need not be supplied to audit when those are issued separately and not along with the expenditure sanction.
  2. Technical sanction may be communicated to the Accountant General only in respect of works relating to projects costing more than Rs. 25 lakhs and more than Rs. 10 lakhs in the case of Non project works.
  3. Copies of abstracts of Estimates need not be supplied to audit unless specially asked for.
  4. After administrative sanction is issued, a technical sanction has to be accorded before starting the work even at the stage of according technical sanction a revised administrative sanction may be necessary if the technical sanction is likely to exceed the administrative sanction by 10% or 5% as the case may be subject to delegation of powers.
  5. The minimum monetary limit for classifying a work as major is Rs. 75000/-.
  6. In the case of works executed through contractors the maintenance of accounts by subheads may be dispensed with.
  7. In the case of works done departmentally or through contractors where the contract is for labour rates only, sub-head accounting may be confined to Major works only(i.e.,) works costing more than Rs. 75000/-
  8. the existing limit of Rs. 1000/- for maintenance of separate account for each sub-head in the case of major estimates prescribed in para 344 of APWA code shall be raised to Rs. 7500/-.
  9. MAS Accounts need not be maintained in respect of works executed through contractors. In order, however, to control the issue of materials with reference to the Estimate requirements of works as indicated in the schedule of materials attached to an Agreement, numerical amount should be maintained in the form applicable in this state. These orders shall apply t projects, other than River Valley Projects.   MAS Accounts shall be maintained as usual even if works are executed through contractors.
  10. In the case of works done departmentally or though contractors were the contract is for labour rates only, a MAS Account shall be maintained in the usual form adopted in this state only, if the Estimated cost of the work is more than Rs. 75000/-. Even in the case of works exceeding Rs. 75000/- only numerical accounts shall be maintained. At the end of each financial year or on completion of work concerned, a theoretical valuation of the closing balance for each material will be done with reference to the issue rate for that material and necessary adjustment made in the works abstract and register of works.
  11. It is not necessary to maintain MAS Accounts for minor works (ie.) works upto Rs. 75000/- now revised to Rs. 1.00 lakh and Departmental repair works.
  12. The preparation and submission of labour report may be dispensed with except in the case of muster rolls containing names of m ore than 15 persons.
  13. The following accounting procedure is applicable to all Divisions maintaining independent stores (i.e) both quantity and value accounts)
  1. an upto date prices vocabulary of stores showing the correct description and identifying code numbers of various items (Completed in respect of issue rates by Divisions concerned) should be prepared and adopted.
  1. The Register of stock receipts/issue (Form No. PWS-4) shall be submitted by Bin Cards given in proforma-1.

iii.        The abstract of stock issues (PWA-5) shall be substituted by ‘Goods received Sheet’ as in proforma-2.

  1. The existing forms of indents for stores (PWA X) shall be revised as shown in the proforma 3-4 so as to provide columns for stores actually issued.
  1. The abstract of stock issued(PWA-6) be abolished and a monthly summary of indents shall be introduced.
  1. The half yearly balance return of a stock (Form No. PWA XI) and the half yearly register of stock (Form No. PWA XII) shall be substituted by a priced stores ledger in the form given in proforma-5.

vii.       A division wise ledger of issues of stores as shown inproforma 6 shall be introduced.

viii.      The issue rate of an article of stock should be fixed at the beginning of the year and is not necessary to review/revise the same every half year and the issue rate need be revised only when material variations in the purchse rates are noticed.

  1. Adjustment of profit or loss on stock and the allocation of the balances under the sub-head of stock among the works at the end of the year is not necessary and that the profit or loss should be taken into account while reviewing and fixing the issue rates for next year.
  1. A Suitable percentage based on carriage and other carriage incidental charges of the previous year should be worked out for haulage and added to issue rate.
  1. The store charges should be fixed every year and added on a percentage basis so as to form part of the issue rate.

xii.       The receipt of T&P should be entered in the “T&P indents” and a quantity ledger of T&P in proforma 7 shall be maintained in each sub-division.

  1. The submission to audit of vouchers relating to pay bills of work charged staff corresponding to regular class-IV staff should be discontinued.
  2. the monetary limit of vouchers not required to be submitted to audit is raised to Rs. 250/- (subsequently raised to Rs. 1000/- vide G. O. Ms. No. 152 F&P dept, Dt: 19.5.1979) in both project and non project works subject to the condition that where the post of AP exists, all vouchers irrespective of monetory limit should be submitted to the PAO.
  3. The establishment charges, T&P charges should be transferred prorate basis to the concerned Revenue Major heads (Other than commercial Departments) in the proportion of works expenditure debited to them. (The existed procedure for levying centage charges on capital work and works executed on behalf of other Governments Railways and Defense Departments Commercial undertakings or non-Governments bodies to continue). The receipts in the case of projects, shall be afforded to the head “Receipts & Recoveries” on Capital Account.
  4. The percentage charges (relate to Establishment, T&P in the project) determined on the basis of the estimated cost of a work should be levied annually on the expenditure incurred during the year and also they should be revised once in every five years.
  5. The Executive Engineer may send their first reply to an audit inspection report direct to the Accountant General.
  6. The review of M. Books by the Divisional Accounts Officer (W) shall continue. However the review shall be done in respect of sub divisional payments only.

(G. O. Ms. No. 997 PWD, Dt: 17.6.67 and  Govt. Memo. No. 1369-Y/67 PWD, Dt: 25.11.1969)

  • Time Barred Claims:

 Finance & Planning (FW.TFR) Department

  1. O. Ms. No.61 Dated: 27.04.1991

Read the Following:-

  1. O. Ms. No. 380 Fin & Plg (FW.FR-I) Dept., Dt: 15.10.1970
  2. O. Ms. No.53 Fin & Plg (FW.FR-I) Dept., Dt: 21.12.1984
  3. M No.(A/cs) 1/1/14-1(KW)89-90, Dt: 306.89 of the Accountant General, AP, Hyderabad.

* * *


In the GO first read above instructions were issued that arrear claims relating to Government employees may continue to be sanctioned in terms of Government orders already issued in the matter in consultation with the finance Department and in all such cases, the Department should take action for fixing the responsibility for the administrative delay and also take suitable action against the person held responsible, under intimation to Government in Finance Department.

  1. Orders were also issued that since it is possible to verify the arrear claims with reference to the office copy of the pay bill and TA bills which are preserved as per the orders issued in G. O. Ms. No. 489, Finance (FR) Department, dt: 16.11.1962 and Art. 326 of the AP financial Code vol.I (pay bills for 35 years and Ta Bills for 3 years) and Drawing Officer/Head of the Department, should preserve all the records relating to any particular Government Servant till his claim is finally settled and also take personal responsibility for the correctness of the claim on the basis of the records available with him.
  1. The records in the possession of Audit i.e., Pay & Accounts Officer/Accountant General, AP are preserved only for a period of six years and hence claims which relate to period over six years cannot be verified with reference to these records. Therefore a system of adhoc sanction was introduced as per Art. 55 of AP Financial Code.

Vol-I in the light of some glaring discrepancies found in such old claims, Government have reviewed the existing procedure with regard to arrear claims, which fallin any one of the following two categories, namely:-

  1. Claims which relate to a period of less than six years when they are preferred and.
  2. Claims which relate to a period more than six years.
  1. In regard to the category of claims in item(a) above, as per the present procedure, the Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh/ Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad are being authorized to pre-audit the claim and on its being found to be correct in audit, it is passed for payment. In regard to the category of claims in item(b) Adhoc Sanction is being accorded by Government, for passing the claims on the responsibility of the Drawing Officer as to its accuracy, because the claims are not suspectable for verification in Audit due to limited period of preservation of records.
  1. In respect of claims within six years, the Accountant General informed the Government that checking the claims with original vouchers is becoming difficult due to several factors and consequently the check is confined to entries in the service books received with the claims. Pending issue of instructions, with reference to the above observation of the Accountant General arrears relating to a period of less than six years should continue to be dealt with as per the existing procedures.
  1. The claims which have arisen from a date more than six years before the date of deduction, sanction is being accorded at present by Government passing the claims on the responsibility of the Drawing Officer, in terms of Art 55 of APFC Vol-I, as the claims are not suscepecible for verification in audit due to the limited period of preservation of records.   But the system of according Adhoc Sanction does not provide for basis on which Adhoc Sanction is to be given by the Government since there are no records or other informations available at Government Level to verify these claims, before according Adhoc Sanction.   In order to make the system of Adhoc Sanction more effective and to reduce the possibility wrong claims, it has been decided to delegated the powers to the Heads of Departments to Adhoc Sanction for arrear claims over six years. Keeping this in view, the following instructions are issued to deal with the cases of time-barred arrear claims of more that six years Old prior to the date of presentation.
  1. The arrear claims which are more than six years old should be prepared in two bills, the first, relating to a period of six years and the second relating to a period of less than six years.   The Drawing Officer should follow all the instructions in regard to the preparation and certification of the arrear claim.
  2. The arrear claims for a period of less than six years shall, be sent after sanction, for pre-audit by Pay & Accounts Officer/Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh as the case may be.   Those claims may be admitted after pe-audit as at present.

iii.        The arrear claims for periods beyond six years on the date of presentation shall be sent to the Heads of Departments for issue of Adhoc Sanction. After the issue of Adhoc Sanction by Head of Department, the Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad District, Treasury Officer shall scrutinize the claims before admitting for payment by exercising the following checks at their level namesly:-

  1. Correctness of the Fixation statement on which the arrear claim is based should be verified with reference to the records necessary for such verification.
  2. Due, and drawn statement should be verified with reference to the entries of pay available in the service register of the individual taking into account the corresponding rates of DA etc., admissible as on those dates.
  3. Arrear claims should be supported by an indemnity Bond executed by the Claimant agreeing to refund any excess of double or wrong payments:
  4. A certificate in clear terms should be obtained from the Drawing Officer that the claim has not been drawn previously and that the correctness of the records being maintained in the office of the drawing officer: and
  5. After the payment is authorized by the District Treasury Officer/ Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad in respect of arrear claims, an entry to this effect should be recorded in the Service Register of the individual and attested by the District Treasury Officer/ Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad.
  6. Government also direct that in the Districts all arrear claims though presented either at the sub-treasury of at the District Treasury, the bills shall be passed for payment only by the District Treasury Officer after Scrutiny in his office, but payment can be made in the sub-treasury where the bill has been presented. Similarly, the bills presented in Twin Cities shall be passed by Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad.
  1. Government also delegate powers to the Heads of Departments to sanction arrear claims within six years after investigation by the Pay & Accounts Officer, Hyderabad/District Treasury Officer.


  1. Necessary amendments to the AP, Treasury Code, Vol-I will be issued separately.
  1. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Andhra Pradesh shall send necessary proposals suggesting amendments to AP Financial Code, vol-I based on these orders issued in the G. O. 2nd read above.

(By order and in the name of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh)


Secretary to Government

15.5 General: 

  • Superintending Engineer is the competent authority to write off the loss of measurement books, level field books and survey field books.
  • All the inspecting officers should invariably make it a point to endorse the number of pages written in the M. books during their inspection of works/Inspection of Officers/Visits in addition to what has been prescribed in the APPWA Code.

(Govt. Memo. No. 16995/COD/95-1, Dt: 26.4.95 of I&CAD Dept.,)

  • Avoidance of valuable articles at functions.

Valuable articles like silver trowels, silver scissors and plates etc., shall not be used for functions like laying foundation stones, inaugural functions etc.,

(Govt. Memo. No.46/Poll.C/91-2, Dt: 20.2.91 of CAD)

15.6 Vehicles: 

  • Vehicles – Ban on purchase of New Vehicles

(G. O. Ms. No.5 Fin & Plg, Dt: 4.1.1994)

  • Fuel consumption by construction machinery as per the rates and costs committee formula is 0.11 X Horse Power of Engine.
  • Government Vehicle may be used for Private purposes on payment of the following hire charges.

For Vehicles upto & inclusive of 16


Rs. 0.90 per KM for Petrol driven
Vehicles. 0.45 per Km for Diesel Driven Vehicles

For Vehicles above 16 HP


1.20 for Petrol Vehicles and 0.60 for

(G. O. Ms. No.114 GAD, Dt: 11.2.80 Further revision of rates is to be as as-certained)

            15.7 Closure of Offices:

 When a sub division is closed and amalgamated with the other:

  1. All the Temporary advances should be closed and incorporated in the Cash Book. If any still outstanding such items should be exhibited on the debit side of the Cash Book under “Transaction within the Division – New sub Divn”, so as to make the closing balance of the cash book to ‘NIL’ Similar action taken in respect of outstanding imprest.
  1. Unused cheque and receipt books should be handed over to the new sub-division.

iii.        Notes pertaining to progress of works, payments due to the contractors and suppliers, unspent balances of grants etc., should be given.

