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Telangana Tribal Welfare Department (Engineering Wing) TSTWD

Tribal Welfare Engineering department provide the infrastructure facilities like Roads, Buildings and Drinking Water under various schemes.


  • Providing under Building for School complexes and Educational Infrastructure to (279) Ashram Schools / Residential Schools, (379) works such as provision of Dormitories, Kitchen cum dining halls, Toilet blocks, Staff Quarters etc., have been taken up with estimated cost of Rs.28576 lakhs out of which (245) works have been completed so far with an expenditure of Rs.14866.57 lakhs during 2014-15 and (134) works are in progress
  • (107) Post Matric Hostels taken up with estimated cost of Rs.11200 lakhsand (37) works are completed, and the expenditure incurred so farRs.4214.04 lakhs
  • (20) Youth Training Centre works are taken up with an estimated cost ofRs.6980 lakhs and (9) works are completed, the expenditure incurred so far Rs.3815.86 lakhs
  • Infrastructure facilities to (29) Ashram Schools converted from hostels are taken up with an estimated cost of Rs.2900 lakhs & (16) are completed, the expenditure incurred so far Rs.1574.97 lakhs
  • (53) Staff quarters in Ashram Schools are taken up with an estimated cost of Rs.1590.00 lakhs
  • (2) B.Ed/D.Ed College works taken up with an estimated cost of Rs.270 lakhs and (1) completed and one work progress and expenditure incurred so far Rs.226.09 lakhs
  • Other (43) works like improvement to PMRC, ITDA Offices, ATWO Offices & Staff Quarters to ITDA head quarters etc., taken up with an estimated cost of Rs.2275 lakhs
  • (1226) Additional class rooms in (218) Ashram Schools with an estimated cost Rs.6484.20 lakhs are taken up under SSA & (189) works are completed and the expenditure Rs.4895.97 lakhs
  • Additional Infrastructure facilities to Ashram Schools and Hostels such as Additional Dormitories and Dining & kitchen etc., (108) works with an estimated cost ofRs.9356 lakhs under NABARD programme (BIRS) are taken up & (68) works are completed and the expenditure incurred so far Rs.4908.03 lakhs


  • (27) Road works taken up under NABARD Programme with an estimated cost of Rs.4392.00 lakhs out of which (23) works completed with an expenditureRs.3296.84 lakhs
  • Tribal festival such as Medaram Jathara in Warangal district is being conducted. In the festival facilities such as provision of Drinking water & development of car tracks and improvement of existing gravel roads to BT Roads etc., were taken. Such (14) works were taken with an estimated cost of Rs.799.00 lakhs and completed in Feb 2014.
  • (42) Works are taken up under LWE programme in Khammam district with an estimated cost of Rs.21079.00 lakhs and (42) works are completed with an expenditure Rs.20012.47 lakhs.

Drinking Water

  • Under 13th Finance Commission grant (727) works with an cost of Rs.4523 lakhs are taken up by Tribal Welfare Department and (311) No. of works with Rs.5460 lakhs is taken up by under RWS Department in Tribal areas.


Panchayat Raj

Providing infrastructure facilities in Rural villages

Roads And Buildings

Roads are the life-line of nation providing transportation facility over the length and breadth of country.

Irrigation & CAD

Irrigation & CAD Department of Telangana State is making every effort to harness and utilize all the available water.

RWS & Mission Baghiratha

works like Constructions of OHSR’s, Laying of Pipeline,

Pay & Accounts

The Finance (W & P) Department is an Advisory Department to the I & CAD Department and other Engineering Departments.

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