The Main purpose of this site is to provide the necessary Documents i.e. GO/MEMOS, which, helps a lot to tackle daily hurdles that we all face in the department.I hope it will be very helpful to all of you in your career. For any suggestions and queries please contact us.
Bulletin Board
Pls. contact us for any Wishes, Advertisements, Retirement News, Association News @ contact us

Works and Account
The Finance (W & P) Department is an Advisory Department to the I & CAD Department

Roads and Buildings
Roads are the life-line of nation providing transportation facility over the length and breadth of country.

Panchayat Raj
The objective of PRED is to plan, design, execute and maintain needed infrastructure facilities in rural areas

Mission Bhagiratha
The RWS&S Department deals with water supply released works in Rural Habitations of the state.

The Department will execute the works like Constructions of OHSR’s, Laying of Pipeline, Drilling of Borewells

Irrigation & CAD Department of Telangana State is making every effort to harness and utilize all the available water