  1. T&P should be accounted for in the statement given and handed over to the new sub-division.
  1. In respect of closure of Division items (i) to (iv) above should be followed. In addition the outstanding balances under suspense and deposit heads of the division to be closed may be transferred to some other division by proforma adjustment without making any adjustment in its accounts.

If the balances are proposed to be transferred to two or more Divisions, the closing division should make out a list of balances to each Division with a request to incorporate these figures in their balances and endorse a copy of the list to the Accountant General.   The registers of the closing Division may be transferred to the Division which is nominated as its successor.

The division to which they are transferred would incorporate the balances in the books without making any adjustment in the accounts, in the month immediately following the month in which the balances are transferred by the closing Division.

(Para 589 or APWA Code & G. O. Ms. No. 1231, Dt: 13.7.71)

15.8 Tree Tax:

 Tree Taxes are provided by Government as follows under provision of B.S.NO. 18(2) (ii) & 19 from 3.4.72



























(G. O. Ms. No. 365, Dt; 3.4.72)

15.9 Important Financial Code Articles: 

  • Sanction accorded by Government for fresh charges is valid for a year from the date of issue of sanction, Revalidation is not necessary if the sanction is partly acted upon during the year.

(APPC Vol-I 50, read without. Circular Memo. 44847-A/358 A2/TFR/95,

Dt: 30.1.96 of Fin & Plg.)

  • LOSSES & DEFALCATIONS: When a defalcation or loss of public money etc., or other movable or immovable property has occurred or a serious account irregularity has been commited, a preliminary report should be sent immediately to the Accountant General and through the proper channel to the Government without delay. These reports should be sent even when the person responsible for the loss has made it good.

Investigation should be conducted and a final report sent to the Accountant General and to the Head of the Department.

(Art. 294 of APFC Vol-I)

  • Damages to immovable property including buildings, investigation works, communications etc., due to any calamity, fire or flood should be reported immediately to the Accountant General and to the Head of the Department.   A report in Form – 20 should also be sent to the Accountant General. The Head of the Department should send a final report to the Government.

(Art. 299 of APFC Vol-I)

  • When any Government property or right is sold by Public Auction, the Government servant conducting the auction shall give adequate time before knocking down the bid in favour of the highest bidder and shall also obtain the signature of the higher bidder and two other bidders lower to the highest bidder in the sale register or relevant records with the amount of the bids written in words and figures and duly dated.

(Art. 22 A of APFC Vol-I) 

  • When unserviceable articles are disposed off by sale in public auction, the Government servant conducting the sale shall give adequate time before knocking own the bid in favour of the highest bidder and shall obtain the signature of the successful bidder and two other bidders lower to the highest bidder in the sale register or relevant records with the amount of bids written in words and figures and duly dated.

(G. O. Ms. No. 62 Fin, Dt: 25.2.69)

  • Deputy Executive Engineer who are independently working and not working within the office of the Executive Engineers are treated as Heads of Office for the purpose of drawing contingent bills under SR 18(b) of TR 16 of APTC Vol-I.

(G. O. Ms. No. 826 PWD, Dt: 1.6.72)

  • Government Departments can purchase the fluorescent tubes locally as per their requirements on the rate contract or by calling for quotations by debit to contingent grant.

(G. O. Ms. No.842 PWD, Dt: 1.6.72)

  • All Government transactions involving fractions of a rupees shall be brought to account in multiples of 5 paise portion not below 2 ½ % paise being rounded to 5 paise and those below that ignored.

Now 50 paise and above to be rounded off next rupee, less being ignored.

(Govt. Memo. No. 25760/214/70-6, Dt: 11.2.71)

15.10 Purchase and Deposit Schedules: 

15.10.1 Detailed Schedules are to be submitted half yearly.

  • Amounts up to Rs. 20/- can be credited to Government by the Executive Engineer after a year from the refundable date.

15.11 Yard Sticks for Work Load

  • Yard Sticks for Work Load for sanction of sections, sub-divisions, Divisions etc., applicable to irrigation TR &B, PR, PH, Engineering Departments, Welfare, SC Welfare Departments.





Quality per



For head works
and canals of the capacity of 50 M3/Sec


Rs. 4.50



For canals
between 50 Cum/3/Sec and 15 M3/Sec


Rs. 3.00



Canals below
15 cum /3 Sec and above one M3/Sec


Rs. 1.50



Below one


Rs. 75 Lkahs



Every circle
with 4 to 5 works Divisions


Staff of 1 division to attend to quality control and designation work



Every Two Circles


One Stores
Division and Mechanical Division



Acquisition Division


Rs. 75 Lakhs



Filed Channels
with a discharge of 0.04 cumes


 Rs. 20 Lakhs








Head work


Rs. 75 Lakhs
per Division





Rs. 50 Lakhs
per Division



Field Channels


Rs. 20 Lakhs
per Division





Rs. 50 Lakhs
per Division








&Kirhsna Deltas Division (Compact Deltas)


One lakh
Hectors per Division



KC Canal, TBP
& NS Canals (Where ayacut is not compact)


50000 to 75000
Hectares per Division



Medium &
Minor Irrigation (Maintenance)


One Division
for Every District

(G. O. Ms. No. 402, Irrgn Dept., Dt: 8.10.82)

All Other Works:

  1. Construction







Dealing with
Major Concentrated Works


Rs. 20 –
40 Lakhs



Dealing with
Major Scattered Works


Rs. 16 –
40 Lakhs



Dealing with
Minor Scattered Works


Rs. 10 –
20 Lakhs









Rs. 80 –
50 Lakhs





Rs. 60-80





Rs. 10-20














Rs. 243.00





Rs. 162.00









Rs, 11.90





Rs. 52.50





Rs. 189.00

(G. O. Ms. No. 139 F & Plg, Dt: 24.5.95)

  • The Superintending Engineers can grant only temporary pipes for canals having 100 cusecs or less discharge with the concurrence of District collector concerned.

(CE (MI &G1) Hyd. Memo. No. C2/46509/74, Dt: 24.11.76)

  • The Chief Engineers approval is required for granting direct Pipes.

(Circular memo. No. B1/74877/74-17, Dt: 15.3.66 of the CE MI & G1)



All the works before receiving technical sanction should be inspected by Departmental officers as under. The instructions are in keeping with G. O. Ms. No. 492 PW(Y) Dt: 14.5.75.



Monetary Limit of Inspection of works
before technical sanction


Superintending Engineer

Works costing Rs. 3.00 lakhs and above


Executive Engineer

Works costing Rs. 1.00 lakhs and above
but less than Rs. 3.00 lakhs


Deputy Executive Engineer

All works costing less than Rs. 1.00


The inspection report should accompany the estimate failing which no technical sanction should be given.

(AUTHORITY: ENC(PR) circular memo. T/20789/83-1857, Dt: 30.7.92)

  • Approval or sanction to an estimate by ZP for any public work other than annual maintenance shall, unless such work has been commenced ceases to be in operation after a period of three years from the date of sanction.


  • The Petty Supervision Charges rates as contemplated in para 117 of D. code do apply in respect of PR work also. Major supervision charges @ 7.5% of the estimate.

(AUTHORITY: G. O. Ms. No. 55, PR & RD, Dt: 4.2.91)

  • For maintenance of buildings, the rates applicable to Government buildings hold good in the case of PR buildings also viz.
  1. Normal residential and office building  Rs.1.60/- per S.Ft.
  2. Educations buildings                               Rs.2.20/-per S.Ft.
  3. Hospital and Medical Buildings              Rs.3.00/-per S.Ft.

(AUTHORITY:G. O. Ms. No.108,P.R & Dt.27-2-89)

  • The wearing coat over deck slab and also for roots CC 1:2:4 Mix has to be

provided with 2/3 of 12 mm. HBG metal an average thickness of 75mm.

Submersible bridges should have a road width of 7.50 meters or at least carriage way of 5.50 meters where funds are limited.

Cross drainage works should be provided for protective works.

(AUTHORITY: C.E.P.R Genl.Memo.AEEX(D)PR/12266/87-393,Dt.7-3-88)

  • C.C slab ventages to cause ways and wherever feasible only RCC slab pipes should be provided.

If the culvert is of more than 4’ ventage only slab convert should be provided and RCC pipes should not be used.

In the execution of minor C.D. works(culverts) basing on the ventage requirement for assigned discharge of flow, the use of maximum number and size of vents are given below for singly culvert.


Dis of pipe

RCE class

No.of Vents


















The work to which the cost of pipes is booked should not be closed without fixing the pipes on CD works.


Read with Memo T6/14522-84,Dt.1-1-84

  • Detailed plans should be got signed by the authority of the concerned departments as taken of approval.

The work should be started only after obtaining administrative approval for the full amount required.

The work should be started s only after the full amount is deposited.

Necessary centage charges should be recovered from the department.

(AUTHORITY:CE.GL.(PR)Circular Memo.T6/20789/83-143,Dt.17-3-84) 

            25.2 TENDERS:

  • Chit Tender Notices for all works costing above Rs.1.00 lakh and for purchase of materials costing above Rs. 10000/- are to be routed through commissioner, information and Public Relations only. No expenditure on advertisement should be paid by Department from 1.4.94 on wards.

(AUTHORITY: ENC PR Circular memo. No. T1/19132/88, Dt: 7.10.94)

  • The village administrative office is not entitled to participate in any tender or contract.

(AUTHORITY: ENC, PR memo. No. T1/4149/95, Dt: 17.4.95)



Typed Matter

Rs. 2/- per page


Cyclostyled matter

Rs. 2/- per page


Xerox copy matter

Rs. 2/- per page


Printed matter

Rs. 4.50/- per page


Printed tracing irrespective of size

Rs. 6/- per page


Minimum cost of tender schedule

Rs. 50/- per page

The above rates are exclusive of sales tax.

(AUTHORITY: (PR) Memo. T1/19132/88-(311), Dt: 13.10.1994)

  • The advertisements (tender notices etc.,) by Government Departments, public sector undertakings and Governments companies should be routed through information and public relations Department who pay the bills. The orders are effective from 1.4.94. The bills pertaining to advertisements prior to 1.4.94 shall be settled by the respective Departments.

(AUTHORITY: G. O. Ms. No. 37 GAD (I&PR) Dept., Dt: 22.1.94)

  • On the concession given to labour contract co-operative societies consisting of SCs/STs/Wadders and to individuals of these communities vide. G. O. Ms. No. 589 (PR &RD) Dt: 29.9.89.

The following clarifications are given:-

  1. The concessions do not apply to backward classes.
  2. Only unskilled nature of works should be entrusted.
  3. For skilled works, the societies should possess, T&P, skilled workers and previous experience supported by evidence. Clause 9 of PS to APSS should be satisfied.
  4. the concessions apply to works entrusted on nominations as well as on tender basis within the Mandal where the society exists. Exempted form EMD for the works within the Mandal parishad to which they belong.
  5. When more than one society applies for nomination, entrustment should be on first come first serve basis.
  6. In case tenders are invited and if the societies wish to take such works on nomination, they should apply so within 10 days of issue of publication of tender notice.

(The date of receipt of applications for the issue of schedules from contractors against tenders shall be fixed after the above prescribed time)

  1. No separate tenders among the societies shall be invited while considering entrustment of works to the societies. There is no reservation in entrustment of works to these societies on tender basis.

(AUTHORITY: ENC(PR) circular T1/30197/81-(869), Dt: 10.1.94)

  • Painting items should be separated from tenders and entrusted to local cottage industrial paint manufactures cum contractors like sodhan paints duly checking quality of paint.

(AUTHORITY: ENC memo. No. T1/30595/87, Dt: 13.10.92)

  • Bulk purchases of doors and windows should not be made. Supply and fixing of doors should be incorporated in the tender for civil works only.

(AUTHORITY: ENC, PR Circular memo. No. T5/1579/91, Dt: 13.10.92)
25.2.8  1.         Tender schedules may be supplied through post at the cost of contractor and at his own risk for the timely delivery.

Tenders not accompanied by EMD cannot be entertained.

