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wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025




  1. He should be punctual in attendance and correspondence in his seats.
  2. He should maintain / Personal Register / Periodical Register and all other Registers supposed to be maintained by him in his seat.
  3. He should up up clean notes and drafts in simple language as laid down in D.O.M.
  4. Action on files should be taken within three days from the date of receipt of the paper.
  5. Action on Telegrams/ Phone calls / Fax Messages / NIC Messages should be attended to on priority basis.
  6. The files asked to put up by his superior should be put up immediately without any resistance or hesitation on the same day.
  7. increments / Regularisation of Services / Declaration of probations / Appointments under A.A Scheme / Leaves should be sanction / completed in the same month in which they are due or received from subordinate offices.
  8. Pension cases should be obtained / Processed prior to six months of superannuation.
  9. NDC / LPC should be issued promptly.
  10. All pensionary benefits should bepaid to the pensioner if not on the day of retirement at least within succeeding month.
  11. Final benefits such as payment of encashment value of EL / HPL, FBF / APGLI / Group Insurance Scheme should be paid within 3 days from the date of retirement by initiating action sufficiently in advance.
  12. GPF applications for temporary advance / Part Final Advances etc shoul dbe processed within 3 days from the date of receipt and sanction order should reach the concerned within a week from the date of receipt of application  GPF deductions should be stopped 4 months prior to retirement and application alongwith full details of deductions made from last April till the date of retirement shall be submitted to AGAP Hyderabad direct or throguh proper channel if necessary.
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