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wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025

Telangana Ground Water Department (TGWD)

The groundwater department is a multi disciplinary organization engaged in development and management of groundwater resources in the State. The department has been declared as the nodal agency for all ground water related activities in the State.

The department is a part of Irrigation and Command Area Development (I&CAD) department and headed by Director. All the 10 district offices are headed by Deputy Directors

The Department is a multidisciplinary organization engaged mainly in monitoring, estimation and investigations for ground water resources. The activities include hydrological, hydro geological, geophysical and quality aspects. Keeping in view the increase demand for ground water and its shortage in many areas during stress periods the concept of demand side management, apart from the present practice of supply side management, with a participatory approach is included in this year’s annual plan of the department in selected Ground Water assessment units, on a pilot basis.

Going back into history, the department was established in the year 1971 (in Erstwhile Andhra Pradesh) to evaluate and accord clearances for minor irrigation schemes to financial institutions in the State. Initially the department was a small cell at the State Secretariat and latter on evolved on the lines of Central Ground Water Board (CGWB). For about 5 years it was headed by an officer from CGWB and officers from the Geological Survey of India (GSI) were also involved in the evolution of the department. During the early stages, FAO consultants viz. Mr. J.F.Couper, Mr. Issacowitch and Mr.Turiya were involved in clearances of minor irrigation schemes and basin studies.


Panchayat Raj

Providing infrastructure facilities in Rural villages

Roads And Buildings

Roads are the life-line of nation providing transportation facility over the length and breadth of country.

Irrigation & CAD

Irrigation & CAD Department of Telangana State is making every effort to harness and utilize all the available water.

RWS & Mission Baghiratha

works like Constructions of OHSR’s, Laying of Pipeline,

Pay & Accounts

The Finance (W & P) Department is an Advisory Department to the I & CAD Department and other Engineering Departments.

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