  1. When the fact of enclosing specified EMD is not exhibited on the sealed cover containing the tender documents even if it is opened by the tender opening authority it should not be considered for comparative statement.
  1. Tenders should not be accepted directly either before or after time of closer of tender box.
  1. Regarding signing by a power of attorney holder, legal opinion is to be sought for.
  1. Rates are read out openly complaints received after tenders are opened and read out may be ignored.
  1. The tender opening authority is advised to be alert against the possible scope for manipulations in respect of the rates entered in the tender schedule either in words or figures.
  1. Tenders where rates are not quoted for one of more items are to be rejected.
  1. Tenders received by post after opening are to be ignored even where there is enough proof of their posting before the closing time of tender.

(AUTHORITY: Memo. T1/32550/89, Dt: 15.4.90)

  • The tender should submit two covers one containing EMD and conditions, if any, and the second cover containing tender documents only. The cover containing EMD and conditions will be opened first and after evaluating the effect of conditions and after being satisfied about payment of EMD the second cover will be opened. If there is any delay in evaluation, separate date will be fixed for opening the cover containing the tender documents. Any tender received without EMD cover containing proof of required EMD having been paid will be summarily rejected.

The cover containing EMD shall be super scribed with “Tender Notice No. ___________ EMD Cover.” The Original documents cover shall be super scribed “Tender Notice No.__________ Tender schedule”.

(AUTHORITY: ENC PR Genl. Memo. No. T1/20789/83, Dt: 12.7.88)


25.2.10 1.        The distance between farthest point of work and location of hot mix point should be of one hour travel.

  1. The “One hour travel distance” should take into account the conditions or the road on which the hot mix is supposed to be transported.
  2. Generally 50 km long Bt road without traffic battlements in considered to be of one hour travel distance.
  3. the tie up arrangements with hot mix owner, condition and capacity of the plant have to be examined by Superintending Engineer.

(CEPR (R&MI) Hyd Circular Memo. TA!/514/94-27, Dt: 12.4.94).

  1. The feels for testing bitumen samples should be borne by contractors.

(ENC, PR Memo T1/10744/83, Dt: 4.11.96.)

25.3 E. M.D.:

  • Contractors including unemployed Engineers are required to pay EMD should be in the shape of Demand Draft/national Savings Certificate, postal term deposit scheme certificate endorsed in favour of the officer inviting tenders or in the name of officer specified in the tender notice.

(AUTHORITY: ENC memo. No. T1/36675/92, Dt: 17.4.95)

NOTE:   Endorsement is taken to mean pledging in favour of Departmental Officer in which case the procedure for pledging the instrument is to be followed. 


  • All Executive Engineers of PR Department and Mandal development officers are empowered to entrust maintenance works costing up to Rs. 20000/- to surrendered extremists having engineering back ground without reference to qualifications, on nomination basis.

(AUTHORITY: G. O. Rt. No. 383 PR & RD Dt: 19.4.93)

  • Unemployed/Retrenched/Diploma/Graduate Engineer, the partnership firms comprising them, are given the following concessions up to 31.7.96.

Works may be let out on nomination by

EEs upto         0.50 Lakhs

SEs upto          1.00 lakh

ENC/CE upto 2.00 lakh

  1. Preference should be given to the mover others in the matter of awarding contracts, other things being equal.

The above concessions are not applicable to the professional contractors who were in the field prior to 7.10.69 and to retired and retrenched engineers.

The other conditions are governed by the rules issued in G. O. Ms. No. 589 PR & RD, Dt: 29.9.89.

(AUTHORITY: G. O. Ms. No. 294 PR & RD Dt: 20.5.94)

25.4.3  SUB:-  Drought relief programme – MI programme – Entrusted of MI works for execution prioritization.

The following priorities are to be followed in the entrustment of PR minor irrigation works under drought relief programme.

  1. Entrustment on nomination can be made at estimated rates to a group of ayacutdars without any limit of estimate amount.


  1. If the ayacutdars are not coming forward:
  • Unskilled works relating to the floods urgent nature of works such as maintenance may be entrusted on nomination basis upto Rs. 2.00 lakhs at estimate rates to the village beneficiary committees/ village development committee/ sarpanch for 95-96 under the following conditions.


S.E – 2.00 lakhs

E.E-1.00 lakhs         In relaxation of G. O. Ms. No. 24 PR & RD, Dt: 12.1.96

With the written approval of District Collector, SE/EE shall entrust the works to the most eligible beneficiary in prior consultation with public representatives.

The cases have to be dealt within the spirit of the G. O.

EMD is exempted upto Rs. 2.00 lakhs

FSD is to be with held form the running bill at the prescribed rates.

The main work should not be split in order to bring the value within the power of nomination.

Each nominee should not be given more than one work at a time and in all not exceeding Rs. 2.00 lakhs in the year.

The question of extending this concession beyond 95-96 will be considered separately.

(AUTHORITY: G. O. Ms. No. 48 PR & RD, Dt: 27.1.96 and 62 Dt: 2.2.96)


  • All the community works identified and sanctioned under PVP programme and costing upto Rs. 2.00 lakhs should be executed by the people themselves and that these works should not be entrusted to contractors.

(G. O. Ms. No. 80 F&P (plg. RD) Dept., Dt: 30.12.95)

  • Machine mixing and vibrating should be done in respect of all concrete works irrespective of quantity and the Deputy Executive Engineer should record certificate to that effect in the MB.

(AUTHORITY: ENC (PR) T5/4397/91, Dt: 9.9.91)

  • Executive Engineers should super check all road works for which tender rebate is from 5 % to 10%. The cases where the rebate is more than 10% should be referred to Superintending Engineer irrespective of the cost of the work for according spreading permission.

(AUTHORITY: CE GL & PR. Circular memo. R3/31648/77-187, Dt:25.5.1981)



Sl. No

Name of Work

Estimated Cost

Check Measuring authority

Super check measuring authority


WBM works

Upto Rs. 50000/-

Deputy Executive Engineer



WBM works

Above Rs. 50000/- to

Rs. 2.00 lakhs

Deputy Executive Engineer

Executive Engineer shall super check
collections before spreading


WBM works

Above Rs. 2.00 lakhs

Deputy Executive Engineer

SE (PR) concerned should super check the
collections of materials before spreading.



Collection of chips

Upto Rs. 50000/-

Deputy Executive Engineer




Above Rs. 50000/-

Deputy Executive Engineer/ Executive

EE should super check the collection of
chips before taking up of BT work.
However check measurement is preferable.


BT Finished work

Above Rs. 50000/- to Rs. 2.00 lakhs

Deputy Executive Engineer

Payment should not be made without super
check by EE.



Above Rs. 2.00 lakhs

Executive Engineer

SE should super check before payment.


26.1.1  With a view of speeding of the progress of contribution of OHSRS, the local villages personnel or village Development committee who are the beneficiaries may be registered as contractors to enable them to participate in the relevant works benefiting them.  Executive Engineers may register upto Rs. 1.00 and Superintending Engineers beyond 1.00 lakh.

(Authority: CE, RWS Memo. JE7/PWS/30302/88, DT: 8.3.1989)


26.2.1  For sanction of a PWS scheme in rural areas, the Grama Panchayats have to contribute as per the criteria given as under.

The gross income of Grampanchayats on average of previous three years The rates of contribution payable by GRampanchayat /people
Above Rs. 225000/- 50% of the cost of the scheme upto 5.00 lakhs plus 35% of the cost of the scheme in excess of 5.00 lakhs
Above Rs. 125000/- and upto Rs. 225000/- 33 ½ % of the cost of scheme upto Rs. 3.00 lakhs plus 20% of the cost of the scheme in excess of Rs. 3.00 lakhs
Above Rs. 25000/- and lakhs upto Rs. 125000/- 25% of the cost of the scheme upto Rs. 2.00 plus 15% of the cost of the scheme in excess of Rs. 2.00 lakhs
Above Rs. 10000/- and upto Rs. 25000/- 15% of the cost of scheme upto Rs. 1.00 lakhs plus 10% of the cost of the scheme in excess of Rs. 1.00 lakhs
Below Rs. 10000/- NO contribution

(Authority: G. O. Ms. No.262 PR GRWS-III Dept., Dt: 20.4.1983)

Note: The exemption limit was raised to Rs. 20000/- vide G. O. Ms. No.172 PR(RWS-I) Department.

26.3    EXECUTION:

26.3.1  1.         Before starting an open well, a baby well or a trial before well should be drilled.  The classification of soil strata, the water potability and yield of the well tested.

  1. No staining should be provided for wells in hard disintegrated rock.

(Authority: AEE2/RWS/(Design/88, Dt: 25.8.1988)

26.3.2    The co-efficients for open well excavation are to be allowed only on items excluding the blasting component which may be taken as 1/3rd of the rate.

(illustration (for excavation in 4th mattlu upto 3 meters dia rate per cum(SSR88-89)

  1. Initial rate of EW in Hard rock                       59.40
  2. Deduct blasting Charges                     (-)        19.80





Co-Efficients for 4th Matlu                 =          7 times

Therefore, rate for 4th Malu                =          39.60 X 7 =     277.20

Add blasting component                                                           19.80


Rate for 4th Mattlu                                                                  297.90


(Authority: Ce, PR Genl 27649/T1/89, Dt: 15.7.89)


26.3.3    Cement upto 5% over the Estimate quantity (overall requirement ) can be allowed for the finishing works of RCC OHSRs and RCC GLSRs, subject to the following conditions.


  1. The contractor should actually use the extra quantity for plastering and finishing work, subject to upper limit of 5%. The actual quantity used only should be considered.
  2. The provision for finishing work should not be made in the Estimate (Sub-work) of RCC OHSR or RCC GLSR.
  3. The cost of cement used for finishing work as specified above should be recovered from the contractor at the issue rate specified in the Agreement.

(Authority: CE (GL) RWS Circular Memo. T6/30639/83-5, Dt: 28.5.83)

26.3.4    Ground level service reservoirs when constructed on plan land may be entrusted on nomination at an excess or 10% over estimated rates.

When constructed on elevated plateu, hills or remote areas having no transportation facilities, 15% excess over estimated rates may be allowed.

But before the allowing higher percentages, tenders should be called once and the trend of tenders should be taken into account before any decision is taken.

(AUTHORITY: CE, RWS Memo JE5/7021/88-9, Dt; 12.10.88)

26.3.5    Table for trench excavation for laying and jointing AC pressure pipes is enclosed.

In the case of RCC pipes separate drawings are made for minimum width at two levels and with necessary depths.

While entering into agreement the following from sub-division to work spot will be paid


  1. No extra charges of transport from sub-division to work spot will be paid.
  2. Regarding cost of excavation, refilling, laying and jointing the SSR current at the time of placing orders is applicable to all the turnkey basis works for AC & RCC pipes.
  3. Extra water lead may be allowed beyond 500 meters in case the pipeline works, are executed during the months of April to June and testing to the required test pressure is carried only segment wise. The water load should be personally verified by the concerned Executive Engineer who should certify in the MB that water is not available within 500 meters for testing the pipeline segment wise.

Whenever sand cushion is required over the top of the pipe also, the total depth of the sand cushion may be taken as outer dia + 300 MM i.e., 150 MM deep each.

As the changes are minor between class 10 and class 20 pipes, uniform widths and depths are adopted for easy execution.

(AUTHORITY: CE, RWS Memo. PC4/9794/87, Dt: 29.11.1988

Read with even Memo. No. Dt: 17.2.1989 and modifier)

26.3.7  1.         Executive Engineer, PR are allowed to let out an nomination, works at estimated rates to Gram Panchayats/Villages Development committee/ Contractor or Departmentally without calling for tenders.

  1. After calling for tenders once, if there are no favourable tenders, the Executive Engineers can let out works on nomination to grampanchayat/ village development committee or contractors departmentally not exceeding the following limits.


A. For overhead service reservoir 25% excess over the estimate rates
B. All other items except laying and joining 10% excess over estimated rates
C Pumping mains and distributions 5% excess over the estimated rates.
  1. Where the works cannot be letout on nominations with the above specified excess percentage the Executive Engineers Panchayat Raj can letout the works on nomination after calling the tenders once with the approval of Superintending Engineer upto 20% excess over SSR rates for works other than OHSRs also.
  1. Where the components have to be letout on nomination to VDC/GP/Contractors at percentages higher than mentioned above the Chief Engineer will approve upto 25% excess after calling for tenders alteast once as amendment issued vide G. O. Ms.  Memo. 3257/RWS-II/92-1, Dt: 3.6.1992.
  1. Where both the above procedures fail, tenders shall be called for, in which case normal rules will be applicable.
  1. When the works are letout on nomination to VDC/Contractors, deposits shall be collected from the bills and normal contract rules shall be applicable after entrustment.

Memo. 32257/RWS-II/92-1, Dt: 3.6.1992 of Panchayat Raj Development

When the data is inclusive of cost of cement, the excess percentages allowable on RWS/Clerk schemes when entrusted on nomination operates on cement cost also.

26.3.8    When the data is exclusive of cost of cement, and free supply of cement is contemplated, the extra percentages should not be operated.

CE, RWS, JEE/RWS/7921/88-37, Dt: 27.10.1988.  Testing of pipe line should be provided  as separate schedule item in the agreement.

(CE, RWS Memo.)

26.3.9    The procedure as provided for in Government Memo 87831/RWS II/89-3, dt.4.10.1990.  Should be resoluted to small works like components of individual PWS schemes located remote areas where contractor are not responding to call of tenders.

In cases of large schemes like CPWS schemes and projects where would express and expective in specific border like filton, simups, S.S.tanks etc., Nomination proposal should not be entrusted.

(AUTHORITY: CERWS Memo AEE/DEE IIU/RWS Nomination/96,dt:20.06.1996)

26.4          RWS STORES:

26.4.1    Materials required for implementation of PWS schemes should not be procured for in advance and in excess of or discribsional steps and not for indimidera schemes and that the level of inventory of those items should be inited to Rs.3.00 lakhs for each dicusar and should be untitaded within three months of their requirements.

CI pipes specials and CID joints should be procured for divisionals stores and not for individual schemes and that the level of inventory of those items should limited to Rs.3.00 lakhs for each division and should be utilized within three months of their receipt.

(CERWS Memo JE/PWS/70201/1885 dt.4.7.1988)

26.4.2    Higher size CID joints of sizes 200 mm and  above may be procured at the rates of public health rate contract agreements.  Other classes and sizes of pipes which are not covered  health rate contract agreements.

(AUTHORITY:C.E.RWS JE3/PC/18572/87,DT.31.8.1988)

26.4.3     1.      Signboards should not be purchased in bulk at division or circle level or any level and should not be stocked.

  1. Signboards may be procured for any scheme after the execution is commenced and substantial progress achieved.
  1. Signboards are parts of civil work and the same agency which executes the civil work can attend to this tem also at the rates fixed as per normal rules (based on SSR or tendered rates).

(AUTHORITY: CE, RWS Memo MM1/58394/87-23, Dt: 6.7.1989)

26.4.3    In respect of AC pressure pipes upto 250 mm dia the Government Departments/Corporations/Local bodies etc., should call for tenders from small scale industries.

(AUTHORITY: G. O. Ms. No. 184, Dt: 29.4.1993)

26.4.4    Procurement of RWS material far in advance not only locks up funds but also some times renders the materials unsuitable as the quality and quantity of yield cannot be established.

Therefore all the materials for each RWS scheme, such as AC Pipes, pump sets, etc., should be purchased only after obtaining clearance from ENC(PR).

The resmigitions for clearance should be submitted to ENC duly as bring to the following guidelines.

  1. Requisitions of pipes for pumping mains and pumpsets should be submitted after the source is established qualitatively and HSR is constructed upto TOP ring beam.
  1. The requisition of pipes for distribution system should be submitted after the pump is erected in the source and top stab of OHSR is laid.


  1. The Superintending Engineers should ensure that no pipes/pump sets are kept unutilized for more than 3 months after they are received.
  2. The Superintending Engineer before submitting requisitions should ensure that similar pipes/pumpsets for which requisition are proposed to be submitted to ENC are not kept unutilized.

(AUTHORITY: ENC, PR Circular MM 4/22131/93-1, DTL 1.8.1993)

In certain divisions centering materials were purchased for construction of OHSR, the hire charges have to be fixed by Superintending Engineer for the materials and realized.

Purchase of generators and other costly electrical equipment must be done only after consulting the Engineers of APSEB.

(AUTHORITY: ENC Memo. ADD-39705/NAP/T/Medak/AP.II/86, Dt:27.3.1995)

PVC casing pipes having ISI Mark/Conforming to IS.12818/92 only should be used as casing pipe for borne wells but not PVC pressure pipes.

The normal procedure in vogue in purchase of materials should be followed.

(AUTHORITY: CE, RWS Memo. No. DEE T1/T1/ 12139/95, Dt: 8.5.1995)

Standard weight of CI pipes and CI spends suitable are for AC pipes, of CI pipes are contained in CE, RWS memo  M3/31273/95, Dt: 17.7.1996 and ENC, PR enclosed Memo M3/31273/95, Dt: 17.3.1997.

CI Pipes and specials on that receipt weighed on should be weighed should and there weights should agree with the weights given in Quality controls inspection report.  If the weight exceeds the weight given in IS code including the maximum tolerance, payment should be restricted to the weights given in QC report.

ENC, PR Circular Memo. M3/31273/95(29), Dt: 6.11.1995 

ENC to Memo. No M33/31273/95, Dt: 17.7.1996

Weight of Cast Iron Plain – End flanged Spigots (tail piece) suitable Ac pressure pipes as per is 5531-1988
Dia MM Class Standard Weight of tailpiece (in kgs)
Sd Length 0.3M length 0.45M length 0.6M length 0.75M length 0.9M length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
80 5, 10, 15 Class 7.40 9.16 11.79 14.42 17.06 17.34
25     8.50 10.59 3.74 16.88 20.02 22.74
100 5, 10          9.00 11.34 14.86 18.37 21.89 24.93
15     9.10 11.42 14.91 18.39 21.88 24.90
20    10.20 12.90 16.95 20.99 25.04 28.55
25    11.00 13.70 17.78 21.85 25.91 29.44
125 5, 10         11.30 14.27 18.74 23.20 27.66 31.53
15    11.70 14.77 19.38 23.98 28.59 32.58
20    13.00 16.50 21.74 26.98 32.23 36.77
25    14.70 18.74 24.80 30.85 36.91 42.16
150 5, 10         14.30 18.11 23.83 29.55 35.27 40.23
15    15.30 19.14 24.91 30.68 36.45 41.44
20    17.10 21.51 28.12 34.73 41.34 47.08
25    18.70 23.19 29.92 36.65 43.39 49.22
200   5    19.70 25.09 33.19 41.28 49.37 46.38
10    20.60 28.99 34.08 42.17 50.26 57.28
15    22.70 28.21 36.48 44.75 53.02 60.19
20    25.80 32.16 41.71 51.25 60.80 69.07
25    28.70 35.19 44.94 54.68 64.42 72.86
250  5     32.80 32.80 43.71 54.62 65.53 74.98
10    34.40 34.40 45.37 56.33 67.30 75.80
15    36.80 36.80 47.86 58.92 69.98 79.57
20    42.30 42.30 55.20 68.10 81.00 92.18
300 05    41.50 41.50 55.52 69.54 83.55 95.70
10    43.50 43.50 57.54 71.57 85.61 97.78
15    47.80 47.80 62.01 76.22 90.44 102.75
20   55.30 55.30 71.81 88.44 10.5.00 119.36
25   60.70 60.70 77.49 94.29 111.08 125.63
350 5, 10        54.40 54.40 71.92 89.44 112.55 127.88
15   59.50 59.50 77.18 94.87 112.55 127.88
20   68.80 68.80 89.39 109.98 130.57 148.41
25   77.50 77.50 100.14 122.78 145.72 165.04
400 5, 10         54.40 54.40 71.92 89.44 106.96 122.15
15    74.00 74.00 95.64 116.91 138.37 156.96
20    85.80 85.80 110.75 135.71 160.66 182.29
25    96.70 96.70 124.35 151.99 179.64 203.60
450 5, 10         77.00 77.00 102.31 127.62 152.93 174.87
15    85.30 85.30 110.88 136.46 162.04 184.21
20    99.90 99.90 129.70 159.49 189.29 215.11
25  113.00 113.00 145.73 178.46 211.19 239.56
500 5, 10         92.50 92.50 121.99 151.48 180.98 206.54
15  103.00 103.00 132.91 162.81 192.72 218.64
20  120.00 120.00 154.73 189.46 224.19 254.29
25  136.00 136.00 174.18 212.36 250.54 283.62
600 5, 10       126.00 126.00 165.054 204.11 243.16 277.008
15  141.00 141.00 180.377 219.75 259.13 293.259
20  164.00 164.00 209.561 255.12 300.68 340.171
25  188.00 188.00 238.607 289.21 339.82 383.679

Note: standard length upto 200 MM – 0.20mm and above 200 mm – 0.30 MM

Note: the tolerances allowable in allowing materials i.e., plus or minus 8% only for all sizes of tail pieces.


Dr. M. Venkateshwarlu,

Chief Engineer (RWS), PW, Hyderabad



Dy. Executive Engineer


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
080X 40 5, 10,15 8.60 180 3.16 3.54 6.7 40 8.60 150 1.33 2.70 10.73
20 10 180 3.65 3.94 7.59 40 10 150 1.60 2.70 11.89
100 X40 5, 10 0.90 220 5.11 4.44 9.55 40 9 150 1.40 2.70 13.65
15 0.90 220 5.11 4.68 9.79 40 9 150 1.40 2.70 13.89
20 10.50 220 5.94 6.06 12 40 10.5 150 1.69 2.70 16.39
125 X50 5,10 9.50 270 8.03 5.46 13.49 50 9.50 150 1.77 3.70 18.96
15 9.50 270 8.03 6.04 14.07 50 9.50 150 1.77 3.70 19.54
20 11.10 270 9.44 7.70 17.14 50 9.50 150 1.77 3.70 22.61
150 X 50 5, 10 10 320 12.20 6.82 19.20 50 10 150 1.88 3.70 24.6
15 10 320 12.20 8.74 20.94 50 10 150 1.88 3.70 26.52
20 11.70 320 14.10 11.10 25.20 50 11.7 150 2.27 3.70 31.17
200 X50 5 11 420 22.65 8.94 31.59 50 11 150 2.11 3.70 37.4
10 11 420 22.65 10.74 33.39 50 11 150 2.11 3.70 39.2
15 11 420 22.65 14.68 37.33 50 11 150 2.11 3.70 43.14
20 12.8 420 26.73 19.00 45.73 50 12.8 150 2.53 3.70 51.96



(sour Tee) – Tee as per 5531/88(Flange as per IS 7181: 1986)

Sl. No Nominal Dia

Main Branch

Class Standard weight pice (INICGS)
Tee as per IS 5531 Flange as per IS 7181 Total
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. 80 X80 5, 10, 15 9.70 3.70 13.40
20 11.70 3.70 14.40
2 100 X 80 5, 10 12.10 3.70 15.80
15 12.60 3.70 16.80
20 14.50 3.70 18.20
3 125 X 80 5, 10 15.70 3.70 19.40
15 16.00 3.70 19.70
20 19.00 3.70 22.70
4 150 X 100 5, 10 23.10 4.20 27.30
15 25.30 4.20 29.80
20 31.00 4.20 35.20
5 200 X 140 5 37.80 5.30 43.10
10 39.70 5.30 45.00
15 44.10 5.30 49.44
20 54.00 5.30 59.30
6 250 X 125 5 57.70 6.70 64.40
10 60.80 6.70 67.50
15 66.60 6.70 73.30
20 81.50 6.70 88.20
7 300 X 150 5 80.90 6.70 87.60
10 85.10 6.70 91.80
15 94.60 6.70 101.80
20 116.00 6.70 122.70
350 x 200 5 120.00 9.30 129.30
10 123.00 9.30 132.30
15 135.00 9.30 144.30
20 165.00 9.30 174.30
400 X 200 5 161.00 9.30 170.30
10 162.00 9.30 171.30
15 179.00 9.30 188.30
20 218.00 9.30 227.30
450 X 250 5 212 12.00 224.00
10 214 12.00 226.00
15 233 12.00 245.00
20 285 12.00 297.00
500 X 250 5 270 12.00 282.00
10 272 12.00 284.00
15 295 12.00 307.00
20 358 12.00 370.00
600 X 300 5 420 14.80 437.80
10 426 14.80 440.80
15 460 14.80 474.80
20 557 14.80 571.80


            Note:  the sizes are as per tee for AC pipes as per IS attached with Flange.

The tolerance in mass shall be the

hydraulic test pressure shall be in                             8%

KGs as per class indicated in schedule



Engineer-in –Chief (PH)











80 225 450 150 90 926 9.5 17.69 3.70 21.39
10 300 600 151 90 1161 9.75 27.91 4.20 32.11
125 300 600 150 90 1161 10 35.20 5.30 40.50
150 380 760 150 90 1411 10 50.74 6.70 57.44
200 450 900 200 100 1690 11 88.13 9.30 97.43
225 450 900 225 100 1715 12 109.58 9.30 118.88
250 525 1050 250 100 1974 12 139.46 12.0 151.46
300 525 1050 300 100 2023 13 184.93 14.80 199.73
350 525 1050 300 115 2036 14 233.15 19.00 252.15
400 600 1200 300 115 2271 14 295.75 23.40 319.15
450 600 1200 300 115 2286 15 358.26 26.50 384.76
500 675 1350 300 115 2521 15 32.10 32.10 469.80

NOTE: The tolerances in mass shall be * 12% (Twelve Percent).  The Hydrastatic test pressure shall be 5 KG/CM2.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  250X80 5 12.0 520 37.82 11.06 48.88 80 11.10 150 2.98 3.70 55.56
    10 12.0 520 37.82 14.10 51.92 80 11.10 150 2.98 3.70 58.60
    15 12.0 520 37.82 18.64 56.46 80 11.10 150 2.98 3.70 63.14
    20 14.0 520 44.72 24.48 69.20 80 13.00 150 3.57 3.70 76.47
  300X80 5 13.0 620 57.94 14.06 72.00 80 11.10 150 2.941 3.70 78.641
    10 13 620 57.94 14.06 72.00 80 11.10 150 2.94 3.70 82.68
    15 13 620 57.94 26.20 84.14 80 11.10 150 2.94 3.70 90.78
    20 15.20 620 68.48 34.60 103.08 80 13 150 3.53 3.70 110.31
  350X80 5 14 720 84.10 21.74 105.84 80 14 150 3.93 3.70 113.47
    10 14 720 84.10 21.74 105.84 80 14 150 3.93 3.70 113.47
    15 14 720 84.10 31.48 115.58 80 16.30 150 3.93 3.70 123.21
    20 16.30 720 93.83 41.96 140.79 80 16.30 15 4.71 3.70 149.20
  400X100 5 5 820 115.78 26.90 142.68 100 14.10 150 4.58 4.20 151.46
    10 15 820 115.78 26.90 142.63 100 14.10 1.50 4.58 4.20 151.46
    15 15 820 115.78 41.12 156.90 100 14.10 1.50 4.58 4.20 165.68
    20 17.50 155.24 136.42 54.92 191.34 100 16.50 150 5.00 4.20 201.04
  450X100 5 5 920 920 30.14 185.38 100 15.40 150 5.09 4.20 194.67
    10 16 920 155.24 30.14 185.38 100 15.40 150 5.09 4.20 194.67
    15 16 920 155.24 45.98 201.22 100 15.40 150 5.09 4.20 210.51
    20 18.70 200.55 182.74 63.98 246.12 100 18 150 6.10 4.20 256.42
  500X100 5 5 1020 1020 38.22 238.77 100 15.40 150 5.04 4.20 248.01
    10 17 1020 200.55 38.2 238.7 100 15.40 150 5.04 4.20 248.01
    15 17 1020 200.55 58.06 258.61 100 15.40 150 5.04 4.20 367.85
    20 19.80 317.64 136.7 78.56 314.73 100 18 150 6.05 381.98 324.98
  600X100 5 5 1220 1220 54.64 372.28 100 19 150 5.50 4.20 4.20
    10 19 1220 317.64 54.64 342.28 100 19 150 5.50 4.20 381.98
    15 19 1220 317.64 83.74 401.38 100 19 150 5.50 4.20 411.08
    20 22.50   370.54 112.42 482.99 100


22.20 150 6.61 493.80


Note: The tolerances in mass shall be + – 12%(Twelve Percent) the Hydraullic test shall be in KGs/CM2 as per class indicated in the Schedule.


Dr. M. V. Venkateshwarlu,

Engineer – in –chief(PR)




Office of Engineer-in-Chief(PR), Hyderabad


Cir. Memo. No. M3/22131/93(315), Dt: 3.1.1998


Sub:     Procurement of Materials – RWS sector – Certain instructions –Issued.


Ref:-1) Govt. Memo. No. 50668/Estt-I(1)/93-26, Dt: 22.1.1997 communicated with T/o Endt. No. C6/17635/93, Dt: 1.2.1997.

2)T/o Cir. Memo. MM3/22131/93(241), Dt; 16.7.1997.

3) T/o Cir. Memo. MM3/22131/93, Dt: 16.8.1997.

4) T/o Cir. Memo. No. MM3/22131/93, Dt: 6.9.1997.

* * *

In the reference 1st cited, Government imposed ban on purchase of cement and steel in PR Department.  Thus the cost of cement and steel shall be included in the finished items so that the contractors themselves shall procure them like other materials by quoting the rates accordingly.

Even though, there is a ban on procurement of Steel & Cement by the Department, some instances have come to notice about buying Steel & Cement by Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers violating the prohibitive orders.  On these grounds one or two Executive Engineers have already been kept under suspension.

All the Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers of PR Department are informed that stringent action will be taken if any Superintending Engineer/Executive Engineer procures the Cement and Steel in future.

Instances have also bee notices that Superintending Engineers/Executive Engineers are procuring several items under T&P such as concrete mixers, vibrators etc.  The procurement of such items under T&P is also prohibited.  There is no need to procure such item as the contractors are expected to have these equipment and these charges are provided in the approval estimates and contracts.

There is now separate RWS wing from Chief Engineer, to AEE level.  The TWS wing procure materials required for hand pumps & RWS schemes.  The purchase of these materials is governed by rate contracts.  There are some important items to be procured in the execution of PWS schemes which are not governed by Rate contracts namely centrifugal Pumps, turbine Pumps chlorinators, and some mechanical equipment filters, GI Specials, toolkits (not covered in RC) for hand pumps etc.  All such items which are not governed by Rate Contracts shall be procured by Superintending Engineers/Executive Engineers on the basis of open tender system following the stores rules in AP financial code Vol-I and not be sealed  quotations system.  The tenders for these non RC item shall be invited by Superintending Engineer for specific quantity and for supply within definite time schedule.  These rates shall not be operated as running rate contracts.  The rates approved by one Superintending Engineer for specific quantity in his circle should not be operated by others.  Similarly the rates previously approved by same Superintending Engineer or other Superintending Engineers also should not be operated.  Serious action will be taken against officers violating the above procedure.

In respect of materials governed by the rate contracts instructions have been issued in the reference 2nd cited delegating  powers to the Superintending Engineers, Executive Engineers and Dy. Executive Engineers.   In view of total re-organization of RWS wing with 12 Superintending Engineers, and 44 Executive Engineers for implementation of Water Supply Programme, it is now felt that there is not need to continue the Dy. Executive Engineers as indenting officers for the procurement of materials.

Therefore, the indenting powers of Dy. Executive Engineers delegated in the reference 2nd cited are hereby withdrawn and those powers are also vested with Executive Engineers concerned.  The Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers may place purchase orders as per powers vested above and as given in reference 2nd cited by following all the relevant guide lines issued for making timely purchase of materials well in advance even without establishing the suitable source, and civil structures are entrusted or come to the respectable stage of the implementation.  The Executive Engineers are vested with powers to procure those materials governed by rate contracts only.  Executive Engineers shall immediately send a copy of that order along with check slip communicated in the reference 2nd cited to the concerned Executive Engineer, QC/Hyd/VJA, SE (RWS)/CE (RWS) and Engineer-in-Chief(PR), Hyderabad.

The Superintending Engineers, RWS shall send a copy of the purchase order placed by them for materials covered by Rate contracts along with check slip communicated in the reference 2nd cited to the Engineer –in-chief, (PR) and the Chief Engineer, RWS.  Executive Engineers (QC), Hyderabad/ Vijayawada.  The Superintending Engineers RWS shall also send copies of all the purchase orders which they have placed for the procurement of material not governed by the Rate Contract to the Engineer-in-chief, (PR) and Chief Engineer, RWS along with the check slip enclosed herewith.

All the Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers are informed that any violation of these instructions will be viewed seriously and disciplinary action will be initiated against the defaulters.

The receipt of this circular Memo shall be acknowledged in the first instance.

Encl: Check Slip


Dr. M. Venkateshwarlu

Engineer – In-Chief (PR), Hyderabad


26.4.5    The unserviceable plunger roads may be used as window guard fairs in all buildings.

26.4.6    The unserviceable G.I pipes may be used as rafters or purlins in AC Sheet roofings.

(AUTHORITY: CE, GL & PR Circular Memo. No. T1/20789/83, Dt:3.11.88)


26.5.1    The authority to classify the machinery is Superintending Engineer (owning the machinery) based on the written advice of Executive Engineer(Panchayat Raj) who is a mechanic graduate available in the circle/adjoining circle.

The CE(RWS)/ENC, PR as authorized to constitute the survey committee with the following.

  1. Se, PR of the concerned circle (owning the machinery) as chairman.
  1. EE, PR of the convener.
  1. EE, PE who is mechanic graduate available in circle adjoining circle (member)
  1. Accounts officer of the District (member)

(AUTHORITY: Govt. of AP (PR &RD) Memo. No. 80105/RWS.I/A1, Dt: 25.1.1994)

26.5.2    the Superintending Engineers (PR) are to examine the rigs/equipment proposed for condemnation and send recommendations to the survey committee to ENC, PR in the prescribed proforma for approval where-after only action for disposal duly following the departmental procedure is to be initialized.

(AUTHORITY: ENC(PR) Memo. No. BMP2/49469/84, Dt: 10.4.1994 Read with G. O. Ms. No.404, I&P, Dt: 14.11.79 and 288, I&P, Dt: 26.631989, Laying down the procedure for condemnation and disposal of machinery in Irrigation Department.

26.5.3    No rigs should be kept idle, minimum number of 100 points should e allotted to each rig in a year.

(AUTHORITY: ENC circular Memo BWP 411108/8, Dt: 28.8.1996)

27.1.1    Each MP will give a choice of works to the concerned head of the district who will get them implemented by following the established procedures, that is, he may be guided by the procedure laid down by the State Government subject to these Guide lines.  In regard to works in urban areas their implementation can be done through commission /Chief Executive Officers of Corporation, Municipalities etc., or through the Heads of District concerned as per the option of the MPs.  Implementation agencies can be either Government of Panchayat Raj Institutions or any other reputed non-governmental organization who may be considered by the district head as capable of implementing the works satisfactorily.  Engagement of private contractors is prohibited,  Wherever extent guidelines do not permit such engagements.   For purpose of execution of works through public works Department(PWD, wings not necessarily exclusively dealing with civil construction, but having competence in civil construction can be engaged like for example, public health engineering, rural housing Department/wings. Housing Boards, Electricity Boards, Urban Development Authorities etc.  the head of the district shall identify the agency through which a particular work recommended by the MP should be executed.

27.1.2    The works under the schemes shall be development in nature based on locally-felt needs. The emphasis is on creation of durable assets.  Funds provided under the Schemes should not be used for incurring revenue expenditure.  However, the funds can be used for purposes such as provision of service support facilities.  However they will not include any recurring expenditure like on staff to maintain such facilities.

27.1.3    It will also be appropriate if the scheme funds are used for partly meeting the cost of a larger work like for example for partly meeting the cost of a micro/hydel work only in case if would result in completion of the works.  Where such part costs are met under this para, it should be with reference to clearly identifiable part of the work.

27.1.4    Sometimes execution of work, by their very nature, may span into more than one year.  IN such circumstances, funds under the scheme could be made available to the executing agency either in advance or over more than one year, phasing of execution of work being clearly kept in view.

27.1.5    The site selected for execution of the work by the MP shall not be changed except with the concurrence of the MP himself.

27.1.6    It should not be insisted that the land selected for execution of works should necessarily be Government land.  It can be land surrendered by Municipal /Panchayat bodies, private trusts, private individuals etc.  the only care that needs to be taken is that the institution or the person surrendering the land has the title over it to so surrender.  And the district authorities should ensure that within the quickest possible time. The surrendered/transferred land is relinquished under the local land relinquishment laws.  Locally recognized practises such as surrender of lands as per “No objection Certificates” may also be considered adequate so long as they are legally valid and the assets created on the land shall be available for public use for which they were created.

27.1.7    An illustrative list of works that may be taken up under the scheme is presented in Appendix-I.  A list of works which shall not be allowed under the scheme is  presented in Appendix-II.

27.1.8    Payment of advances of any type to the contractors/ suppliers under any work falling within this scheme is prohibited.

27.1.9    The heads of the districts should ensure that provision for maintenance and upkeep of the works to be taken up under this scheme is forthcoming from the concerned local body or the relevant agency that is, Government-aided institution, registered society etc.


27.2.1    In identifying and selecting works and giving administrative sanction for the same, the head of the district should invariably go the concurrence of the Member of Parliament, Normally, the advice of the MP should prevail unless it be for technical reasons such as land selected for work not being suitable for execution etc., Where the head of the district considers that a work suggested by a Member of Parliament cannot be executed, he should send a comprehensive report with reasons to the MP under intimation to the Department of the State Government dealing with the subject and to the Department of programme implementation, Government of India.

27.2.2    As far as possible, all sanctions for works should be accorded within 45 days from the date of receipt of proposal from the concerned MP.

27.2.3    So far as technical and administrative sanctions concerned, decision making should be only at the district level.  IF need be for the purpose of implementation of this scheme, full and final powers should be delegated to the District technical and administrative functionaries.

27.2.4    In case, a constituency falls in more than one district, the Head of the district who receives the money released by the Government of India shall make the required funds available to the other concerned districts(s) in keeping with MP’s choice so that the Head(s) of such other district(s) could implement the works suggested by the MP in his/her district(s).

27.2.5    The implementing agencies may not collect any administrative charges, centage etc., for their services of preparatory work implementation, supervision etc.

27.2.6    The normal financial and audit procedures would apply to all actions taken under this scheme to these guidelines, especially relating to administrative and technical sanction.

27.2.7    Where there is a change in the MP, for whatever reason it may be, the following principles should be followed, as far as possible in executing works.

  1. IF the work identified by the predecessor MP is under execution, it should be completed.
  2. If the work identified y the predecessor MP is pending sanction due to administrative reasons beyond a period of 45 days from the ate on which advice was received for taking up the work, it should also be executed provided the work is other wise as per norms.
  3. If the predecessor MP had identified the work, but it was not taken up for execution because of reasons other than those mentioned in the preceding sub-para, it can be executed subject to the confirmation of the successor MP.

Engagement of private contractors on nominations or other basis cannot be restored to.

(Classification from dy. Secretary to Government of India programme implementation Lr. NO. 2/01/21/96, MPLADS Dt: 14.5.1997)


27.3.1    Ideally it would be desirable to the MPs to suggest individual works costing not more than Rs. 10.00 lakhs per work.  However, the limit of Rs, 10.00 lakhs per work should not be too rigidly constructed.  Amounts higher than Rs. 10.00 lakhs per work can be spent depending upon the nature of the work.  (For example a single check dam to provide minor irrigation or water supply of a sports stadium may cost more than Rs. 10.00 lakhs.  In the case of such works more than Rs. 10.00 lakhs can be legitimately spent).

27.3.2    The funds released by the Government of India under the scheme are non-lapsable.  IN other words, funds would be available in the budget to the extent of rupees one crore per year per Member of Parliament and works will not suffer for want of provisions.

27.3.3    For example, if out of Rs. 1 corre allotted for a Constituency ina year, Rs. 75 lakhs are spent, the balance of Rs. 25 lakhs can be carried over for the year when this amount together with fresh allocation of Rs. 1 crore (total of Rs. 1.25 crore) would be the entitlement of the year and could be spent.

27.3.4    Funds for individual works should be promptly released.  75% of the cost of the works can be released in the first installment it self, the balance of 25% being released watching progress.  To the maximum extent possible, release of funds should be arranged through the administrative authority available nearest to the worksopt – like for example a Block Development Officer.  The objective should be that release of funds also is made through decentralized administrative mechanisms already available on the ground and that implementing agencies have the quickest feasible access to such decentraised authorized.


27.4.1    In order that local people become aware that particular works have been executed with MPLADS funds, signboards carrying he inscription “MPLADS WORK” may be prominently erected at the sites.



  1. Construction of buildings for school hostels, libraries and other buildings of educations institutions belonging to Government or local bodies.  Such buildings belonging to aided Institutions also can be constructed.
  2. Construction of tube wells and water tanks for drinking water to the people in villages, towns or cities, or execution of other works which may help in this respect.
  3. Constructions of roads including part roads, approach roads, link roads etc., in villages and towns and cities.  Very selectively kutcha roads can also be constructed where the MP concerned and the district head agree to meet the local felt nee.
  4. Constructions of culverts/Bridges on the roads of above description and of open ent or tube wells.
  5. Constructions of common shelters for the old or handicapped.
  6. Construction of buildings for local bodies for recognized District or State sports Associations and for cultural and sports activities or for hospitals.  (Provision of multi-gym facilities in gymnastic centres, sports associations, physical education training institutions etc., is also permissible).
  7. Special forestry, farm forestry, horticulture, pastures, parks and gardens in Government and community lands or other surrendered lands.
  8. Destillting of ponds in villages, towns and cities.
  9. Construction of public irrigation and public drainage facilities.
  10. Construction of common gobar gar plants, non-conventional energy systems/devices for community use and related activities.
  11. Construction of irrigation embankments, or lift irrigation on water table recharging facilities.
  12. Public libraries and reading rooms.
  13. Creaches and angahwads.
  14. Constrictions of public health care buildings, including family welfare sub-centres together with the AMM residential quarters.  Such buildings belonging to aided institutions also can be constructed.
  15. Crematoriums and structures on burlal/cremation grounds.
  16. Constructions of public toilets and bathrooms.
  17. Drains and gutters.
  18. Footpaths, Pathways and footbridges.
  19. Provision of civic amenities like electricity, water pathways, public toilets etc., in slum areas of cities, town and villages and in Sc/ST habitations provision f common work heads in slums and for artisans.
  20. Residential Schools in tribal areas.
  21. Bussheds /stop for public transport passengers.
  22. Veterinary aid centres, artificial insemination centres and breeding centres.
  23. Procurement of hospital equipment like x-ray machines, ambulances for Government Hospitals and setting up of mobile dispensaries in rural areas by Government Panchayat institutions. (Ambulances can be provided to reputed service organizations like red cross Ramakrishna Mission etc.)
  24. Electrical Project: (para 2.2 may also be referred to)
  25. computer in every High School
  26. Information footpath

iii.        Ham club in High Schools.

  1. Citizen band radio.
  2. Bibliographic date-base projects.




  1. Office Buildings, residential buildings and other buildings relating to Central or State Governments, Departments, Agencies or Organizations.
  2. Works belonging to Commercial organization, trusts, registered societies, private institutions or co-operative institutions.
  3. Repair and maintenance works of any type other than special repairs for restoration/upgradation of any durable asset.
  4. Grants and Loans
  5. Memorials or memorial buildings
  6. Purchase of inventory or stock of any type.
  7. Acquisition of land or any compensation for land acquired.
  8. Assets for an individual benefit except those which are part of approved schemes.
  9. Places for religious worship.

Exemption granted from collection of EMD, FSD, Retention amounts and PS Charges.

Works to be entrusted to such persons as selected by Habitation committee, neighborhood committee, ward level committee on Agreement basis.  Even if a single donor gives the entire contribution, the choice of executing agency shall be that of HLC/NHC/WLC.  All Irrigation drainage works shall be executed through water users association.  The work order should be given individually.  There should be no upward revision in the cost as they are supposed to be completed in 3 months.

  1. Destilling of tanks and Jungle clearance. Canals and drinking water tanks are exception.
  2. CC Roads, BT Roads and Metal Roads shall be taken if only when the peoples contribution is in cash.
  3. Earth work under “Maintenance” other than under irrigation system where work is executed by Ayacutdors/water users associations.


Sl. No Nature of Power Collector R&B & Irrigation R&B & Irrigation Remarks
1. Administrative sanction 5.00 (Collector may delegate powers upto Rs. 2.00 lakhs for each work on his own responsibility)

Above Rs. 5.00 lakhs to 50.00 lakhs with the approval of Chairman DDRC

2. Technical Sanction Above 50.00 lakhs 50.00 lakhs 5.00 lakhs 2.00 lakhs Above 20.00 lakhs 20.00 lakhs 5.00 lakhs 2.00 lakhs These limits shall apply for concluding or agreements also



1. Irrigation Works 1. All felt needs listed in Participatory planning exercise or PVP register or in the Gram Sabha other than those in the Priority and restricted category 1. Minor repairs i.e., those costing less than Rs. 5000/-
a) New tanks or Canals
b) Water harvesting structures such as percolation tanks and check dams
c) Maintenance of Irrigation systems earth work will be paid for on 540.50 basis only if the work is taken up by the ayacutdars: while civil works will be entitled to a Government contribution upto 70%
2. Primary School buildings, Additional Buildings class rooms for High Schools and Jr. colleges 2. Grave yards in Municipal Corporations only 2. community halls, youth clubs, Associations Buildings.
3. Compound Walls to Schools 3. Development of parks in municipalities and corporations only. 3. Sports facilities.
4.Approach roads to habitations not having any approach road 4. Mandal Revenue office buildings Borewells and Hand Pumps
5. Primary Health infrastructure 5.CC Roads in slum areas only where there is water stagnation.  IN the rural areas, CC Roads will be restricted to areas where there is drainage problem and also for culverts and causeways. 5. Any administrative buildings.
6. Village level veterinary infrastructure 6. 6. Works in religious institutions.
7. Anganwadi Centers 7. Compound walls for any building other than for schools or village level health or veterinary infrastructure.
8. Works relating to Drinking water (other than borewells) 8. Works in Co-operative societies, other than PACS.
9. Toilets for schools, particularly girls schools 9. All works not on Government land.
10. All Government welfare hostel buildings, including compound walls. 10. Grave yards other than those in the Municipal corporations.
11. Drainage works, storm water drains, electricity supply and roads in the urban slums 11. Statues.
12. Construction of Drains in the Villages 12. Desilting of Tank other than drinking water tanks.
13. Formation of new BT Roads 13. Jungle Clearance
14. Police Stations in the remote and interior areas. 14. Desilting or cleaning of drains in villages or towns.
  1. “Priority” Category works are entitled to 70% contribution from Government Exception. “Earth Work” roads are entitled to 50% contribution from Government. IN case of slum areas, “Roads can be taken up with 25% public contribution.
  2. Works in Tribal Sub-plan area executed without public contribution.
  3. For works in SC., ST welfare urban schemes MADA pockets to the public contribution is 15%.
  4. “Permissible” categories of works are entitled to 50% contribution from Government.
  5. In case of Bus Shelter each work should not exceed Rs. 50000/-.
  6. Materials shall be procured by Habitation committee or its nominee at Government approved rates. The cement rate shall be fixed by collector every quarter in the meeting with Superintending Engineers.  The conformity of the materials to the standard specification should be verified by the Dy. Executive Engineer.
  7. The Estimates should be realistic. Local  quarries may be minimize the cost.
  8. The works should be completed within three months.
  9. Seigniorage Charges, Sales Tax and Income Tax should not be charged.
  10. Machinery rates will be adopted wherever machinery is used in the execution of community works.
  11. The HLC/NHC will ordinarily nominate a group of beneficiaries of any one of the self help groups headed by the group leader to enter into Agreement and interact with the executing agency on behalf of the group.
  12. The prescribed departmental norms and technical procedures will be followed by the executing agencies concerned without any violations while executing community works.
  13. Wherever, people’s contributions are receive in shape of cash tied to specific community works, such contributions will be deposited with the executing agency in charge of the execution of such community works.
  14. The accounts relating to Janma Bhoomi Fund at the District level will be maintained by the Chief Planning Officer (CPO). Every executing agency will maintain separate accounts for the Janma Bhoomi Funds received without merging with other departmental grants or scheme funds and the details of the accounts and measurements books will be audited by the Local Funds Audit Department or any other authority as  prescribed by the Government once in every quarter.
  15. Janma Bhoomi fund can be treated as a revolving fund, to be tapped only when there is not fund available under a particular scheme to make immediate payments to the executants due to delay in the release of funds from the Government. In such a case, the amount used from Janma Bhoomi Fund will be recouped immediately as soon as the scheme funds are received.  Janma Bhoomu Fund can be used as gap funding to fund partially or fully the cost of community work whenever the scheme fund tied up is not adequate or the guidelines of particular scheme do not permit the execution of the work partially or fully.





v  PEOPLES CONTRIBUTION             15%(SC/ST)









v  PEOPLES CONTRIBUTION             30%






v  PEOPLES CONTRIBUTION             25% (SC/ST)

v  PEOPLES CONTRIBUTION             25% (MADA)









  1. First payment is made when 15% work is done.
  2. Full payment of Government share is made when 90% work is done.
  3. Bill in not more than 4 installments.  Payments on a Pro-rate basis.  On 70:20 or 50:40 basis.

Situation 1 :

  1. No cash payment, only labour contribution, Ratio 70:30
  2. No cash payment, only labour contribution, Ratio 50:50


  1. Priority Work(70:30) B. Permissible work(50:50)
Value of work done Govt. share People’s contribution
15 10 5























Value of work done Govt. share People’s contribution
15 10 5


























  1. First payment is made when 15% work is done.
  2. Full payment of Government share is made when 90% work is done.
  3. Bill in not more than 4 installments.  Payments on a Pro-rate basis.  On 70:20 or 50:40 basis.

Situation 2:

  1. 15% Cash Payment, Ratio 70:30
  2. 15% Cash Payment Ratio 50:50


  1. Priority Work(70:30) B. Permissible work(50:50)
Value of work done Govt. share Adj. of Cash contribution People’s contribution
Advance to HR 0 – 10%
15 10 5
























Value of work done Govt. share Adj. of Cash contribution People’s contribution
Advance to HR 0 – 10%
15 5 5 5



























  1.          First payment is made when 15% work is done.
  2. Full payment of Government share is made when 90% work is done.
  3. Bill in not more than 4 installments.  Payments on a Pro-rate basis.  On 70:20 or 50:40 basis.

Situation 2:

  1. 30 % Cash Payment, Ratio 70:30
  2. 30 % Cash Payment Ratio 50:50


  1. Priority Work(70:30) B. Permissible work(50:50)


Value of work done Govt. share Adj. of Cash contribution People’s contribution
Advance to HL– 15%
15 10 5
























Value of work done Govt. share Adj. of Cash contribution People’s contribution
Advance to HL – 15%
15 5 10



























  1. Full classification is to be given as follows while preparing an account:


Major Head : 4701 101 Major & Medium Irrigation
Sub-Major Head : 01 Major Irrigation – Commercial
Minor Head : 121 S.R.B.C
Group sub-Head :
Sub Head : 25 Project Establishment
Detailed Head : 010 Salaries
Sub-Detailed Head : 011 Pay of Offices



Section of 55 of Indian Contract Act reads thus:

When a party to a contract promises to de a certain thing at or before specified time or times, and fails to do any such thing at or before the specified time in the contract(or so much of it as has been performed) becomes voidable at the option of the promise, if the intention of the parties was that time should be the essence of contract.

If it was not the intention of the parties that time should be the essence of the contract, the contract does not become viodable by the filure to do such things at or before the specified time, but the promise is entitled to compensation from the promissory for any loss occasioned to him by such failure.

The remedies and legal effects mentioned in Sec. 55 are as follows:

  1. If time is the essence of contract:
1. On failure to perform at or before specified time The contract (or so much of it as is not performed) becomes voidable at the at the option of the promise This is the commentary given by Sri. Noshirvan H. Jhabvala in his book “The Indian Act 22nd edition page 169.


2. On failure to perform at or before the specified time and acceptance by the promise of performance at any time other than agreed time. The promise cannot claim compensation for any loss occasioned by the non-performance at the time agreed upon unless he gives notice.
  1. If time is not the essence of contract.

            On failure to perform at the specified time the contract does not become voidable but the promise is entitled to compensation.

If in the case of contract voidable on account of promissor’s failure to perform his promise at the time agreed and promise accepted performance of such promise at any time other than that time agree, the promise cannot claim compensation for any loss occasioned by the non-performance of the promise at the time agreed unless at the time of such acceptance he gives notice to the promissory of his intention to do so.

Presumably the clause 60 (b) of PS to APSS might have been constructed on the basis of the above referred sections of contract Act.

Para 93 of chapter VI of “Law relating to buildings & Engineering Contracts in India by G. Gajria (Eidition 3) read thus:

“In cases where time has not been made as the essence of the contract, or where, although time originally was the essence of the contract, the time so fixed for completion has ceased to be applicable by reason of waiver or otherwise, the employer has still a right by notice to fix a reasonable time for the completion of the work, and, in case the contractor does  not complete by that time, to dismiss the contractor.  Where the time is not defined, and there by any unnecessary delay by one party, the other has a right to limit the time.  Time will be the essence of the contract expressly so makes it or if there are clauses showing that the parties intended it to be of the essence, or if after delay be one of the parties, the other gives a notice making time as the essence.  The right to serve a notice making time as the essence applies either where time was not originally the essence the time for completion has by waiver or Agreement ceased to apply.  IN such case the employer may serve a notice on the contractor fixing reasonable time for completion, and can dismiss the contractor if he fails to complete by that time.”

The Chief Engineer, Major Irrigation and General in his Circular Memo OT/5/S(8)/27766/75, Dt: 29.2.1977 clarified that the clause 60(b) concerns with the cases where delay is caused by the contractor, ie.e, the Executive Engineer has got the option to permit the contractor to proceed with the work which in keeping with section 55 of contract Act according to which the unperformed party.  The contract becomes viodable at the option of the promise (EE).  In other words the promissor (Contractor) has on option.  IF the Promioor (Contractro) proceeds with works, it is at his risk.  Even after the permission to the contractor to proceed with the work, the performance is not satisfactory, Executive Engineer is constrained to cancel the contract by giving him a notice as contemplated in the section 55 of the contract Act.  It is there presumed that the issue of notice may have the effect of extending the Agreement period upto the date mentioned  in the notice.





There is a little difference in writing up of the accounts in the PR Engineering Divisions as compared to that in PW Engineering Divisions.  The difference is discussed below.

In the Government Accounts Treasury is the primary fiscal unit.  PW Division is not fiscal unit in PWD.  The accounts are maintained for the cheques drawn from Treasury.

The cheques issued by the Treasury and the Revenue received by the Treasury are credited and debited respectively to the Head “8075 Reserve Bank Deposits” which denote the balances of the Government.  The transactions are in keeping  principle that cash account should be debited when cash is received and vice-versa.

Now let us see how the transaction relating collection of “Seigniorage Charges” is written up in PW Divisions and Treasury (Amount Rs. 1.00 lakh)




Seigniorage Charges 100000 0853 Mineral Cess Cash Balance 1.00 lakh 8075 R.B.D





Seigniorage Charges 100000 0853 Mineral Cess Remittance in the Treasury 1.00 lakh 8782 I-remittance

As could be seen from the above, in PW Division, while the final receipt head can be operated, the corresponding “Cash balance Increase” Classifiable under “8075 – RBD” is not reflected in Divisional Accounts, as “8075 – RBD” can be operated only in Treasury.  The challan remitted in Treasury is written in the Treasury Accounts as shown under.

B(ii) R Treasury Account P
Amount Classification Amount Classification
I-Remittances 100000 8782 I-Remittances Cash balance Increased 1.00 lakh 8075 RBD

Thus, the amounts booked under “8782 I – remittances are paired off.   The consolidation of the accounts at B(i) & B (ii) shall be the result of the account at A.

Now let us go to PR Accounts, the funds received by the PR Institutions (Local bodies) are credited to “8448 Deposits of Local Fund.”  This Head is to local bodies as “8075 Reserve bank Deposits” is to Government.  Funds received by PR institutions are taken to the Cash Book to the final receipt head and debited to final charges head viz “8448 DOLF” (Cash Balance Increase) similar to “8075 RBD” in Government Accounts.  It can therefore be seen that there is no intermediary head similar to the “8782 I-remittance” in PR Accounts. The head “8448 – DOLF” therefore denotes the cash balance of the bodies lying in Treasury.

The cash book maintained in PW Divisions does not have the “Bank or Treasury” column on receipt side.  But in the Cash Book maintained in PR Engineering Division “Bank or Treasury column” Exists.  The reasons is obvious.  In the later case the “Bank of Treasury columns” is intended for being posted of the moneys received and intended to be remitted into Treasury to the credit of “8448 DOLF”.

For example the following transactions are exhibited in PR Division cash book as below.


  1. Receipt of Mineral Cess Grant of Rs. 5.00 lakhs.
  2. Salary Bill Rs. 5000/- with a GPF subscription of Rs. 400/-.
  3. Payment of work bill of Rs. 2.00 lakhs (Gross) with recovery of Rs. 4000/- towards income tax.
Cash Bank Classification Cash Bank or Treasury Classification
Opening Balance 2.00 lakhs 8448 DOLF (003) EF Salary Bill 400 4600 Salary
Mineral Cess Grant 5.00 lakhs Mineral Cess Grant Work Bill 4000 196000 Relevant Head
GPF 400 Liabilities Closing Balance 499400 8448 DOLF (003) EF.  This amount requires to be recovered with Plus and Minus Memorandum of Treasury
Income Tax 4000 Liabilities
TOTAL: 4400 7.00 lakhs 4400 700000

The Meshing of the Columns “Bank or Treasury” on both receipt and Payments sides constitute the “Plus and Minus Memorandum” (under 8448 DOLF) of Treasury with which departmental figures have to be reconciled.

The amount recovered from the work Bills under (b) recoveries shall naturally be posted in the “Cash” columns on both sides.

IF for any reason the Opening Balance and Closing Balance in the Cash Book under “Bank or Treasury Column” are not available it is not desirable to hold up the preparation of monthly/Annual Accounts.  In that case the cheques drawn and remittances into Treasury should be taken on receipt side and payment side respectively to secure agreement between “Receipts” and “Charges” of Account.

The comes classification of receipt of Charges.

There is no approved structure of classification.  Yet the receipts & Charges have to be classified according to the “purposes”.  It may therefore appear convenient to adopt the same Nomenclature classification as given in the sub head under which the grants-in-aid are released.

The form enclosed may serve as a model.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(Loans and Advances)

1. Festival Advance
2. Special Advance
3. Educational Advance
4. Cycle Advance
5. Marriage Advance
6. Audit Recoveries
7. And so on


1. Contractors Deposits
2. PS Charges
3. T&P
4. Contage Charges
5. And so on











Total Rs.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


1. C.P.F.
2. A.P.P.F
3. G.I.S
4. A.P.G.I.S
5 F.B.F.
6. H.B.A.
7. H.B.A (                )
8. Professional Tax
9. L.I.C.
10. M.C.A
11. C.A
12. R.D
13. C.R
14. F.A.
15. E.A.
16. I.T.
17. A.P.G.S.T
18. Seigniorage
19. S.B.I. LOAN
20. S.B.I.R.D
21. H.R.A
22. M.A.
23. E.W.F
24. A.P.C.O
25. L.I.C
26. And so on










The amount returned and payment to OFF those who are not audited OFF notes.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Purchase Suspense
2. Sundry Debitors
1. Challan remittances
2. Cheques drawn
3. Transfers (Receipts)











(U.O. NOTE NO. 54434 A/2183/PRR & L/71, FIN (PPR&L) DEPT., Dt: 24.9.1971
1 Name :
2 Designation :
3 District & Station :
4 Pay (i) Substantive :
(ii) Officiating pay or pay drawn in a temporary post, if the Government Servant holds no substantive post :
5 Date of Superannuation or retirement :
6 Amount of Advance applied for :
7 a) If the Government Servants is one leave in India, Ceylon, Nepal, Burma or Aden – Date of expiry leave. :
b) If the Government Servant is about to proceed on leave in India, Ceylon, Nepal, Burma or Aden :
i) Date of commencement of leave :
ii) Date of expiry of leave :
8 a) where is the motor car to be purchased :
b) If in India, Ceylon, Nepal, Burma or Aden anticipated price of the motor car :
9 i) If the old motor car was traded in when the Government servant went on leave and a new motor car has been delivered to him on return from leave. :
a) Price of the new motor car :
b) Amount deducted in respect of the old motor car :
ii) whether the officer is in possession of a motor car :
iii) If the answer to 9ii) above is the affirmative, the amount of the anticipated amount or the sale- proceeds of the motor car. :


  1. Are any negotiations or preliminary enquiries being made to that delivery may be taken of the motor car within one month from the date of drawal of the advance.


  1. Certified that the information given above is complete and true.
  2. Certified that I have not taken delivery of the motor car on account of which I apply for the advance, that I shall complete the payment for and the taking possession of the motor car before the expiry of one month from the date of drawal of the advance, and that I shall insure it within one month from the date of taking delivery of it.


Certified that I have not taken delivery of the motor car /cycle on account of which I apply for the advance, that I shall not take delivery of it until I receive the advance a week before the expiry of my leave and pa for it that I shall insure it within one month from the date of taking delivery of it.

Date:                                                                                       Signature & Designation


1 a) Name (in block letters) :
b) Designation :
c) Scale of Pay :
d) Present pay (Including dearness pay countable for pension) :
2 a) Department and office in which employed :
b) Administrative Department of Secretariat :
c) Station where posted :
3 Please State :
i whether you are a permanent or non-permanent Government Servant and the length of service rendered under the Government :
ii Your permanent post (if any and the name of office and Department concerned) :
iii) Date of birth and age of next birth :
iv Date on which you will attain the age of 58 years :
v Is your wife/ husband a State Government Servant: if so give her/his name, designation etc., :
9 Do you or your wife/husband/minor child already own a house or have a house acquired through hire purchase or other wise ? See rule(B) if so, please state :
a) Station where it is situated with exact address: :
b) floor area (in Sq. Ft) :
ii) Its approximate valuation :
iii) Reasons for desiring to won another house :
4 Do you require the advance for building a new house? If so, please indicate :
i Approximate floor area of the house proposed to be constructed in (sq. ft) :
Ii Estimated cost: cost of land Rs :
Cost of building Rs. :
total Rs. :
iii) Amount of advance required :
iv No. of years in which the advance with interest is proposed to be repaid :
(A plan of house should accompany with the application)
NOTE: Entries in Col-2 will have to be supported by specifications, estimates (in enclosed form) and plan at the appropriate stage
b) whether you are already in possession of land? If, so please state :
i Name of the city or town where it is located :
ii Whether you wish to settle thereafter retirement :
iii) Area of Plot (in Sq. Yards) :
iv Name of the municipal or other local authority (if any) in which jurisdiction it is located :
6 If not plot of land is already in you possession, how and when do you propose to acquire one? State the approximate plot area (in sq. ft.) proposed to be acquired. :
7 Do you required the advance for purchasing a readymade house? :
a (i) If so, and in case you already have a house in view, please state :
1 Exact location of the house :
2 floor area of the house (in sq. ft) :
3 Plinth Area of the  house (in.sq.ft) :
4 Municipal Valuation of the house :
5 Age of the house :
6 Name and address of agency offering for sale :
7 Approximate price expected to be paid :
8 Amount of advance required :
9 No. of years in which the advance interest is proposed to be paid :
(ii) Have you satisfied yourself that the transaction would result in acquiring in indisputable title to the house? :
NOTE: A plan of the house should accompany the application


B If you do not already have a house in view ho when and where do you propose to acquire one? Indicate :
1. The approximate amount to which you will be prepared to buy a house :
2 The approx amount of advance required :
NOTE: Details specified against item (7) (a) above should be furnished in this case as soon as possible and in any case before the full amount of the advance can be drawn.  
3. No. of years in which the advance with interest is proposed to be repaid :
8 Is the land on which the house stands, or is proposed to be constructed, free hold or lease hold ? If lease hold, state :
1. The term of Lease :
2. How much of the term already expired :
3. Whether conditions of the lease permit the land belong mortgaged to Government :
4. Premium paid for the plot :
5 Annual rental of the Plot :
NOTE: A copy of the lease/sale deed should accompany the application  
9 a. Is your title to land /house undisputed and free from encumbrances? :
b. Can you produce, if required original documents (sale or lease deed) in support of your title? IF not, state reason therefore indicating what other documentary proof, if any can you furnish in support of you claim? :
(See item 5 (b) and 6 above)  
c. Does the locality in which the plot of land/ house is situated possess essential services like roads, water supply, drainage sewerage, street lighting etc., (Please furnish the site plan with complete address) :
10 In case you happen to be due to retire from service within ten years of the date of this application and are eligible for the grant of a gratuity of death cum-retirement gratuity, do you agree by giving a declaration in the Agreement from that the Government shall be entitled to recover the balance of the said advance with interest remaining unpaid at the time of your retirement or death proceeding retirement, from the whole or any specified part of the gratuity that may be sanctioned to you? :
11. Is rule 5(b) applicable to your case? If so, state :
i. The name, designation, scale of pay/office Department etc., of the permanent Government servant who is willing to stand surety for you? :
ii. The date on which the proposed surety is due to attain the age of 58 years.    



I solemnly declare that the information furnished by me in reply to the various items indicated above is true to the best f my knowledge and belief.

  1. I have read the rules regulating the grant of loans to State Government Servants  for house building purpose and agree to abide by the terms and conditions stipulated therein.

(i)                 My wife/husband is not a Government Servant my wife/husband who is a Government servant, has not applied for and/or obtained as advance under these rules.

(ii)               Neither I nor my wife/husband has applied for and/or obtained advance or loan from any other Government source for the acquisition of a house.





(To be completed by the applicant’s Head of Department)

Station:________________ Date:_______________


Forwarded to the Administrative Department of the Secretariat.  The facts stated in the application have been verified and found correct.

It is recommended that an advance of Rs. —————————– may be granted to the applicant.  I have satisfied my self on the basis of monthly deductions etc., made from the applicants salary: that this amount is well within his repaying capacity.



Name of the Department:


[See Rule 5 (a) (3)] 


 AN AGREEMENT made this ____________________________________ day for One thousand nine hundred and

BETWEEN                                                                          OF

(hereinafter called the borrower, which expression shall include his heirs, administrators, executors, and legal representatives) of the one part and his Excellency of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh (hereinafter referred to as the Government) of the other part.

WHERE AS the borrower has under the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Financial Code Volume 1 (Hereinafter referred to as the said code which expression shall include any amendments thereof or additions thereto for the time being in force) applied to the Government for a loan of Rs. ______________________ for purchasing a ready built house.

AND WHERE AS the Government have agreed to lend the advance on the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.

NOW IT IS HERE BY AGREED between the parties hereto that in consideration of the sum of Rs. ______________________ to be paid by the Government to the borrower (the receipt of which the Borrower hereby acknowledges): the borrower hereby agrees (1) to pay the Government the said amount with interest calculated according to the relevant provisions of the said code by monthly deductions from his salary as provided for by the said order and hereby authorizes the Government to make such deductions and (2) within three months from the date of drawal of the advance to expend the amount drawn for the purpose and to produce the sale –deed  in respect thereof for the inspection of the head of the Department concerned failing which the applicant shall be liable to refund of the entire amount to the Government together with interest thereon: (3) to execute a document hypothecating the said building to the said Government as security for the amount lent to the borrower as aforesaid and interest in the form provided by said code.

AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER AFREED AND DECLARED that if the building has been purchased and hypothaced as aforesaid within three months from the date of drawal of the advance or if the borrower within the period becomes insolvent or quits the service of the Government or dies, the whole amount of the loan and interest accrued thereon shall immediately become due and payable to the Government.

AND IT IS HEREBY LASTLY AFREED AND DECLARED that the Government shall be entitled to recover the balance of the said advance with interest remaining unpaid at the time of his retirement of death proceeding retirement, from the whole or any specified part of the gratuity that may be sanctioned to him.

IN WITNESS where of the borrower and for on behalf of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh have hereunto set their hands the day and year first before written.

Signed by the borrower in the presence of:



(Signature of Witness)

(Signature and Designation of Borrower)

Signed by (Name and Designation)

For and on behalf of the Government of Andhra Pradesh in the presence of:



(Signature of Witness)

(Signature and Designation of the Officer)

Name and Designation of the Borrower

iii. Application form prescribed under the rules regulating the Grant of loans to the State Government Servants for carrying out repairs.  Extension, Enlargement or improvements to houses owned by them.

  1. a. Name (in Block Letters)
  2. Designation
  3. Scale of pay
  4. Present pay (including allowances countable for Pension)
  1. a. Department and Office on which employed.
  2. Administration Department of Secretariat.
  3. Station where posted.
  1. a. Whether you are a permanent or non-permanent Government Servant and the length of the service rendered under the Government.
  2. Your permanent post, if any and the name of the Office and Department concerned.
  3. Date of birth and age of next birthday.
  4. Date on which you will attain the age of 55 years
  5. Is your wife/ husband a State Government servant ? If so, give her/his name, designation etc.,

4.         Do you required the advance for enlarging or repairing living accommodation in an existing house? If so, please state:

No. of rooms in the house(excluding levorotary, Bathroom and Kitchen Total Floor area of the rooms (in sq. ft) If an additional story is proposed to be added is the foundations strong enough Particulars of addition desired Amount of advances desired Rs. No. of years in which the advance with interest is proposed to be paid
No. of Rooms Floor (in . Sq. Ft) Area and estimated cost
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Note: A Plan of the house should accompany with the application.

  1. a. Is your title to house undisputed and free from encumbrances?
  2. Can you produce, if enquired, original documents (Sale or lease deed) in support of your title? If not, state reasons thereof indicating what other documentary proof, if any, can you furnish in support of your claim?

6.         In case you happen to be due to retire from the service within 30 months of the date of this application and are eligible for the grany of a gratituity or death-cum-retirement gratituity, do you agree by giving a declaration in the Agreement Form that the Government shall be entitled to recover the said advance with interest remaining unpaid at the time of your retirement or death proceeding retirement, from the whole or any specified part of the gratituity that may be sanctioned to you?



                        I solemnly declare that the information furnished by me in reply to the various items indicated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

  1. I have read the rules regulating he grant or loans to State Government Servants for house building purposes and agree to abide by the terms and conditions stipulated therein.
  2. I certify that _
  3. my wife/ husband is not a Government servant, my wife/husband who is Government servant, has not applied for and/or obtained an advance under these rules:
  4. neither I nor my wife/husband has applied for and /or obtained advance or loan from any other Government source for the acquisition of a house.

Station:                                                                        Signature of the applicant

Date:                                                                           (Department)

Department/Office *in which employed 

(to be completed by the applicants’ Head of Department)

No.                                                                  Station___________ Date___________

Forwarded to the Administrative Department of the Secretariat.  The facts in application has been verified and found correct.

It is recommended that an advance of Rs. ______________ may be granted to the applicant.  I have satisfied myself on the basic of monthly deductions etc., made from the applicant’s salary, that the amount is well with in his repaying capacity.



Name of the Department:

1 Name of the Subscriber :
2 Account Number :
3 Designation :
4 Pay :
5 balance at credit of the subscriber on the date of application :
6  Amount of advance outstanding if any and to purpose for which advance was taken :
7 Amount of advance required :
8 Purpose for which the advance is required :
9 Amount of the consolidated advance (item 6 & 7) and number and amount of monthly installment in which the consolidated advance is proposed to be required :
10 Full particulars of the peculiarly circumstances of the subscriber justifying the application for the temporary withdrawal :


  1. Certified that my wife is not a Government Servant.
  2. Certified that I am not enable to meet the expenses in connection with the special and extra medical expenses with my meager salary.

Signature of the Applicant





G.P.F Account no. (With departmental suffix)

Name of the Subscriber                       (Col 8 to 11 to be filled

And Designation                                 in D.T.O’s

Sl. No Month for which credit is missing Recovered in the pay bill for the month of Gross amount of the Bill Net Amount of the bill Amount recovered towards GPF Account Date of encashment Vr. No. of bill and sub – account No. Name of the fund which the credit included Total amount in which the credit included
Subscription Refund of with drawals Total
1 2 3 4 5 6(a) 6(b) 7 8 9 10








Statements of immovable Property Possessed, acquired and disposed by Sri.

Or any other person on his behalf or any member of his family during the year ending

Sub rule (7) of rules 9 of A.P.C.S (Conduct) rules 1964)

Nature of Property Situation of Property Held in Whose name Date and mod of acquisition /disposal Price paid/ obtained Source of payment Whether information given of sanction obtained (with reference No. and Date) Annual income and property
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Statements of immovable Property Possessed, acquired and disposed by Sri.

or any other person on his behalf or any member of his family during the year ending

Sub rule (7) of rules 9 of A.P.C.S (Conduct) rules 1964)

Nature of Property Held in whose name Date and mod of acquisition /disposal Name & Address of persons from whom acq/to whom disposed Whether transaction done within limits of jurisdiction Price paid/ obtained Source of payment Remarks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





  1. A brief summary of duties and responsibilities (not more than 50 words)
  2. Please specify important items of work in order of priority where in quantative /physical/financial targets/objectives/goals where set for your or set they yourself for the reporting year and achievements made.
Item of Work Physical or Financial Target/Objective /goal Achievements
  1. a. In case of short fall of expect quality/quantity of performance please state the reasons.
  2. Please indicate your contribution in case of signification higher achievement of the target/goal/objective.



Annual Confidential Report on Gazetted Officers for the year ———–














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